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UTC 0 : 57 21. Sep 2024
CEST 2 : 57 21. Sep 2024
PDT 17 : 57 20. Sep 2024
EDT 20 : 57 20. Sep 2024
A musical dilemma... - [Feedback to Patch 13.04.2022] -
13. Apr 2022, 18:42 (UTC)
7849 132
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 30. Apr 2022, 08:29 (UTC)
# 21

I don't understand why they won't let us choose when they do stuff like this.
There is a quality of life tab in settings for crying out loud.
Music needs to return how it was before.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Mai 2022, 08:11 (UTC)
# 22

Small feedback about Drieghan:

The music is stylewise all over the place. Some of the new musical pieces while good are totally unfitting and in disharmony with the original soundtrack. Some pieces are far too epic. You might get the impression you fight a dragon as big as a mountain while a thunderstorm rages. In reality you just ride casually with your horse over the hills while the sun shines.

Other pieces sound a bit too much like the Mountain of Eternal Winter. That isn't bad per se but I wish it would bring the character of Drieghan's sound better to light.

Drieghan's sound was good. It just needed a few new arrangements for better audio clarity instead of going overboard.

For comparsion Kamasylvia is not that bad. The new pieces are actually quite good and atleast thematically consistent with the old soundtrack. One of the pieces that plays at the Navarn Steppe stuck in my head. It's that good. Though I wish the shuffleing would stop.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Mai 2022, 05:04 (UTC)
# 23

The New Kamasylvia tracks are GREAT and I have heard some new pieces throughout the regions that I really appreciate.

But, again, the music was ritten for SPECIFIC regions and created SPECIAL, SPECIFIC flavors for those places.  I don't want to hear Keplan's theme (which REALLY nailed the vibe of Keplan) ANYWHERE else in Calpheon.  It really ONLY fits in Keplan.  Same for the Gluttoni Caves.  Also, I don't want to hear the peaceful, mystical music of the oases of the desert playing while I'm battling at Cadry's!  Also, the Desert theme is specifically written for the Desert!  It's kinda cool to hear it at Scarlet Sand Chamber, but it doesn't quite fit.  Also, I ONLY want to hear the Desert theme in the Desert!  Not Scarlet Sand Chamber!  These are AWESOME songs that create an awesome immersive effect for the regions for which they were written.  Playing them at random in unfitting places......., totally destroys the feel.  Kzarka's shrines NEED to sound like Kzarka's shrines!  Hooray for the music!  Keep the music in their rightful places!  I had to turn off the music lately our of disgust.... something I never did before.  PLEASE RESTORE Black Desert to me!  Let me hear the music I love, in it's RIGHTFUL place!!!!!!

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 20. Mai 2022, 00:46 (UTC)
# 24

These threads are sadly still relevant, music is still basically random with only small elements where it's actually fitting. They've basically set up an AI or BOT to choose what BG you hear based only on your region, and weather or not you're in a Combat Zone, or fighting a Boss, even though the Boss themes are all grouped together, so you're basically hearing Calpheon boss music while in Mediah, and only sometimes getting Mediah's boss music if you're lucky enough to approach the "Boss Music Zone" or "Boss Enemy" at the right time. 

The idea for the new music system is good, HOWEVER it needs a lot more refinement, and it needed a lot more refinement before being pushed to live servers. Hopefully whenever they get arround to adding the riding music they promised, they fix most of these issues, however it's almost June... The music has been in this state for over a month without any updates or improvements, or aknowledgement that there were any issues, so I assume as far as PA is concerned, this is all working as intended. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Jun 2022, 04:02 (UTC)
# 25

Just revisited Polly's Forest today.... the music is cool!...... But SO OUT OF PLACE!

The music is SO WELL WRITTEN for the places FOR WHICH IT WAS WRITTEN!!!!!

Polly's Forest had such a perfect track for it, and now the experience....... is lame......


Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 09. Jun 2022, 21:53 (UTC)
# 26
On: Jun 6, 2022, 04:02 (UTC), Written by Musa4ever

Just revisited Polly's Forest today.... the music is cool!...... But SO OUT OF PLACE!

The music is SO WELL WRITTEN for the places FOR WHICH IT WAS WRITTEN!!!!!

Polly's Forest had such a perfect track for it, and now the experience....... is lame......


I do agree. I can't find it again but I did see a BDO Reddit comment before the music changes in which someone said that the lighter music in Polly's Forest was out of place. In somewhat that commenter's words: They are giant living, man-eating mushrooms! Why is the music not darker?

Maybe PA listened to him?  

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Jun 2022, 00:44 (UTC)
# 27

Ha!  They listened to someone!  That gives me hope that maybe they'll take this into consideration!

But in all seriousness, I'd like everyone to win here.  PA should just restore the soundtrack, and create a custom soundtrack tab that let's people create their own playlists.  That way the music is no longer out of place, and the people that would rather listen to something else, can.  

And I can have fun in Polly's Forest again.  And experience the Desert again.  And know where I am when I'm AFK riding due to the musical cues!


Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Jun 2022, 16:45 (UTC)
# 28

I don't want to have this sound too negative, so again I want to give credit to where it's due:

The composers of the music in this game have done a TERRIFIC job.  The music is AMAZING.  The tunes written PERFECTLY defined the areas and situations for which they were written. And some of the tunes they added in the patch in question are beautiful.  I love the variations on the Calpheon and Velia themes.  If they had just done that, creating alternate versions of the tunes that really hit the nail on the head, the patch would have done what most people would have wanted.  So, again to give credit to where it's due, PA is doing a great job.  The musical dilemma is hopefully just a trial run and a work in progress.

Thanks to all who make this an awesome gaming experience!  Here's to a brighter future and a better tomorrow!

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 30. Jun 2022, 06:12 (UTC)
# 29

Damn, they destroyed the music feeling, its look like they just simplify music play and suffle random music pick in all regions. Music was one of the best things in BDO now cant listen it anymore, soft ambient is playing and for a while its cut off and drums attack on ears. 

Also night music was so cool and they deleted it... so sad.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 05. Jul 2022, 03:08 (UTC)
# 30

Wow.  I DO remember the night music!  I have actually forgetten.... has it been so long?..... stranded in the BLACK DESERT of wretched soundtracks....

I hope a wandering developer might have the goodness of heart to hear the cry of this poor soul, stranded in the limbo of memories of how all the tracks were relevant to the areas and situations in which they played.  Maybe someone can lead me back to the Black Desert I used to know... back to the Oasis of good music and walking animations...

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