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1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 21 : 14 29. Apr 2024
CEST 23 : 14 29. Apr 2024
PDT 14 : 14 29. Apr 2024
EDT 17 : 14 29. Apr 2024
A musical dilemma... - [Feedback to Patch 13.04.2022] -
13. Apr 2022, 18:42 (UTC)
6082 132
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 21. Aug 2022, 19:32 (UTC)
# 41

Sorry for repeating myself but the non stop combat tracks are getting really annoying there is option in the menu to turn off combat music but dont work for me . Any one else have the same problem ?

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 25. Aug 2022, 03:14 (UTC)
# 42

Still have to say: I love the music in this game. 

I just wish I didn't NEED to have it muted most of the time.

One day, I WON'T have to say: 

I wish the music was fixed...

Dear PA, please reset the music to as it was pre April 2022.  Thanks a million!

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 28. Aug 2022, 03:52 (UTC)
# 43

I LOVE the Desert theme.  Fits the desert PERFECTLY.  ONLY it sould play in the desert.

The Desert theme doesn't work in Aakman Temple.  Doesn't have the right vibe.  Nor does Scarlet Sand Chamber.  Love the song, hate the fact it plays in Aakman.  ONLY the Aakman Temple theme has the ENERGY and INTENSITY that area has.

PLEASE restore the music!  I LOVE listening to the music while playing this game!  It hurts not to, but it hurts more listening to music that doesn't suit the areas.  

Also, make a basement level to Scarlet Sand Chamber filled with demonic worms or something.  Baby Kutums or whatever.  Might be cool.  Anyway, I've always felt let down that the Scarlet Sand Chamber isn't a grind zone.  I'd love to hang there more often.

But at the very least.....,


Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 31. Aug 2022, 13:29 (UTC)
# 44

You would expect Hexe Santuary to have energetic music, or at least something creepy/off-putting, I mean they are animated skeletons right? Nah, they're just like you and I (but with less flesh)! As you walk among them their theme is so calm and peaceful, just like it is as you are riding through some of the main paths through the Trent Bher area. It's a shame we must re-kill them......

Please fix the music. What was once a 9/10 is forever lessened. :(

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 31. Aug 2022, 22:27 (UTC)
# 45

The Hexe Sanctuary theme is AWESOME!  Very creepy and fits the vibe of the place PERFECTLY!  The effect is ruined due to the music shuffling disaster inaugerated in April 2022.

I agree with the above sentiments.

Please fix the music.

Make us fear those skeletons again!

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 07. Sep 2022, 18:25 (UTC)
# 46
On: Aug 25, 2022, 03:14 (UTC), Written by Musa4ever

Still have to say: I love the music in this game. 

I just wish I didn't NEED to have it muted most of the time.

One day, I WON'T have to say: 

I wish the music was fixed...

Dear PA, please reset the music to as it was pre April 2022.  Thanks a million!


The constant battle music and complete lack of thematically accurate tracks makes my ears bleed. It is so annoying to ride through Mediah and have super hectic battle-like music playing. One of the things i really loved about this game is that you had an area identity with certain tracks - you always knew if you were in Media, Valencia. Man, the music around Glish was SO freaking awesome! The constant shuffle between tracks that are often misplaced is really really annoying. I'm annoyed everytime I get somewhere, expect the old music and suddenly some shite misguided track starts playing. Just no.

So i'm signing this quoted post above, I last played in December last year and now I come back to this BS.

PLEASE change it back to the way it was before April 2022 or just give us an option to switch between "original" and "new". Even better for everyone i think would be an additional option for a Jukebox (not like Marniwave, ugh). Kind of like in Tekken where you had the abiliy to completely alter every map and insert any kind of Tekken track you want, from every game. BUT i know this is a little much asked, i'd be happy with just a switch for original/new for the music. It is REALLY SO DAMN ANNOYING. Thanks for reading through my rant. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Sep 2022, 20:27 (UTC)
# 47

Dear Developers:

Heidel Ball is coming soon, and I'm VERY excited to see you make a game changing (saving) announcement:

You're going to reset the music to as it was pre-April 2022!

And give us a toggle to play region tracks at random IF we get bored of the songs that are SUPPOSED to play in the areas for which they were composed.

I love your music, and I love your game!  Please let me love both at the same time!

I'm tired of having to always mute the music.

Peace, and I hope this game continues to provide countless players limitless joy!

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 17. Sep 2022, 19:07 (UTC)
# 48

Hey PA could you please add a toggle, maybe at the bottom of the screen, to mute/unmute your awful out-of-place in-game music at will? Would help with playing other music when the area's track makes no sense then allowing the game music to play when it does. Thanks.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 23. Sep 2022, 05:02 (UTC)
# 49

So, sometimes, when you have a long way to ride, you do it AFK, and turn your attention to something else.  To keep my computer's temperature down, and save energy, I minimize the program.  It REALLY helped to know where I was by hearing the music of the area I was in.  Now, I have to make a guess as to how long I have been riding.  Too bad the music is all screwed up.  Audio cues were VERY helpful.  Also, the night music:  A BEAUTIFUL touch!!!!  I REALLY miss it.  Too bad the music is all screwed up.  Earlier today, as I was completing the Mediah uestline for my season character, I used Youtube to listen to the real Mediah music.  Hearing the songs that belonged, and identified the areas, REALLY resonated with me and made me feel awesome about being in an underrated country...  Too bad the music is all screwed up and Mediah is a land I want to get out of as quickly as possible.

Dear Developers:

Please restore the music to what it was pre April 2022.  It would make this game a better and MUCH more fulfilling experience.  Please know, that in 99.999% video games, and 100% movies, music DEFINES environments.  Random music KILLS the experience.

Thanks for taking the time to solve this dilemma!

I love this game!

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 30. Sep 2022, 16:11 (UTC)
# 50

It's obvious that I'm a hard-core advocate for having this musical dilemma fixed.  It just hurts to have the music muted all the time, and there are times I actually unmute it, usually when I'm in Heidel (awesome themesong!), Calpheon, or Altinova.  MAN, the nostalgia that hits me when I hear these songs!  And rightfully so.  Music is so central to us as human beings.  It resonates with us and helps us IDENTIFY things, which is what our brains are CONSTANTLY doing.  We are constantly gathering info concerning our surroundings, and music hugely impacts our association with things.  Now, the orignal composer(s) PERFECTLY defeined places with their music.  MAN, such a good job!  I hope they got paid well.  It really made this the number one game for me!  Still is, but it still feels like this game is dying.  Maybe I too will quit someday sooner than later.  And if this musical disaster of ramdomly played music is left to continue unabated, I will more than likely quit sooner.  I'm no whale, but I am a regular participant in the game: one more actual person running around this world, making the game feel that much more alive and therefore more attractive to players.  Now, to the point I wanted to make in this latest lament:

Last winter, I finally got strong enough to take on the O'dyllita questline.  I was really drawn in by the storyline, and what really drew me in, was the music that so perfectly defined the places and the events taking place within them.  What impacted me the most was the plight of the slaves.  That was PERFECTLY enhanced by the themes played at Starry Midnight Port and Delmira Plantation.  I even changed my main's title to Human Rights Activist, which I still bear to this day.  I was inspired to help these people out on a regular basis, and the experiences I had playing this questline were amazing.  O'draxxia's theme: WOW.  Such an awesome song.  It derserves to be played on repeat there, because it MAKES that place.  I don't know what plays anymore after the theme is done because I have the music muted.  The random shuffle just will make war on those awesome memories I had of doing the questline.  I might not go through it again, because the experience will be a lesser one.  It's like watching Star Wars, or some film made iconic by its music, with a completely different soundtrack, or worse yet, a random one.  It cannot make the experience better, especially if its random.  It just can't.  So anyway, Developers: you guys did an amazing job with O'dyllita!  Please fix the music so that those players going through it now, and in the future, can have the same awesome experience I had, and hope to have, in the near future!


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