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UTC 22 : 17 20. Sep 2024
CEST 0 : 17 21. Sep 2024
PDT 15 : 17 20. Sep 2024
EDT 18 : 17 20. Sep 2024
Request: NA PVE Servers
13. Feb 2021, 23:26 (UTC)
18626 455
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Mrz 2021, 07:31 (UTC)
# 361
On: Mar 11, 2021, 22:04 (UTC), Written by IWalkAlone

Well you have some points. Yes BDO has some problems, but also have good points. Like any other MMO. Still many people prefer BDO than any other MMO mostly because its combat and PvP. FOr the good sides. Not the bad. Yes my brain still cant accept the AP/DP point system.... how accuracy and evasion work... but I have everytime I PvP, and grinding is sooo fun.  Also call me delusional, but I find BDO 1vs1 more balanced than most MMOs. Hell I played MMOs when there is no way to win vs sertain classes. In BDO there is no such thing, any class can win. So yea the coin has two sides.

Many people prefer bdo to other mmo because of its combat and pvp, true, but what you fail to realise is that just as many prefer bdo to other games because of its combat but DESPITE the pvp.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Mrz 2021, 11:43 (UTC)
# 362
On: Mar 16, 2021, 07:31 (UTC), Written by Altos

Many people prefer bdo to other mmo because of its combat and pvp, true, but what you fail to realise is that just as many prefer bdo to other games because of its combat but DESPITE the pvp.

And "just as many" will like BDO for what it is, a game with all of these aspects. 

But "many" like me would be tempted to ask you the proof of your claim.


It is a common bias to define a game based on what we like about it, for example I may tend to emphasize owpvp as I see it as an important part of the game, but not everyone will classify games between "pvp oriented" or "pve oriented". There are other way to differentiate games. 


And as I think players are not morons, I tend to think that players choose a game because they like some parts and are at least ready to deal with the rest. As such, in BDO, I think we have a majority of pvpve players that know what they chose and do not see the game through a PvP/PvE filter only. 



Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Mrz 2021, 12:12 (UTC)
# 363

There won't be a PvE server for many reasons. Sorry to disappoint you, but it's just not going to happen and it was mentioned many times. More than you can imagine. Btw. As some stated from above, afk training/fishing in safe zones. Nobody can do you any harm like that. It's your best solution to your headaches in a harsh world.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Mrz 2021, 17:03 (UTC)
# 364
On: Mar 16, 2021, 12:12 (UTC), Written by Krastonosezs

There won't be a PvE server for many reasons. Sorry to disappoint you, but it's just not going to happen and it was mentioned many times. More than you can imagine. Btw. As some stated from above, afk training/fishing in safe zones. Nobody can do you any harm like that. It's your best solution to your headaches in a harsh world.

I'm sorry to have inform everyone on the Olvia channels.  Today brings bad news.  Lets just get right to it.

"There won't be a PvE server "

I know many of you thought you could play on Olvia without PVP, but sadly this just isn't the case.


I also have bad news for all the Seasonal Players.

"There won't be a PvE server "

It's just unrealisitc for you to think that you could play on a server without PVP.

Get REKT newbs, get used to it, GIT GUD.

There is just simply no way you will ever be able to play on a PVE server.

15 919
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Mrz 2021, 17:21 (UTC)
# 365
On: Mar 16, 2021, 17:03 (UTC), Written by Retteo

I'm sorry to have inform everyone on the Olvia channels.  Today brings bad news.  Lets just get right to it.

"There won't be a PvE server "

I know many of you thought you could play on Olvia without PVP, but sadly this just isn't the case.


I also have bad news for all the Seasonal Players.

"There won't be a PvE server "

It's just unrealisitc for you to think that you could play on a server without PVP.

Get REKT newbs, get used to it, GIT GUD.

There is just simply no way you will ever be able to play on a PVE server.

What's strange is that you say that when I'm sure that you perfectly understand what he means.

Still you chose to say that. Fascinating. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Mrz 2021, 18:24 (UTC)
# 366
On: Mar 16, 2021, 17:03 (UTC), Written by Retteo

I'm sorry to have inform everyone on the Olvia channels.  Today brings bad news.  Lets just get right to it.

"There won't be a PvE server "

I know many of you thought you could play on Olvia without PVP, but sadly this just isn't the case.


I also have bad news for all the Seasonal Players.

"There won't be a PvE server "

It's just unrealisitc for you to think that you could play on a server without PVP.

Get REKT newbs, get used to it, GIT GUD.

There is just simply no way you will ever be able to play on a PVE server.

Olvia and seasonal are realms in which you can grow your char. As far as I am aware in an Olvia server one returning or new player can play there without being bothered by PvP. If I am not mistaken you could stay there a whole month. In season servers it's almost the same, with the exception, that you can enter in it only with a season char until it's graduation or until the season expires. Which means, wether you like it or not sooner or later you're going back to the PvPvE servers, therefore you can get yourself killed by other players. Can you re-read my post again? I wasn't involving the growth/seasonal servers at all.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Mrz 2021, 20:05 (UTC)
# 367
On: Mar 16, 2021, 18:24 (UTC), Written by Krastonosezs

Olvia and seasonal are realms in which you can grow your char. As far as I am aware in an Olvia server one returning or new player can play there without being bothered by PvP. If I am not mistaken you could stay there a whole month. In season servers it's almost the same, with the exception, that you can enter in it only with a season char until it's graduation or until the season expires. Which means, wether you like it or not sooner or later you're going back to the PvPvE servers, therefore you can get yourself killed by other players. Can you re-read my post again? I wasn't involving the growth/seasonal servers at all.

I know you where not including them.  That is because they don't support your argument at all.  In fact they cripple your arguments.  I'm sure you would rather they not be brought up at all.


People like to pretend PVE servers are "out of the question!", "can never happen", "absurd and unrealistic".  That propaganda is destroyed by the fact that to some extent we ALREADY HAVE PVE servers.


Those are not the preferred servers people are requesting.  However, the fact remains they already exist.


What you really don't want to discuss is why they exist in the first place.  Because it ruins the oppositions points.  People like PeaceInChaos will admit a lot of unnecessary toxic behavior happens due to the OWPVP environment.  Toxic behavior that could be eliminated by PVE servers.  While PVE servers may still have issues like overcrowding.............ALL servers are prone to those issues.

15 919
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Mrz 2021, 22:09 (UTC)
# 368
On: Mar 16, 2021, 20:04 (UTC), Written by Retteo

I know you where not including them.  That is because they don't support your argument at all.  In fact they cripple your arguments.  I'm sure you would rather they not be brought up at all.


People like to pretend PVE servers are "out of the question!", "can never happen", "absurd and unrealistic".  That propaganda is destroyed by the fact that to some extent we ALREADY HAVE PVE servers.


Those are not the preferred servers people are requesting.  However, the fact remains they already exist.


What you really don't want to discuss is why they exist in the first place.  Because it ruins the oppositions points.  People like PeaceInChaos will admit a lot of unnecessary toxic behavior happens due to the OWPVP environment.  Toxic behavior that could be eliminated by PVE servers.  While PVE servers may still have issues like overcrowding.............ALL servers are prone to those issues.

All right. Let me tell you at least one of the big problems you can face in a PvE server:
You're going in a PvE server, because you had it enough of the toxic PvP players. All right. You're begining to level up to 56, doing the awa quest and then looking for a place. The PvE server is like full with more PvE players at grinding spots, wherever you go. You're trying to make a rotation, but you can't, since other players run randomly and kill the mobs. If you decided to team up with them, the XP income per kill becomes less and less with every additional player in your party. The problem is that the XP becomes split between players and you won't get a nice amount, even with boosts on. That's what happens in season servers. However I developed myself a much different strategy to level up effectively. Believe me. I wouldn't support the idea of a PvE server, since I heard a bounty system was coming. Also the XP is not good in groups. Perhaps I have said more than one reason already. Eh. Nevermind. Simply they are not a viable option. If you do not believe me, try leveling in a season server at the beginning or during mid-season.


Edit: There's a saying: "Careful what you wish for". First consider more the possible conscequences from different angles. Even PvE players can be toxic at times.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Mrz 2021, 22:11 (UTC)
# 369
On: Mar 16, 2021, 20:04 (UTC), Written by Retteo

I know you where not including them.  That is because they don't support your argument at all.  In fact they cripple your arguments.  I'm sure you would rather they not be brought up at all.


People like to pretend PVE servers are "out of the question!", "can never happen", "absurd and unrealistic".  That propaganda is destroyed by the fact that to some extent we ALREADY HAVE PVE servers.


Those are not the preferred servers people are requesting.  However, the fact remains they already exist.


You've managed to go back in the argumentation, at least several months. Since then, we already took the time to explain that these channels are restricted for a reason. 

Pure pve is here, yes. As an introduction.

And Elvia realms recently proved that Devs see high end spot grinding with owpvp. 


So get on Olvia and season, prepare yourself, and be ready to jump in the real game after you finished the pure pve TUTORIAL. 


So yeah, there's some kind of pure pve channels. But the discussion already went far beyond that point. 


On: Mar 16, 2021, 20:04 (UTC), Written by Retteo

People like PeaceInChaos will admit a lot of unnecessary toxic behavior happens due to the OWPVP environment.  Toxic behavior that could be eliminated by PVE servers.  While PVE servers may still have issues like overcrowding.............ALL servers are prone to those issues.

And as replacing one type of potential toxicity by another is not a progress, the idea of specific channels is simply not a good one. Above all if you notice that the only specific unrestricted channel, Arsha, is not a success either.

Doing the same experiment again and hoping for a different, isn't that madness?


There is a kind of excessive ego that makes some here think that the only reason to be against pure pve channels is necessarily linked to them and aim at bothering them.


We are against pure pve channels because it does not fit the game, because the only attempt at a specific channel is a failure, because devs showed us that they see their endgame with owpvp, because there is no proven benefit in making a pure pve version of the game, because we want real solutions instead of a band-aid, because we do not want to see resources and time wasted on this.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Mrz 2021, 22:14 (UTC)
# 370
On: Mar 16, 2021, 22:09 (UTC), Written by Sadalsuud

And as replacing one type of potential toxicity by another is not a progress, the idea of specific channels is simply not a good one. Above all if you notice that the only specific unrestricted channel, Arsha, is not a success either.

Doing the same experiment again and hoping for a different, isn't that madness?


There is a kind of excessive ego that makes some here think that the only reason to be against pure pve channels is necessarily linked to them and aim at bothering them.


We are against pure pve channels because it does not fit the game, because the only attempt at a specific channel is a failure, because devs showed us that they see their endgame with owpvp, because there is no proven benefit in making a pure pve version of the game, because we want real solutions instead of a band-aid, because we do not want to see resources and time wasted on this.

My thoughts exactly.

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