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UTC 5 : 27 27. Jul 2024
CEST 7 : 27 27. Jul 2024
PDT 22 : 27 26. Jul 2024
EDT 1 : 27 27. Jul 2024
QoL for sailing/barterting/sea monsters
09. Sep 2023, 00:29 (UTC)
1474 5
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 09. Sep 2023, 00:30 (UTC)
# 1

Region (NA/EU): EU
Suggestions/Comments: Hey, I've got a few tips that I think should make life a bit easier/less annoying for sailors (doesn't include barter buff, that's another topic):

1. Add the ability to repair the ship / restore rations / transfer goods to and from the ship directly from the ship after anchoring, without having to disembark from the ship.

2. Increase the zone of possible anchor of the ship near illya

3. Change a way of looting sea monsters to auto loot (without pets usage) or highly increase the range of pets on the sea. Currently you need to sail almost directly through corpse (of monster, pirate ship etc) to loot it. In the new pirate ships area it's even worse because there is a few ships that can die at almost same time and you don't know where the loot is and if you looted all mobs or not.

4. The sailors management window should be improved (it's a disaster right now). The list of sailors should be divided according to the ships they are currently on and there should be another tab (or something similar) for sailors who are not on board. Add sorting by sailor level, add way to group sailors by same type. 

5. Remove barter refresh cooldown or decrease it (1h should be ok).

6. Remove some not used informations from ship management window (sea current resistance, sea storm resistance etc).

7. Sailor info in ship management window should show only sailors from current ship, not list with all of them.

8. Show warnings that sailors on current ship are on low condition.

9. Normalize names of stats for ship/sailor e.g. ship have speed stat but sailor have endurance. It's just unecessary complications.

10. Display maximum sailor stats in their menu so people can easily see how good (or bad) they are.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Mai 2024, 00:55 (UTC)
# 2
On: Sep 9, 2023, 00:29 (UTC), Written by Sealti

Region (NA/EU): EU
Suggestions/Comments: Hey, I've got a few tips that I think should make life a bit easier/less annoying for sailors (doesn't include barter buff, that's another topic):

1. Add the ability to repair the ship / restore rations / transfer goods to and from the ship directly from the ship after anchoring, without having to disembark from the ship.

2. Increase the zone of possible anchor of the ship near illya

3. Change a way of looting sea monsters to auto loot (without pets usage) or highly increase the range of pets on the sea. Currently you need to sail almost directly through corpse (of monster, pirate ship etc) to loot it. In the new pirate ships area it's even worse because there is a few ships that can die at almost same time and you don't know where the loot is and if you looted all mobs or not.

4. The sailors management window should be improved (it's a disaster right now). The list of sailors should be divided according to the ships they are currently on and there should be another tab (or something similar) for sailors who are not on board. Add sorting by sailor level, add way to group sailors by same type. 

5. Remove barter refresh cooldown or decrease it (1h should be ok).

6. Remove some not used informations from ship management window (sea current resistance, sea storm resistance etc).

7. Sailor info in ship management window should show only sailors from current ship, not list with all of them.

8. Show warnings that sailors on current ship are on low condition.

9. Normalize names of stats for ship/sailor e.g. ship have speed stat but sailor have endurance. It's just unecessary complications.

10. Display maximum sailor stats in their menu so people can easily see how good (or bad) they are.

I personally fully disagree. 1: You already can repair ship just walk to the mast (dont be lazy) and click repair if you have repair materials in your inventory. 6: You want to remove ship information like sea current resistance and etc? Are you joking?

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Mai 2024, 03:52 (UTC)
# 3
On: May 24, 2024, 00:55 (UTC), Written by Aunalf

I personally fully disagree. 1: You already can repair ship just walk to the mast (dont be lazy) and click repair if you have repair materials in your inventory. 6: You want to remove ship information like sea current resistance and etc? Are you joking?

Hello, It's not about being lazy or not, but the repair and restoration of rations could be carried out automatically. Regarding the repair of the ship itself, we could have a negative effect, such as not being able to shoot while the sailors carry out the repair. Tell me, who today uses elixir manually instead of using the fairy skill?

About the information shown in the UI, Sea current resistance, Sea Storm Resistance, Ration Efficiency and Resilience. Yes, they should be excluded from the interface or actually implemented in the game. These statuses have no effect on the game, they were never implemented.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Mai 2024, 13:20 (UTC)
# 4

Maybe we should go back the way it was where you had to ram your ship into the monster to kill it that way your sure to get the loot and mats. All i see is let make it easyeer and easyer why play the game if you do not have to work at it

143 516
Lv 65
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Mai 2024, 15:28 (UTC)
# 5
On: Sep 9, 2023, 00:29 (UTC), Written by Sealti

1. Add the ability to repair the ship / restore rations / transfer goods to and from the ship directly from the ship after anchoring, without having to disembark from the ship. This is an annoying inconvenience, but its probably too hard for them to code

2. Increase the zone of possible anchor of the ship near illya Easily done but its already pretty big

3. Change a way of looting sea monsters to auto loot (without pets usage) or highly increase the range of pets on the sea. Currently you need to sail almost directly through corpse (of monster, pirate ship etc) to loot it. In the new pirate ships area it's even worse because there is a few ships that can die at almost same time and you don't know where the loot is and if you looted all mobs or not. They sell a solution, somewhat. Only one bird at a time. They won't change for this

4. The sailors management window should be improved (it's a disaster right now). The list of sailors should be divided according to the ships they are currently on and there should be another tab (or something similar) for sailors who are not on board. Add sorting by sailor level, add way to group sailors by same type. I quit sailing because of this broken promise back in December

5. Remove barter refresh cooldown or decrease it (1h should be ok). They just reduced it to 2hr iirc, there shouldnt be one, not everyone is unemployed or retired, who likes to sail

6. Remove some not used informations from ship management window (sea current resistance, sea storm resistance etc). Broken/Never implemented should be removed, yes

7. Sailor info in ship management window should show only sailors from current ship, not list with all of them. This ties into the terrible sailor management we have, they apparently cant code that either

8. Show warnings that sailors on current ship are on low condition. Improve Sailor Management

9. Normalize names of stats for ship/sailor e.g. ship have speed stat but sailor have endurance. It's just unecessary complications. Improve Sailor Management

10. Display maximum sailor stats in their menu so people can easily see how good (or bad) they are. Improve Sailor Management




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