During [Scholar Ascension] Combat Ability Recovery Protocol quest NPC "Recording Device" cannot be interacted with after Ascension mini tutorial
- forfeiting quest to re-accept disables summoning of Black Spirit to accept quest (This action cannot be executed at the moment)
- Unable to use 'r' key to interact with anything (unable to mount/dismount)
- Quest progess entirely halted
Edit: After switching to other characters & servers 'r' key interactions are still disabled entirely and black spirit still unavailble
Hi there, this bug seems to resolve itself if you restart the game.
Happened to me today as well, after 6 restarts it is now resolved.
same problem here. now trying to restart the game. switching characters and servers didn't helped yet.
edit: restarting the game solved the problem for me
This bug has me stopped as well, restarting, relogging, switching characters etc does not allow me to procede past the recording device.
I get stuck in the part that has me use my shift + RMB. Everything locks up yet I can still see the background movement as animals etc still move through it. I have to use the escape key to exit the 'tutorial'. Everything runs as normal after exiting but I can not procede any further inside the Recording Device playback.
I guess this bug hasn't been fixed, it just did the same to me...
Shouldn't have to restart the game to play it.
That's why i dont recommend the game!
P.S. Thank you for the restarting advice, since switching character didnt work, i thought i would have to give up on the quest.
This bug persists.
Spoiler: It still persists xd