Black Desert beginnt in Kürze.

Das Spiel wird gestartet, wenn Ihr den Launcher installiert habt.

Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

Sollte der Launcher bereits installiert worden sein, wird das Spiel gestartet.
Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 1 : 43 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 43 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 43 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 43 26. Jul 2024
[Shai] Choice of PEN armor from Magnus quest
21. Aug 2023, 14:34 (UTC)
1505 3
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 21. Aug 2023, 14:43 (UTC)
# 1

Hello all!

61 Shai here in full PEN Tuvala (Season), about to finish the Magnus quest.

As a Shai, I've found that I can grind in spots a bit above my AP level, with my buffs/debuffs/self-heals.

For example, I'm currently at 241 AP in Season gear, but have no problems at Star's End.  (I know it's not the most efficient spot for my gear, but I've been testing the limits of the class in various locations.)

So, I'm just curious if choosing the PEN Bheg's Gloves for the added accuracy would be a better choice than a bit more DP from Red Nose or Griffon's.

What do you think?

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Aug 2023, 07:46 (UTC)
# 2

I would generally go for Griffons, simply because its easier to upgrade bhegs and red nose via the jetina quest (Griffon is a weekly scroll, bhegs and red nose are daily). The accuracy is not that impactful at low end grind zones, as the acc requirements there are pretty low in the first place. 
If you want to be sure, you can use the gear planner on the website and enter your gear there, then check the "PvE Hitrate Calculator" to see what your performance would be like at different spots.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Aug 2023, 12:21 (UTC)
# 3

Thanks for the input, I appreciate it.



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