Dismantled is the best, non-toxic PvP community around! A wildly active discord always with people to hang out, practice, and play the game with!
We are unique because we offer a great many opportunities to PvP, while having minimal requirements. The idea of course being that you can have time to progress where you want to, but play the game your way!
One of the most unique things about Dismantled is our Team System. Whenever someone joins they are placed on one of 3 guild teams. The teams compete with each other for points across the length of our team season (about 3 months). The team with the most points at the end of the season wins, and gets to force the GM of the guild to do one thing and he absolutely must do it (must be consistent with ToS and HR approved)! Earn points for your team every time you get gear score progress, come to node wars, participate in community events, and more! The Team System is meant to foster and bolster a strong sense of community and activity among the players of the guild. It also helps people get to know one another and build friendships!
-Full and complete guild buffs popped on demand!
-Constantly active discord and vibrant community!
-A place to learn PvP both small scale and large scale! Even if you are new to node wars we will train you into shape! Node wars are meant to be fun, learning experiences for everyone!
-Experienced players for every class, veteran geared players with loads of experience, and plenty of guides if you need them
-We offer 4 node wars a week (Tues,Thurs,Fri,Sun). We do tier 1 node wars to allow our newer players feel out and learn large scale PvP.
-We have open world GvG’s very frequently so if you like to fight open world, we have you covered.
-Guild Teams and PvP events such as tournaments as previously described!
-BA Practice and small scale sparring
-1 node war per week. Again, we war Tuesday/Thursday/Friday/Sunday and only one is required.
-There is no gear score requirement, just a PvP trial. What class you are playing, the number of wars you can attend, and your gear are taken into consideration when applying.