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UTC 2 : 15 27. Jul 2024
CEST 4 : 15 27. Jul 2024
PDT 19 : 15 26. Jul 2024
EDT 22 : 15 26. Jul 2024
Durability loss in combat on Witch/Wizard
10. Feb 2021, 15:34 (UTC)
1788 6
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Feb 2021, 15:34 (UTC)
# 1

Dear PA and community,

I’d like to draw attention to a current problem that has plagued witchards for a considerable time now. Namely the relatively extreme durability consumption on their equipment. Witch and wizard lose durability on their gear much faster than any other class in the game to my knowledge. Not only is this moderately to severely hindering in PvE (depending on the ownership of a tent), but crippling in extended PvP engagements, specifically GvG and NWs.


The cause of this durability consumption is unclear, though I theorize that it is due to the classes’ playstyle; often exposed to more hits for longer periods of time than many other classes due to a lack of iframes, while also hitting more targets more often, due to their large AoE sizes. This theory however isn’t entirely satisfactory; warriors, mystics, strikers and zerkers are also often subject to large amounts of incoming hits, yet I do not often hear them talking about gear durability loss in PvP (correct me if I am wrong please!). Also the order in which gear pieces break is somewhat confusing; often earrings, rings and belts long before defense pieces.


It would be greatly appreciated among the witchard community if this issue could in some way be addressed; often times during the toughest of fights defending a naked fort in NWs, witchards will be subjugated to durability loss on their gear, with rather crippling consequences as one can imagine.


Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Mrz 2021, 20:36 (UTC)
# 2
On: Feb 10, 2021, 15:34 (UTC), Written by Helegnes

Dear PA and community,

I’d like to draw attention to a current problem that has plagued witchards for a considerable time now. Namely the relatively extreme durability consumption on their equipment. Witch and wizard lose durability on their gear much faster than any other class in the game to my knowledge. Not only is this moderately to severely hindering in PvE (depending on the ownership of a tent), but crippling in extended PvP engagements, specifically GvG and NWs.


The cause of this durability consumption is unclear, though I theorize that it is due to the classes’ playstyle; often exposed to more hits for longer periods of time than many other classes due to a lack of iframes, while also hitting more targets more often, due to their large AoE sizes. This theory however isn’t entirely satisfactory; warriors, mystics, strikers and zerkers are also often subject to large amounts of incoming hits, yet I do not often hear them talking about gear durability loss in PvP (correct me if I am wrong please!). Also the order in which gear pieces break is somewhat confusing; often earrings, rings and belts long before defense pieces.


It would be greatly appreciated among the witchard community if this issue could in some way be addressed; often times during the toughest of fights defending a naked fort in NWs, witchards will be subjugated to durability loss on their gear, with rather crippling consequences as one can imagine.


I can grind on a Witch for roughly 2 hours before needing repair in end game locations.  The only time I noticed any increase was when aggressively over pulling in which I would inccur a lot more attacks.  In comparison to MANY other classes it felt fine and generally an even consumption rate to others.


This is with only the costumer set reduction bonus.


It may just be a gear score issue.  I recall testing Succession upon release with a lower gear score the consumption was rather high.  However, this was also the case for many alts I used with a near equal gear score.

15 919
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Mrz 2021, 14:25 (UTC)
# 3

Although i have not participated in node wars for about 1.5 years now. gear always took a beating i think its a part of the strategy thats why you have leaders take spare supply depo incase you take a hit at fort so you can get your recovery center back to repair up. ive played witch and kuno in node and didnt notice one worst then other for gear repair, could be because i always repaired often when went back to fort or died lol. 


Also in pve it is a good idea to use branding on your gear pref weaps for us witches as we should not be getting that hit often with good use of magic lighthouse, branding does make a big difference. i was going to say costume also helps but notice in screenshots you got one on.


Another thing is accuracy i dont know if you notice but if too low for an area your offhand or main will take a beating similar is with lvl difference of an area, its slight but is noticiable if grinding for a while.  

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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 25. Apr 2021, 21:44 (UTC)
# 5

Grinding elvia spots make my Accessoires Break in 30 or 40 min while the rest of my Gear is above 90 Dura. IDK what it is but it suxx really hard and no one knows why it is like that

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 28. Apr 2021, 12:12 (UTC)
# 6

have also noticed it and it gets really annoying pls fix >.>

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 11. Jun 2021, 08:03 (UTC)
# 7
On: Apr 25, 2021, 21:44 (UTC), Written by Anksunamun

Grinding elvia spots make my Accessoires Break in 30 or 40 min while the rest of my Gear is above 90 Dura. IDK what it is but it suxx really hard and no one knows why it is like that

What's your gear score? I've never had any issues.

4 16
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