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1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 5 : 52 27. Jul 2024
CEST 7 : 52 27. Jul 2024
PDT 22 : 52 26. Jul 2024
EDT 1 : 52 27. Jul 2024
Maybe Unpopular, Revamped old game modes?
06. Dez 2023, 23:40 (UTC)
505 4
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Dez 2023, 23:40 (UTC)
# 1

So I remember content like savage rift and Altar of Blood. While they were not the best rewards, For their time they were decent but most importantly they were kind of fun to break up the grind.

 I have a couple of thoughts that I think would be neat/fun. Maybe other BDO gamers can improve on the ideas.

So if you guys remember Altar of Blood it was kinda like a tower defense game mode, and I think bringing that back would be neat. An idea for that could be a new type of altar of blood in the LoML with the very same tower defense gameplay but with each end phase being a boss, from the boss rush. You could use the Magnus/Solare gear systems so even newer players could get involved but include calamity levels with the boss rush Light orbs for difficulty scaling. 

Another one was Savage Rift, it was pretty mediocre but I remember trying to get the ogre ring out of it as a reward. Yet  another tower defense-type game mode but with matchlocks lol.
Maybe bring Savage Rift back, but with the new sniper rifle hunting mode. Would be kinda neat to group with five other hunters and snipe down some mobs.

I feel like BDO has historically released unique and somewhat fun game modes and then removed them..... while not always great....especially the rewards. Simply having things like Savage rift and Altar of blood to get together with buds was a good feeling. I feel like BDO creates these beautiful regions and with the addition of these game modes, it would give yet another reason to return to them.

For rewards, I feel this is the part people may not like, but at least try to hear me out for a second. I feel like doing a 2x daily lockout on both of these events rewarding 500m  for full completion on each lockout is about on par. Let's say this is a 20-minute endeavor each. you could get home from work, check your farms, do your imperial, and complete your daily altar of blood. Making a bit above a billion silver in under an hour. Not only would this give newer players a decent way to make some cheddar but it would help casual players who only have 1-2 hrs mon-fri make some gains. As a player who mostly grinds, I feel that giving EVERYONE the ability to make some easy cash in a fun game mode with friends is something I would do to kickstart my daily grind happily.

These are just ideas, I'm no game dev. I'm simply trying to think of ways that new and veteran players could enjoy content together and have it be beneficial to all while giving new ways to revamp already created and removed game modes.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 07. Dez 2023, 07:40 (UTC)
# 2

I encourage you to believe you are a game dev, and to write as many changes you would implement as the heights your mind can soar to

Savage Rift is a Tower Defense with old guns, Altar of Blood is a TD with regular combat

Perhaps combine the two and allow the user to specify the mode

Maybe even a combination of both

Altar of Rifts

4 129
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 08. Dez 2023, 11:05 (UTC)
# 3
On: Dec 6, 2023, 23:40 (UTC), Written by Vaidstone

So I remember content like savage rift and Altar of Blood. While they were not the best rewards, For their time they were decent but most importantly they were kind of fun to break up the grind.

 I have a couple of thoughts that I think would be neat/fun. Maybe other BDO gamers can improve on the ideas.

So if you guys remember Altar of Blood it was kinda like a tower defense game mode, and I think bringing that back would be neat. An idea for that could be a new type of altar of blood in the LoML with the very same tower defense gameplay but with each end phase being a boss, from the boss rush. You could use the Magnus/Solare gear systems so even newer players could get involved but include calamity levels with the boss rush Light orbs for difficulty scaling. 

Another one was Savage Rift, it was pretty mediocre but I remember trying to get the ogre ring out of it as a reward. Yet  another tower defense-type game mode but with matchlocks lol.
Maybe bring Savage Rift back, but with the new sniper rifle hunting mode. Would be kinda neat to group with five other hunters and snipe down some mobs.

I feel like BDO has historically released unique and somewhat fun game modes and then removed them..... while not always great....especially the rewards. Simply having things like Savage rift and Altar of blood to get together with buds was a good feeling. I feel like BDO creates these beautiful regions and with the addition of these game modes, it would give yet another reason to return to them.

For rewards, I feel this is the part people may not like, but at least try to hear me out for a second. I feel like doing a 2x daily lockout on both of these events rewarding 500m  for full completion on each lockout is about on par. Let's say this is a 20-minute endeavor each. you could get home from work, check your farms, do your imperial, and complete your daily altar of blood. Making a bit above a billion silver in under an hour. Not only would this give newer players a decent way to make some cheddar but it would help casual players who only have 1-2 hrs mon-fri make some gains. As a player who mostly grinds, I feel that giving EVERYONE the ability to make some easy cash in a fun game mode with friends is something I would do to kickstart my daily grind happily.

These are just ideas, I'm no game dev. I'm simply trying to think of ways that new and veteran players could enjoy content together and have it be beneficial to all while giving new ways to revamp already created and removed game modes.

But that would mean PA cares about the players, and wants to create real social and group content that they can't use to sell outfits. Face it PA wants the hamster wheel of stupid players to keep spinning. Keep that carrot going in a circle, slowing it down just for a second giving players hope that BDO will finally become a MMO. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 08. Dez 2023, 17:49 (UTC)
# 4

they said they on it

48 1797
Lv 61


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