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UTC 1 : 13 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 13 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 13 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 13 26. Jul 2024
#Meinung #Darstellungselemente
[Concept] Class Passives need a Redesign
11. Mrz 2023, 01:28 (UTC)
4087 59
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 11. Mai 2023, 13:43 (UTC)
# 1

Title: Class Passives Concept

Family Name: Merlyn

Region: World

1. BDO Lacks any skill-build-related meta - everything is gear based.

2. Passives on some classes don't make sense - especially with builds that the game pushes you towards.

3. Allowing on-the-fly passives adjustments will mitigate a lot of gear-checks BDO has both in Pve and Pvp.

Concept 1 (Simple implementation): Everyone can get anything

- Remove duplicate passives and create more (regular) skill presets so that we can set up multiple [passive] builds. If we keep the format of the old passives (where they have dual stats that vary in value at 5-10-15-20, which is really cool), then create new combinations of passives that are missing from the list.

- Prime unlocks only for Succ

- The rest is self-explanatory.

Concept 2 (harder implementation): Independent Revamped Passives (from skills)

- Hopefully, adjusting passives would not be tied to Old Moon Book or other p2w/time delay mechanics as they can monetize "Passive Presets".

- Maybe, special attack damage and movement speed can be added. Perhaps even ignore resistance. Definitely not resistances themselves though.

- In this concept, rebalancing the passives includes: 1)double stats being removed from each of them, and 2)added to the single point passive (lv15-20) that every class has so that the uniqueness of a passive being tied to each class still remains 3)prime points unlock for succ and give more stats per point than regular.

- Everything else is up to PA to figure out, they have more insight into the backend balance and possibilities of the game.


We can debate endlessly about the disbalance this would bring to an already imbalanced game, at least debate in good faith. I just prefer more customization and believe this would mitigate some of the gear (see:accuracy) checks in the game and create a whole new layer of meta to the game. I was also very bored and had extra time on my hands.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 11. Mrz 2023, 10:52 (UTC)
# 2

It was asked from PA back then when they reworked the passives to give common ones and let the players pick what they wanted instead of giving garbage to some classes and hardbuffing others, but as usuall they did not give af about the player feedback cause why would they.

I highly doubt they will at this point either but gl.

Also prime passives should not exits in the first place. Awa don't have em either why would suc have, it just causes extra imbalances for literately no reason.

244 4634
Lv 63
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 09. Apr 2023, 10:41 (UTC)
# 3
On: Mar 11, 2023, 10:52 (UTC), Written by CatDK

It was asked from PA back then when they reworked the passives to give common ones and let the players pick what they wanted instead of giving garbage to some classes and hardbuffing others, but as usuall they did not give af about the player feedback cause why would they.

I highly doubt they will at this point either but gl.

Also prime passives should not exits in the first place. Awa don't have em either why would suc have, it just causes extra imbalances for literately no reason.

Plz add link(s) to this article from previous ones on the topic - in case you have them by hand - so that I can push some cross-topic SEO :D.


Re: Prime Passives - I believe they are the main mitigation factor that Succession has over Awakening - considering Awa has more skills available. Apart from succ sage* i don't see any other succ class being broken and sage himself doesn't have a problem with his passive - he has a problem with his OP utility kit combined with op damage and op (invisible) movement.

If they could find another way to balance the hit of not having the same amount of skills, then the prime passive can go - otherwise, i dont see it.

*And ofc Woosa + Maegu, but as with any new class, it's not really the class design, as it's PA's yearning to sell costumes.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 11. Mrz 2023, 12:57 (UTC)
# 4

PA cant bother to balance what they got rn, you suggest add on top?

48 1797
Lv 61
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 11. Mrz 2023, 13:24 (UTC)
# 5
On: Mar 11, 2023, 12:57 (UTC), Written by Adonaj

PA cant bother to balance what they got rn, you suggest add on top?

Yes. Reasons already explained as well.

A lot of the balance/gear checks come from class-specific passives directly. Also, BDO has no skill-build-related meta, it's only gear. [CopyPaste>] . "I just prefer more customization and believe this would mitigate some of the gear (see:accuracy) checks in the game and create a whole new layer of meta to the game."

Please debate in good faith - just pointing to PA's pace at which they implement changes helps no1. Find the holes in the concept, or give ideas on how to improve it < anything else is just chirping in the wind.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 11. Mrz 2023, 13:31 (UTC)
# 6
On: Mar 11, 2023, 11:43 (UTC), Written by Zoroaster

Plz add link(s) to this article from previous ones on the topic - in case you have them by hand - so that I can push some cross-topic SEO :D.


Re: Prime Passives - I believe they are the main mitigation factor that Succession has over Awakening - considering Awa has more skills available. Apart from succ sage* i don't see any other succ class being broken and sage himself doesn't have a problem with his passive - he has a problem with his OP utility kit combined with op damage and op (invisible) movement.

If they could find another way to balance the hit of not having the same amount of skills, then the prime passive can go - otherwise, i dont see it.

*And ofc Woosa + Maegu, but as with any new class, it's not really the class design, as it's PA's yearning to sell costumes.

What do you earn with having more useless skills that you not use anyway? Most pre awa abilities deal close to zero damage while also beaing significally worse in every other aspects than prime skills.

Also succ ones do get 2 core awa abilities for this reason, heck succ DK have stronger awa abilities than awa DK have.

244 4634
Lv 63
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 11. Mrz 2023, 13:56 (UTC)
# 7
On: Mar 11, 2023, 13:31 (UTC), Written by CatDK

What do you earn with having more useless skills that you not use anyway? Most pre awa abilities deal close to zero damage while also beaing significally worse in every other aspects than prime skills.

Also succ ones do get 2 core awa abilities for this reason, heck succ DK have stronger awa abilities than awa DK have.

Idk, i play sorc4life (albeit succ the past few years) and while you most certainly can play without utilizing your pre-awa kit, that's essentially not playing your class in its entirety. The fact is, most Awakening classes get more utility than their succession counterparts due to their double kits - whether it's in the form of buffs, grabs, or protections, it doesn't matter. That's why (i reckon) PA put in the Prime Passives. 

They might break succ classes to be simply better than Awa, I dunno. I'm welcome to have them removed in a system as the one that I'm proposing if they do break the balance as much as you say they do.

Most prime versions of Awa skills are better than their counterparts, but that doesn't change the scale in access to kits from both skill trees.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Mrz 2023, 17:44 (UTC)
# 8

I know this is a small aspect of what you are suggesting, but as someone who uses Hunting as a primary source of income in the game, it would be nice being able to use Striker's passives if I wanted more Crit Rate or Ninjas 10% attack speed. Granted, Succ Musa isn't a slouch in Hunting, I lucked out considering, but it would allow other choices for people who don't want to main Musa.

I felt the movement change they did with walking animations helped a lot of classes who lifeskilled, gathering primarily, with ease of moving around to gather nodes. I always felt older classes in general were better suited simply because you didn't get the "You must be idle to perform this task" notification if you hit R to fast. This is one example of allowing classes to feel similar and opening up more choice for certain activities.

I like the suggestion of opening up passives to player choice rather than them being class specific, long shot that they manage to balance it out, but more choice outside of Lightstone combinations/Crystals is always welcome.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Mrz 2023, 19:10 (UTC)
# 9
On: Mar 12, 2023, 17:44 (UTC), Written by irondood

I know this is a small aspect of what you are suggesting, but as someone who uses Hunting as a primary source of income in the game, it would be nice being able to use Striker's passives if I wanted more Crit Rate or Ninjas 10% attack speed. Granted, Succ Musa isn't a slouch in Hunting, I lucked out considering, but it would allow other choices for people who don't want to main Musa.

I felt the movement change they did with walking animations helped a lot of classes who lifeskilled, gathering primarily, with ease of moving around to gather nodes. I always felt older classes in general were better suited simply because you didn't get the "You must be idle to perform this task" notification if you hit R to fast. This is one example of allowing classes to feel similar and opening up more choice for certain activities.

I like the suggestion of opening up passives to player choice rather than them being class specific, long shot that they manage to balance it out, but more choice outside of Lightstone combinations/Crystals is always welcome.

Well technically if the devs would be competent they would've merged all the passive stat bonuses (lightstones, gems, passives, succ passives, etc.) into a single, big passive skill tree with gems or whathewer, something like old league runes, where players have a single system to customize passive stats.

But nah, this is not that game, that's why we have all that redundantly duplicated systems that do the same thing on different name.

244 4634
Lv 63
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Mrz 2023, 21:02 (UTC)
# 10


Zoro you are an absolute gem. 

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