Black Desert beginnt in Kürze.

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Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

Sollte der Launcher bereits installiert worden sein, wird das Spiel gestartet.
Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 4 : 45 27. Jul 2024
CEST 6 : 45 27. Jul 2024
PDT 21 : 45 26. Jul 2024
EDT 0 : 45 27. Jul 2024
Serious Problems with Left-handed Rebinds and Accessibility
05. Nov 2022, 10:41 (UTC)
3092 30
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 19. Jun 2023, 23:58 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: Redoing

Region (NA/EU): NA

     There are specific keys and functions that cannot be re-bound in the settings. Keys like semicolon and period cannot be bound at all. I am pretty certain this is a bug/ unintended. This makes the game very inaccessible to individuals who are forced to use their left hand by birth or amputation and makes the game challenging to unplayable for someone on the other side of the keyboard.
     Allow for skill/ Rabaam keybinds to accurately reflect what was bound in the player settings. Rabaams do not have their presented keybinds in the skill tree changed to what a player has bound. Similarly, it seems certain keys on the right side of the keyboard do not show in other binds within the skill tree. This can cause a player to not see some/any modifiers or directionality necessary to perform a skill. Here are a few examples of this:

     There are also hidden keybinds one cannot change, the most prominent being SHIFT+apostrophe which replies to the most recent whisper. This means that to someone who is left-handed using the main movement controls as " P L ; ' " or " OKL; " the second you receive a whisper, the game becomes unplayable and requires a restart to clear the chat. It can become very cumbersome to avoid the apostrophe entirely when it could be a beneficial bind. Here is an example:

Another one of these hidden binds I haven't quite been able to pin down yet is an extra binding/relocation related to E that brings up the cursor. Because it is bringing up the cursor, certain abilities, flows, and abilities performed as a combo are entirely interrupted and cannot be performed. Here is an example:

     Finally, while using these alternative binds there seem to be some delays while using certain skills. One of the most prominent I have taken notice of is [+RSHIFT as an E+LSHIFT alternative for a player's class "E buff" can take a few extra seconds to activate, not activate entirely while ignoring the inputs, or even more strangely require the player to perform a skill/move their character to then have the bind recognized afterward. Strange delays in inputs seem to be caused by these rebound keys. These things can feel "sticky" or as if they're not being input at all. This can be very frustrating to deal with as an interruption. Going from fast-paced, fulfilling gameplay on one's favorite class to just standing there like a goober because the ability you're trying to input won't get recognized.   

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 28. Nov 2022, 08:27 (UTC)
# 2

Hi there, 

I agree that BDO lacks some accessibility options. However, some things you mentioned in this post can indeed be rebound, so I hope this can help you alleviate these issues already.

C: Go to Interface Settings => Action Hotkeys and Scroll Down. There is an option with the 2 descriptions "Draw Awakening Weapon" and "Toggle Weapon Stance". This is by default set to C, but by clicking on it with your left mouse button once, and then pressing the key you want to use in the future, you can rebind it. Then simply hit "Apply" and close the settings window.

X: Same as above, the setting is called "Rage Transfer"

Z: Same as above, the setting is called "Rage Absorption"

The X and Z keys also affect the rabams they are used with, so rebinding these keys will change rabam inputs.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 28. Nov 2022, 10:51 (UTC)
# 3
Am 28. Nov 2022, 08:27 (UTC), von Minarya

Hi there, 

I agree that BDO lacks some accessibility options. However, some things you mentioned in this post can indeed be rebound, so I hope this can help you alleviate these issues already. ...

Yes, some keys have multiple functions and only the "main" function is listed in the settings, but bigger problem are the hidden key bindings, like the whisper reply combo Redoing talked about (Shift+'  or Shift+ä on QWERTZ-Keyboards).

For me as a left-handed player, it's realy anoying, because I can't use shift while moving right if someone has whispered me.

There are also some keys on a QWERTZ keyboard which can't be bound because they are not recognized, like "ü".
I would love to rebind Block/Sit to ü but I can't do this ingame.

3 1255
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 28. Nov 2022, 13:13 (UTC)
# 4
On: Nov 28, 2022, 08:27 (UTC), Written by Minarya

Hi there, 

I agree that BDO lacks some accessibility options. However, some things you mentioned in this post can indeed be rebound, so I hope this can help you alleviate these issues already.

C: Go to Interface Settings => Action Hotkeys and Scroll Down. There is an option with the 2 descriptions "Draw Awakening Weapon" and "Toggle Weapon Stance". This is by default set to C, but by clicking on it with your left mouse button once, and then pressing the key you want to use in the future, you can rebind it. Then simply hit "Apply" and close the settings window.

X: Same as above, the setting is called "Rage Transfer"

Z: Same as above, the setting is called "Rage Absorption"

The X and Z keys also affect the rabams they are used with, so rebinding these keys will change rabam inputs.

Thanks for responding and clarifying on this portion. This definitely helps alleviate some of the issues I was having! Hopefully once the period key is able to be bound I will be able to more closely mirror the left side of the keyboard. I will edit the post later to include binds reflecting certain characters/ rebinds in order to more accurately describe the issue.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 28. Nov 2022, 13:16 (UTC)
# 5
On: Nov 28, 2022, 10:51 (UTC), Written by Megta

Yes, some keys have multiple functions and only the "main" function is listed in the settings, but bigger problem are the hidden key bindings, like the whisper reply combo Redoing talked about (Shift+'  or Shift+ä on QWERTZ-Keyboards).

For me as a left-handed player, it's realy anoying, because I can't use shift while moving right if someone has whispered me.

There are also some keys on a QWERTZ keyboard which can't be bound because they are not recognized, like "ü".
I would love to rebind Block/Sit to ü but I can't do this ingame.

Hello, fellow lefty! I am sorry you're going through the tough times presented by the binds as well, but I am glad to not be alone in experiencing these things. Hopefully, this thread will continue to get the necessary eyes for these changes to happen.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 29. Nov 2022, 23:02 (UTC)
# 6

Kinda messed up you guys can't play the game properly because of the key binding problems. I can only hope that changes will be made promptly to address this issue. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 01. Dez 2022, 23:47 (UTC)
# 7

I thought about posting this in a thread about keybind difficulties and key modifiers a few weeks back but like..

idk how PA feels about people changing things like this so I opted not to..

but being that there are legit accessibility issues here, I figured Id throw it out there and if this is a no no pls delete, but if its OK maybe someone who speaks for PA can chime in

But there is a keybind file I believe for each of your characters

within there it may be possible to rebind the key(s) you're looking for

If PA doesnt have objections to that, perhaps somebody could make a guide 

iirc it a bit of a pain to actually find the file

but uh.. maybe dont do that unless we know PA is cool with it

They dont seem to mind us changing our profile pics, and this would just be changing keybinds but idk

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Dez 2022, 02:32 (UTC)
# 8
On: Dec 1, 2022, 23:44 (UTC), Written by Brassica

I thought about posting this in a thread about keybind difficulties and key modifiers a few weeks back but like..

idk how PA feels about people changing things like this so I opted not to..

but being that there are legit accessibility issues here, I figured Id throw it out there and if this is a no no pls delete, but if its OK maybe someone who speaks for PA can chime in

But there is a keybind file I believe for each of your characters

within there it may be possible to rebind the key(s) you're looking for

If PA doesnt have objections to that, perhaps somebody could make a guide 

iirc it a bit of a pain to actually find the file

but uh.. maybe dont do that unless we know PA is cool with it

They dont seem to mind us changing our profile pics, and this would just be changing keybinds but idk

This is wonderful and I appreciate you bringing it to my attention. I'm definitely going to air on the side of caution though, and wait for someone who speaks for PA to give approval before editing any kind of local files. I definitely would rather be safe than sorry, haha.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Dez 2022, 02:42 (UTC)
# 9

If you can somehow spin better accessibility into "more pearls will sell every month," then this might be taken care of by next maintenance.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Dez 2022, 02:52 (UTC)
# 10

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