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UTC 1 : 10 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 10 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 10 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 10 26. Jul 2024
All Korean games with RNG is about to die in the West and elsewhere
12. Jan 2024, 16:40 (UTC)
3256 56
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Jan 2024, 16:40 (UTC)
# 1

With the recent finding by the Korean FTA about illegal practices of lying and RNG % manipulation into Nexon (Maplestory) and how they are dynamically changing RNG at any point in the game based on different factors, who is to say that a game like BDO, which is heavily RNG monetized, is not also doing the same shady practices?

I mean this week, after gathering and grind 40b in game, I tried to RNG enhance my TET Tungard by buying up to 5 TET Tungard with a 240+ stack and failed all attempts.  I thought this was normal and I was frustrated by this RNG crap but hey I figured it was just bad luck and I would try again after again grinding silver and maybe next time I would have a better chance.

BUT NOW after this report of RNG manipulation in a game like Maplestory by Nexon and possibly in their other games as well and with other Korean game companies like Pearl Abyss, etc...  I have just lost all confidence of "fairness" with any Korean games that have RNG in it and I am almost completely done with Korean games with RNG in them.  I would like Pearl Abyss to step up and verify with the Korean FTA that they are not also complicit in these shady practices.

From a VERY concerned player.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Jan 2024, 17:03 (UTC)
# 2

That's a 12.5% chance of enhancement, right? Failing 5+ times in a row is normal. Plug any stack into the enhancement calculator on garmoth. I did it with the 240 stack and out of 100 attempts, or 14 succeeded... MOST of them were 5 or more taps apart. It's gambling. You just have to suck it up and roll with the punches. It sucks you blew them up, but that's what happens somethimes.

One night, I made five... FIVE!... tet eye the ruins rings... IN A ROW!... I didn't know what the hell to do after that. My fingers were like "TAP THEM AGAIN!", but my brain was screaming "NO!" and my gut was the same. I waited... and then tried tapping each one a month later. I had gained ~100 bil in one night and month later - lost it all - cause none of them went. Sometimes, you're lucky and sometimes you're not.

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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Jan 2024, 17:21 (UTC)
# 4
On: Jan 12, 2024, 17:03 (UTC), Written by KnightsRadiant

That's a 12.5% chance of enhancement, right? Failing 5+ times in a row is normal. Plug any stack into the enhancement calculator on garmoth. I did it with the 240 stack and out of 100 attempts, or 14 succeeded... MOST of them were 5 or more taps apart. It's gambling. You just have to suck it up and roll with the punches. It sucks you blew them up, but that's what happens somethimes.

One night, I made five... FIVE!... tet eye the ruins rings... IN A ROW!... I didn't know what the hell to do after that. My fingers were like "TAP THEM AGAIN!", but my brain was screaming "NO!" and my gut was the same. I waited... and then tried tapping each one a month later. I had gained ~100 bil in one night and month later - lost it all - cause none of them went. Sometimes, you're lucky and sometimes you're not.

You are not understanding the concern I am brining up here.  I am not complaining that I failed the attempts on TET to PEN Tungard Necklaces but the fact that the accusation of RNG not being FIXED and Korean companies like Nexon and whoever else is LYING about the RNG % in the game and it is also DYNAMIC meaning the RNG % changes all the time depending on factors like how much REAL MONEY you might have spent in a week...etc.  Meaning that 12.5% or so may not actually be 12.5% but could be much lower in reality.  We don't know what to believe anymore.

LOL on hindsight, everyone believes in "streamer luck".  This might now actually be true that streamers have a RNG % much higher because of who they are.  It's really completely BULLSHIT.

Did you not read the concern in the original post?  The Korean Free Trade Association FTA actually did an investigation into Nexon (Maplestory) and found out that in the actual game code, the RNG is not fixed but DYNAMIC and the game company has been LYING to their playerbase for YEARS!  Who is to say Pearl Abyss who has a very HEAVILY MONETIZED RNG system in the game is not also doing the same illegal practice?

What I'm asking is for Pearl Abyss to come out with some hard evidence that they are NOT doing the same illegal shit that Nexon has been participating in.  I am pretty sure that if Nexon (one of the biggest Korean game companies) are doing it, other Korean developers/gaming companies are also doing it.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Jan 2024, 17:31 (UTC)
# 5
On: Jan 12, 2024, 16:40 (UTC), Written by Draekoras

With the recent finding by the Korean FTA about illegal practices of lying and RNG % manipulation into Nexon (Maplestory) and how they are dynamically changing RNG at any point in the game based on different factors, who is to say that a game like BDO, which is heavily RNG monetized, is not also doing the same shady practices?

I mean this week, after gathering and grind 40b in game, I tried to RNG enhance my TET Tungard by buying up to 5 TET Tungard with a 240+ stack and failed all attempts.  I thought this was normal and I was frustrated by this RNG crap but hey I figured it was just bad luck and I would try again after again grinding silver and maybe next time I would have a better chance.

BUT NOW after this report of RNG manipulation in a game like Maplestory by Nexon and possibly in their other games as well and with other Korean game companies like Pearl Abyss, etc...  I have just lost all confidence of "fairness" with any Korean games that have RNG in it and I am almost completely done with Korean games with RNG in them.  I would like Pearl Abyss to step up and verify with the Korean FTA that they are not also complicit in these shady practices.

From a VERY concerned player.

I have a challenge for all who read this. For the next 3 months just pay attention to everyone in your guild. You will notice how some people are infamously favored to succeed enhancements. While others are just completely SoL when it comes to enhancement. 

I legit watched someone from my old guild at around the release of Manos. Successfully enhance 17 out of 20 TET Manos accessories, got 7 Vells Hearts, and 4 Garmoth Hearts. All in a 30 day period, they was so innately blessed that when they finally failed 2 times back to back, they asked us "Is failing so normal in this game?" Not even 2 weeks later they never logged into BDO again. 

Had another person in the last guild I was in total 12 Garmoth heart drops and like 6 Vells heart drops.

Had another person failed a TET Urugons attempt with a 293 FS. And went on to fail everything else.

It's pretty much blatantly clear to anyone actually paying attention that the enhancement chances are not only dynamic, but is also based off a percentage of a percentage so that "Plausible Denibility" clause can be levage.  There is a reason why this company relentlessly attack anybody who datamines their game. 

Games like this should be monitored by an agency like casinos, because they use the same tactics if the casinos could get away with it.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Jan 2024, 17:35 (UTC)
# 6

If anyone is doubting what I am saying here, you can look up ForceGaming's latest youtube video.  He covers this topic.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Jan 2024, 17:47 (UTC)
# 7

No need to check any YouTube video. 

From the start, there's no guarantee about the announced % of success ; if it was using only IG money, I would not see any objection about it (even if RNG is not "content", but that's another point) but here, some rng mechanics are linked with real money, directly or not.

At one point, believing that every company would stay virtuous is... Naive?

Now, I will push it further : a company could even rig the odds and still stay at the announced %. Drowned in the middle of all enhancements, it would be difficult to check the numbers precisely, but with the studies about it, they could easily use failures and successes at the right moment to encourage the use of cash shop.

In the grand scheme of things, they don't care if you win or lose : what matters is if you use the CS. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Jan 2024, 18:05 (UTC)
# 8


I'm not spending any REAL money on the gambling that's involved in this game... just time. Anyone who literally buys outfits, and not just wait for free ones from boxes or coupons, for crons is just dumb in my opinion. 

I'm having fun playing the game and that's really all the matters to me. If I was spending literal money to try and gamble to get better things on virtual gear that has a low chance of upgrading then I wouldn't be having fun --- I'd be pretty angry and depressed all the time. That's not worth playing any game. Hence, why I don't go to casinos. 

I'm not doubting you that some games probably have manipulated things. I'll agree that they should verify that they don't manipulate whatever, but I'm willingly playing this game knowing about the RNG so I'm not really concerned. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Jan 2024, 18:54 (UTC)
# 9
On: Jan 12, 2024, 18:05 (UTC), Written by KnightsRadiant


I'm not spending any REAL money on the gambling that's involved in this game... just time. Anyone who literally buys outfits, and not just wait for free ones from boxes or coupons, for crons is just dumb in my opinion. 

I'm having fun playing the game and that's really all the matters to me. If I was spending literal money to try and gamble to get better things on virtual gear that has a low chance of upgrading then I wouldn't be having fun --- I'd be pretty angry and depressed all the time. That's not worth playing any game. Hence, why I don't go to casinos. 

I'm not doubting you that some games probably have manipulated things. I'll agree that they should verify that they don't manipulate whatever, but I'm willingly playing this game knowing about the RNG so I'm not really concerned. 

Again you miss the point.  I don't buy cash shop items either except the occassional Value Pack to support this game I play (sort of like a subscription cost).

But since I DO spend TIME in this game grinding away to buy items from the marketplace, such as the example I already gave with 5 TET Tugard Necklaces I tried to enhance to PEN, I EXPECT at the least that the percentage chance that the game is telling me to be FIXED and at that percentage and definitley NOT DYNAMIC.  Therefore, IF now I find that all my grinding in this game to try to PEN enhance my Tungard Necklace is a farce because the % chance of doing so can DYNAMICALLY CHANGE depending on other factors in this game such as how much money I actually spend in the Cash Shop at any given time, than that is PURE BULLSHIT and it is even worse than P2W mechanics.

YOU may be having fun now but later on when you try to achieve a GOAL in this game like trying to get full PEN accessories and you find that you grind 100B silver let's say for example and you FAIL at evey enhancement attempt and then you find out that Korean companies are LYING to you about the chances of that enhancement than it changes the RULE of the game and robs that person of the time they spent thinking that you are having a legit chance at that enhancement given by the game.  BECAUSE IT BECOMES A LIE.  IE, what happened in a game like Maplestory with Nexon.  So yes, IT DOES MATTER to people who are not using the cash shop but still playing this game with end game goals.

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