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1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 1 : 24 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 24 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 24 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 24 26. Jul 2024
Artifacts Question
03. Mrz 2022, 07:35 (UTC)
4340 38
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Mrz 2022, 07:35 (UTC)
# 1

Does anyone have any idea what the % chance is to get Artifacts, does each artifact have a different chance or are they all identical?

I cant find this info anywhere 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Mrz 2022, 11:24 (UTC)
# 2
On: Mar 3, 2022, 07:35 (UTC), Written by Kenshin210

Does anyone have any idea what the % chance is to get Artifacts, does each artifact have a different chance or are they all identical?

I cant find this info anywhere 

Thus far Artifacts are a VERY low chance, i would personally say they are someplace between accessories and Rare like Map peice's.

avg is around ~5-7 hours turos for 1 But also that was with this 50% drop rate event , 50% tent buff and 50% old moon and a drop scroll when this event is over they will be extreemely rare.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Mrz 2022, 15:44 (UTC)
# 3

What is the point of having this great new functionality if it's a rare drop you have to farm yourself?

I can see the point of making the lightstones a rar-ish drop since they can be listed on the MP, but the artifacts?  That's just plain dumb.  I've 8 hours invested in hunting/gathering since the patch and have only seen a handful of stones, which are worthless to me without an artifact to house them.

I seriously think PA needs to take a look at the stategy with regard to droprate on the artifacts if they expect people to seriously want to adopt this ... no way am I spending hundreds of hours hunting for artifacts.  This shouldn't be anywhere near as difficult to obtain as sympathy potion drops.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Mrz 2022, 16:33 (UTC)
# 4
On: Mar 3, 2022, 15:44 (UTC), Written by Xalorin

What is the point of having this great new functionality if it's a rare drop you have to farm yourself?

I can see the point of making the lightstones a rar-ish drop since they can be listed on the MP, but the artifacts?  That's just plain dumb.  I've 8 hours invested in hunting/gathering since the patch and have only seen a handful of stones, which are worthless to me without an artifact to house them.

I seriously think PA needs to take a look at the stategy with regard to droprate on the artifacts if they expect people to seriously want to adopt this ... no way am I spending hundreds of hours hunting for artifacts.  This shouldn't be anywhere near as difficult to obtain as sympathy potion drops.

Check your blackspirit, gives you some by finishing some challenges, if you are a veteran player you have them completed.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Mrz 2022, 17:27 (UTC)
# 5
On: Mar 3, 2022, 15:44 (UTC), Written by Xalorin

What is the point of having this great new functionality if it's a rare drop you have to farm yourself?

I can see the point of making the lightstones a rar-ish drop since they can be listed on the MP, but the artifacts?  That's just plain dumb.  I've 8 hours invested in hunting/gathering since the patch and have only seen a handful of stones, which are worthless to me without an artifact to house them.

I seriously think PA needs to take a look at the stategy with regard to droprate on the artifacts if they expect people to seriously want to adopt this ... no way am I spending hundreds of hours hunting for artifacts.  This shouldn't be anywhere near as difficult to obtain as sympathy potion drops.

I agree as well with the 50% drop event going and all the buffs I was running the drop rate is abysmal.

The worst part is that it is RNG for the one your looking for i.e. magic accuracy when your melee or ranged and your magic.

1 drop in 7 or 8 hours of grinding to get something you can't use is BRUTAL.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Mrz 2022, 17:28 (UTC)
# 6
On: Mar 3, 2022, 16:33 (UTC), Written by Tsukuoyomi

Check your blackspirit, gives you some by finishing some challenges, if you are a veteran player you have them completed.

It's a PVE starter set it works for now but by no means is it the one most are going to use.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Mrz 2022, 18:20 (UTC)
# 7
On: Mar 3, 2022, 15:44 (UTC), Written by Xalorin

What is the point of having this great new functionality if it's a rare drop you have to farm yourself?

I can see the point of making the lightstones a rar-ish drop since they can be listed on the MP, but the artifacts?  That's just plain dumb.  I've 8 hours invested in hunting/gathering since the patch and have only seen a handful of stones, which are worthless to me without an artifact to house them.

I seriously think PA needs to take a look at the stategy with regard to droprate on the artifacts if they expect people to seriously want to adopt this ... no way am I spending hundreds of hours hunting for artifacts.  This shouldn't be anywhere near as difficult to obtain as sympathy potion drops.

1. Add new content to the game.
2. Set a 0.01% chance to drop it.

3. All players who came back curious about these new content leave the next day.

PA still doesn't understand that games like BDO ended 10 years ago like Cabal. No one today will grind for 2-4 years.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Mrz 2022, 19:11 (UTC)
# 8
On: Mar 3, 2022, 18:20 (UTC), Written by Senemedar

1. Add new content to the game.
2. Set a 0.01% chance to drop it.

3. All players who came back curious about these new content leave the next day.

PA still doesn't understand that games like BDO ended 10 years ago like Cabal. No one today will grind for 2-4 years.

I was arguing the same point about the guarantee PEN gear..

People were quiting becouse of RNG then when everyone heard that you can bypass the RNG to find that to get there required more silver than most can grind relatively fast but the biggest issue was BMC's/magic shards being absolutely un availability with 13k pre orders..

I mean they can be had now BUT IT IS WAAAY TO LATE. Players left 2 to 3 days after they realized they got burned yet again into buying cron for Tavula to be gated by both crystals and BMC let alone they double stacked 2 Methods I.E. accessory with same mats..

So I 100% agree with your thoughts.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Mrz 2022, 19:34 (UTC)
# 9

Well artifacts/lightstoens are basically recycled crystals. They had to give it low drop rate, otherwise everyone would've got the BIS out in a few days, then forgot that the system even exits...

Also these items are basically never getting destroyed. Give it a half-1 year, and there will be tons sitting at min price...

244 4634
Lv 62
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Mrz 2022, 19:57 (UTC)
# 10

I've gotten 7 artefacts, 3 combat 4 life skill and 21 lighstones mixed between all 4 types. Some guildies even completed monster dmg sets and the +400% combat exp yeterday. You dont think youre jumping the gun a bit complaining about the droprates on day 2 after their release?

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