Black Desert beginnt in Kürze.

Das Spiel wird gestartet, wenn Ihr den Launcher installiert habt.

Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

Sollte der Launcher bereits installiert worden sein, wird das Spiel gestartet.
Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 1 : 10 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 10 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 10 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 10 26. Jul 2024
Guild Guide
02. Mrz 2021, 15:43 (UTC)
20964 9
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Okt 2023, 19:12 (UTC)
# 1

Guild Guide

Hello Adventurers!

In this guide I will talk about Guilds, their meanings, activities, perks! If you have never been in a guild before, this is where you get all important informations!


What is Guild?

Guild is social community of people interested in same goals and activities in Black Desert Online. There is hundreds of PvP, PvE, PvX, Lifeskill, Sailing oriented. You just have to find the right guild for you!

Why would I  join Guild?

Friends! Money! Group content!  Every Member has it´s own contract with Daily Pay, which can be claimed everyday. Daily Pay can be from 15k silver to 5M silver per day! that´s 150M silver per month just for logging in! Guilds also provide with group content such as Guild Missions, Guild Bosses, anything you decide to do as group!


NOTE: You can be only in one guild at time. All your characters will be part of a guild as soon as you accept guild invitation.

Guild Creation

To create a guild you will need 100k silver and talk to a Guild Manager NPC .


Guild names can have up to 10 characters and can not include swear words or special characters. You also will need to upload your Guild Icon, in order to do so, you will need to buy a [Guild] Emblem Certificate from the Guild Manager NPC.  Guild Icon can be changed  only on Mondays.

Guilds start off with 80k silver in the guild bank. These funds can only be controlled by the guild Master/Advisor/Staff/Secretary and can not be used for personal use.


Guild Size

Maximum amount of members cannot exceed 100 members.










Extra Large

Guild Based Servers

The Guild Master can select the Guild’s base server. It can be changed every 30 days. These servers have no cooldown, so you can hop between guild servers freely without waiting 5 minutes.

Icons that tell you which servers are guild ones:


Master Advisor Staff Secretary Officer Mission Specialist Quartermaster/Cannoneer General Apprentice
Appoint to Master YES YES YES YES
Disband Guild YES
Change Guild Name YES
Auction on Guild House YES
Destroy Guild Mounts YES
Reset Guild Skills YES
Request Final Battle YES
Distribute Allowance YES YES
Increase Member Capacity YES YES
Change Guild Emblem YES YES
Promote to Staff rank YES YES
Promote to other ranks YES YES YES
Distribute Guild Payout YES YES YES
Learn Guild Skills YES YES YES
Manage Guild House Pruduction YES YES YES
Request Arena of Arsha YES YES YES
Un/Equip Mount Gear YES YES YES
Retrieve Guild Drill YES YES YES
Increase Protection Capacity YES YES YES
Set Protection to members YES YES YES
Kick members YES YES YES YES
Manage Activity Points and Forms YES YES YES YES
Recruit members YES YES YES YES YES
Summon Guild Bosses YES YES YES YES YES
Set Guild Notification YES YES YES YES YES
Claim Support Funds YES YES YES YES YES
Renew Member Contracts YES YES YES YES YES
Use Guild Skills YES YES YES YES YES
Repair Guild Items YES YES YES YES YES
Accept/ Finish Guild Missions YES YES YES YES YES YES
Construct NodeWar buildings YES YES YES YES YES YES
Purchase items in War shop YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES


- given automatically when first joining the Guild

- lasts for 7 days, then automatically turns into General

- can´t get promoted to any other rank


Every Member of the Guild has it´s own contract. Contracts include Penalty, Term and Daily Pay. You can start off with 1 day contract up to 365 days contract and 1k Daily Pay up to 5M (same applies for Penalty). Once the Term runs out, member is not getting any buffs, bonuses and cannot participate in Guild Missions.


Daily Pay

Penalty Fee

1 day

1k silver

500 silver

7 days

7k silver

3.5k silver

14 days

14k silver

7k silver

30 days

30k silver

15k silver

180 days

180k silver

90k silver

365 days

365k silver

182.5k silver


You can check any member´s contract via „G“ – Guild Member Status

Contract can be renewed every 24 hours.

Daily "Salary" pay

All members of the Guild receive salary, which is their daily pay. You can get your salary once a day whenever you are online. Your Salary depends on your contract, you start with 30k Silver and can climb up to 5M Silver.  Your Daily Salary does not stack which means if you forget to take it one day, the second day it won´t be doubled, so make sure to take it everyday.

NOTE: Salary above 999.999 SIlver can be received only if there is 10 and more members online at a time!



Support Funds and Tax

Each Monday a support payment is given to the guild and must be received by Officer/Advisor/Master.

The larger the guild size, the more funds will be paid to the guild.


Guild size

Support payment


100M silver


200M silver


300M silver

Extra large

400M silver

Guild support funds can be received only if there are more than 10 guild members online.


 However there is also tax for having too much Guild Funds. Tax will be taken each  Monday depending on the amount of Silver in Guild Funds

Guild Funds


1 – 4.9 Billion Silver


5 – 9.9 Billion Silver


10 – 19.9 Billion Silver


20 – 29.9 Billion Silver


30 – 49.9 Billion Silver


50 – 89.9 Billion Silver




Guild Bonus Payout

Guild Bonus Payout  is only available for guilds with at least 30 members (excluding apprentice members). The Guild Bonus can be used weekly (resets every Monday at 00:00 GMT) and must be between 10% – 40% of the total Guild Funds. If the bonus is over 500 million, then a 50% tax is applied. If the bonus is over 1 billion silver, a 70% tax is applied.


Once you have selected your Bonus Payout, you can distribute it to members in your guild. Each member can be set a level between 1 and 10 and this is used to calculate the amount of silver each player receives. The higher level, the higher cut they receive out of the total bonus.

All members (excluding apprentice members) will be paid.


Guild Activity

To gain guild activity, you must have an active contract. You will gain guild activity every time you level up lifeskill/combat lvls and contribute to Guild Missions (faster than leveling up alts just for activity)

In the Guild Member Status window, there are two numbers in white and green which indicate a members activity points in the guild. 

  • White numbers are your total activity and will carry across if you change guild but will be halved.
  • Green number is the amount you have earned under your current contract. The green number will reset every time you take a new contract.

Each time you earn 100 activity points, you are able to earn a 1% raise for your next contract renewal (max 100% / 10k activity points).
Upon reaching 10k activity, your payment can be doubled, so for example if your active contract is 30k silver, after reaching 10k activity, your contract will be renewed to 60k silver


Guild Missions

Guild Missions are quests exclusive for Guilds. Mission Specialists/Officers/Secretaries/ Staff/ Advisor/Guild Master can accept them, but everyone is able to participate (as long as their contract is not expired). There are 3 groups of Guild Missions:  Combat, Life, Trading

Combat includes Missions where you have to kill set amount of Mobs on land or at sea

Life includes every Life skill from fishing, chopping wood, processing to milking cows and gathering weeds

Trading can be activated only by Guild Master and requires trading [Guild] items to NPCs

All Missions have their time limit and amount of kill/gathers…etc

The available quests will change every 10 minutes and are different on every channel. A guild can only take maximum of 10 misisons a day and at least 3 members must be online to accept them. You can only do one guild mission per channel at a time.

After a guild mission is finished, there will be 10 minutes cooldown before new mission can be accepted.

Guild members can gain individual rewards by contributing towards a guild mission. Guild activity is earned to upgrade your guild contract, and you can also earn extra silver depending on your contribution to the mission.

For the silver reward, you can obtain up to half of the silver written in the Guild MIssion reward. The silver will be divided between all the guild members that participated. This silver reward is deducted from the Guild funds and can be collected using the “Collect Wage” button on the Guild Missions tab.


Wage is accumulated money received for completing Guild Missions. Your wage silver CAN stack, so you don´t need to take it everytime after you complete a mission.


Guild Skills

Each time a guild member earns Contribution experience or completes a guild quest, the guild earns experience as well. When the guild levels up, the Guild Master can invest points into guild skills and unlock them.

There are passive skills which are applied immediately (+AP bonus, +3 Fishing, +100HP, etc) and there are also active skills which require an item called “Pledge of Blood”. The item can be bought in the guild store for 3.000 silver each and can only be used by Guild Officer and up. All members with an active guild contract will receive the buff as soon as points are put into the skill.


Guild House

Guild Houses are obtained by participating in the Guild House Auction.

A guild house auction takes place every 2 weeks on Fridays . The auction lasts 24 hours and the guild Master must place a bid at the Guild Manager NPC using the guild funds. You can place up to 3 bids but it is a blind auction, meaning you can’t see what price other guilds have set. If you are the highest bid, you will get a message saying “Your bid of x Silver has been placed as the highest bid”.

If you win the auction then your guild now owns the house for 2 weeks. You must also pay a maintenace fee everyday at midnight, this fee is automatically taken from your guild funds and depends on the price you bid for the house. If you were unsuccessful in the auction then you can retrieve your bid by speaking to the Guild Manager NPC.

Owning a guild house allows you to:

  • Train Elephants – Captured baby elephants can be raised and upgraded at the guild house using the Elephant Nursery.
  • Build Ships – You can craft a Galley Registration at some guild houses.
  • Craft items – All members can use the guild house to craft guild items by pressing [L] to open the crafting window and using the Guild Crafting option.


Guild Activities


Guild Bosses

Name of Boss

How to obtain



Collect 4 pieces of „Lava Chief Summon Scroll Piece“ by completing Boss Subjugation Mediah Territory

Once a week

Ancient Puturum

Collect 4 pieces of „Ancient Puturm Summon Scroll Piece“ by completing Boss Subjugation Valencia Territory

Once a week

Giant Mudster

Collect 4 pieces of „Giant Mudster Summon Scroll Piece“ by completing Boss Subjugation Serendia Territory

Once a week


Collect 5 pieces of „Khan Summon Scroll Piece“ by completing Fishing / Sea Monster Guild Missions

Once a week


Visit Guild Manager NPC and Exchange 20x Essence of Fury for „Operation Orders from Kamasylvia“

Can be summoned as many times as obtained scrolls

(Awakened) Muskan

Visit Guild Manager NPC and Exchange 15x Essence of Fury for [Guild]Muskan of Madness Summon Scroll or [Guild] Awakened Muskan of Madness Summon Scroll

Can be summoned as many times as obtained scrolls

Mirumok Offin Tett

Complete a Quest „Watcher of Mirumok Ruins“ Available only for Guild Master, resets every 3 days

Can be summoned as many times as obtained scrolls

Accepting Boss Subjugation Guild Missions depends on the size of the Guild. If Guild size is Large, guild can activate only Large, not higher nor lower. Keep this in mind to avoid any missunderstandings with members.



There are more PVE activities that can be organised such as Khalk or Blue Whales Hunt, Fishing trips, Vell, ...



Node/Siege Wars

Guilds can own and fight over Nodes and Regions to control them and will earn silver for controlling a node. These are known as “Node Wars” or “Siege Wars”.

To compete for a certain territory, a guild must build a fort inside the node territory. The Guild Master or Officers can buy the design for the tower at a Guild Manager NPC. 

The winning guild of a Node War is the last to have their fort tower still standing. The guild will then receive the bonuses of controlling a node until the next Node War begins and they will automatically take part to defend their node.

To participate in a Node War/Seige, each member must change their “Participation” to Yes in the guild member list window. Afterwards, you can collect your reward by clicking “Collect Reward” at the bottom of the window. You will receive Shining Medal of Honor x1 – x5 depending on if you win the war or not. These can be exchanged for various items.

If you have space in your guild for more members, you can hire “War Heroes” to fight for your guild during Node wars and conquest wars and receive rewards. For example, an Extra large guild that has 80 members can hire a maximum of 20 War Heroes, which means it cannot exceed the maximum of 100 members total.

When you join as a War Hero, a certain percentage of the guild funds are given to you as a down payment (up to 10 million silver) when you leave the guild. If you win, a victory reward will be given as well (up to 20 million silver). 



  • guild war is a karma free pvp between players upon consent of both sides
  • usual reasons why people send war declarations : griefing, refused duel for spot, hurt ego, being bored
  • Officers and above can send a War declaration, but only Guild Master can accept it
  • if your Guild owns a Node or Territory, you cannot war a guild that doesn´t own Node as well
  • if your Guild has an active war declaration, you cannot war a guild that doesn´t have any war
  • declaration cannot be canceled sooner than 1 hour after declaring


Appointing new Guild Master

There are two options how to change a Leader of the guild.

1) voluntarily: Master can appoint Officer/Advisor as a new Guild Master

requirements: Guild Storage and inventories of Leader´s characters must be empty of guild related items, guild cannot own any node, 50% of guild funds will be paid.

 2) involuntarily: Inactive Guild Master

requirements: If Guild Master had been offline for 15+ days, an Appoint Master button will appear to Officers/Advisor, whoever clicks the button first, will be appointed as new Guild Master, 20M of guild funds will be paid.

Changing Guild Masters via both ways is instant and there is no need to wait for maintenance reset!

Leaving the Guild

Members can leave their Guild at anytime they wish to. However there are some penalties in certain situations.

If member is kicked :

- while having active contract, Guild must pay 300% of Daily Pay

- while having expired contract, Guild doesn´t pay anything

If member leaves:

- while having active contract, Member pays Penalty which amount is written on the contract

- while having expired contract, Member doesn´t pay anything


 After leaving a Guild, there is 24 hours cooldown before you are able to join another guild!


Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 20. Mrz 2021, 13:33 (UTC)
# 2

This guide is extremely well-written and it motivates me to join a guild, I hope my friend comes along too.

PS: you might want to replace ''weed'' for ''wheat'' or ''weeds'', since that sentence makes it sound like guilds like to do drugs. XD

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 20. Mrz 2021, 14:49 (UTC)
# 3
On: Mar 20, 2021, 13:33 (UTC), Written by RoosSkywalker

This guide is extremely well-written and it motivates me to join a guild, I hope my friend comes along too.

PS: you might want to replace ''weed'' for ''wheat'' or ''weeds'', since that sentence makes it sound like guilds like to do drugs. XD


thanks for your feedback! I am happy that this guide motivates you to join one guild too ^^ I for sure recommend it! If you find guild that suits you perfectly, I am sure you will not want to leave them :)

PS: haha thanks :D I changed that


Hope you have a wonderful day and find the perfect guild for you and your friend!

Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Aug 2021, 17:12 (UTC)
# 4

Great Guide! Thank you!

I have a very small guild and I am looking for information on the Daily contract payouts. I was previously in a larger giuld and to collect the larger daily pay (5mil/day) we had to have at least 10 active players on line, is this still in effect? Is it listed somewhere the stipulations that need to be met in order to get certain daily payouts?

Mostly I want to make sure my guildies are getting the maximun they can without having to rely on making sure everyone is on line! *We do not even have 10 active players!


Thank you in advance for ytour guidance :)


Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Aug 2021, 21:29 (UTC)
# 5
On: Aug 2, 2021, 17:12 (UTC), Written by MoonWhisps

Great Guide! Thank you!

I have a very small guild and I am looking for information on the Daily contract payouts. I was previously in a larger giuld and to collect the larger daily pay (5mil/day) we had to have at least 10 active players on line, is this still in effect? Is it listed somewhere the stipulations that need to be met in order to get certain daily payouts?

Mostly I want to make sure my guildies are getting the maximun they can without having to rely on making sure everyone is on line! *We do not even have 10 active players!


Thank you in advance for ytour guidance :)


Hey!  Daily payouts that are over 1M silver can be received only if 10 members are online at the time. So unfortunately yes this is still in effect. 

Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 04. Sep 2022, 08:01 (UTC)
# 6

Great guide. I do want to correct 1 thing. You had 2 of the items but wanted to add the others. 
Advisors can not do this:

  • Disband the guild
  • Change the Guild name 
  • Bid on a Guild Auction House
  • Destroy Guild Mounts
  • Reset Guild Skills
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 04. Sep 2022, 11:09 (UTC)
# 7
On: Sep 4, 2022, 08:01 (UTC), Written by Talshani

Great guide. I do want to correct 1 thing. You had 2 of the items but wanted to add the others. 
Advisors can not do this:

  • Disband the guild
  • Change the Guild name 
  • Bid on a Guild Auction House
  • Destroy Guild Mounts
  • Reset Guild Skills

You actually forgot to add "Requesting Final Battle" as well  ^^ . Fixed it tho :) 

Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Sep 2022, 03:36 (UTC)
# 8
On: Mar 2, 2021, 15:43 (UTC), Written by Evellein


Wage is accumulated money received for completing Guild Missions. Your wage silver CAN stack, so you don´t need to take it everytime after you complete a mission.

Yeah, I don't really recommend this, especially for big guilds that do payouts.

Guild funds get taxed weekly, some guilds do max payouts of 40% weekly, and they are definitely used to buy stuffs.

Meanwhile your guild mission wages don't get taxed along guild funds, meaning that if you accumulate a lot of wages, like maybe in billions, you could cripple the guild's funds when you collect those wages and leave them without payouts for a few weeks. It is unlikely but if multiple guild members do this it can happen.

At the very least collect your wages before the guild funds tax / payout is done of every week.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Mrz 2024, 21:27 (UTC)
# 9
On: Sep 4, 2022, 08:01 (UTC), Written by Talshani

Great guide. I do want to correct 1 thing. You had 2 of the items but wanted to add the others. 
Advisors can not do this:

  • Disband the guild
  • Change the Guild name 
  • Bid on a Guild Auction House
  • Destroy Guild Mounts
  • Reset Guild Skills

I searched everywhere but couldn't find the info, can Mission Specialists take over the guild as Guild Master if the original Guild master is absent for 15 days? 


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