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1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 10 : 36 07. Sep 2024
CEST 12 : 36 07. Sep 2024
PDT 3 : 36 07. Sep 2024
EDT 6 : 36 07. Sep 2024
Magnus skill input issues
11. Jan 2023, 22:50 (UTC)
619 2
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 11. Jan 2023, 22:50 (UTC)
# 1


As the title says...magnus skill is an annoyance for some of the classes, making usefull skillls unusable in combos (take succession sage for example...Shift+Q was a part from the pvp combo, adding that to hotbar messes up the flow with preceeding skills, usually rift chain, so whenever we pvp, we have to unlearn the magnus skill).

As an easy solution: - allow us keybind the magnus skill from the interface to something we want (for example I have mouse button 4 free), similar to how we can keybind Evasion(WW) and others.
An alternative is to allow usage of this skill from hotbar without the delay (and without blocking the key input of the old skill).

This way the new skill can be configured by anyone to his liking.

Hope this reaches someone from PA that can understand the issue...cheers!

Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Jan 2023, 22:33 (UTC)
# 2

Since you are writing this about the Sage's Magnus skill. I can personally tell you, your Illusion Compression should not be a part of your "PvP Combo". Illusion Compression should be a well and properly timed skill to use, for it's vacuum and CC effect, as it is unprotected and has low damage output.

The Dimensional Compression skill that we received is far better suited to the Shift+Q key input, it has a very sizeable frontal damage range, and does a considerable amount of damage. If you as a Sage are removing your Magnus skill when you are PvP'ing, you are severly hindering your capabilities. Sage received one of the best magnus skills for PvE and PvP usage.



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