Black Desert beginnt in Kürze.

Das Spiel wird gestartet, wenn Ihr den Launcher installiert habt.

Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

Sollte der Launcher bereits installiert worden sein, wird das Spiel gestartet.
Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 4 : 56 23. Mai 2024
CEST 6 : 56 23. Mai 2024
PDT 21 : 56 22. Mai 2024
EDT 0 : 56 23. Mai 2024
BDO think's their game is worth 50,700 Pearls per year in Sub.
19. Jan 2024, 22:12 (UTC)
1437 34
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Jan 2024, 22:56 (UTC)
# 31

As a free to play player i dont care!
If somone is mad about there spending and feels bad for spending tons of money and get disapointed i have a solution...
Just sayng...

Is this some sort of flexing or somthing :)

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Jan 2024, 23:30 (UTC)
# 32

You know you don't have to buy the value pack at all, you get a free one every month, then you sell all yo things then, game cost me $1 forever, you do the math :)

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 25. Jan 2024, 04:58 (UTC)
# 33
On: Jan 24, 2024, 03:03 (UTC), Written by DaiPinch

      You sure are proving that you've got an open mind that can asses information critically.

      If you say so. It's a logical fallacy to convolute quantity and presumed quality into the same thing, but you do you.

      It's exactly people with this opinion that the various skinner box developers at PA (and beyond) get giddy about. Those who don't know and think that having bursts of dopamine is all that matters.

       Are you trying to say that BDO hasn't purposefully designed weight, inventory slot, fairies, pets, mounts, and ultimately the enchanting system to be predatory?

      Did you actually read what that $400 is referring to tho?    

      This is you, accepting the inconveniences created by PA, to solve them by procuring a value pack from one place or the other. You're salty about its availability, instead of its existence in the first place. Do you think anyone would even bother with the VP if it didn't have the tax rate tied to it? Do you think anyone would bother with Kama Blessing if it didnt have drop rate?

      Oh, so you understand the predatory design underlying the main progression in the game, but because you decide not to participate in it, it's OK?

      You can do both while being critical of the company practices and the hostile inconveniences baked into the game. Fun and connection aren't mutually exclusive with trying to improve (or fight for fairness) within the thing you're having fun and connection within.

      Cool, so if your solution is to just have the fun that you want to have and drop out, why are you here defending PA from players who want to have the fun and invest themselves in battling a predatory company with declining practices? You're literally saying "if there was no VP, I'd have more fun" at the same time with saying "Chill homie, it's predatory, no biggie, just dont participate". 

      Except you need to work on your metaphor there a little bit since a single purchase from an MMO or MMORPG game can get you the same experience as a subscription to the same. A gym membership can't get you dinner, yaa'mean?

      Not for BDO and PA though, because that requires either a better Sandbox (ie. good ol' Star Wars Galaxies or Eve), or a better theme park - neither of which they've proven capable of pulling out. 

@dude, there is nothing to be happy about. Everyone that I played with has/is quitting the game since May this year. Community vibes on this forum and beyond have gotten worse. CMs/GMs here, in-game and on support are on life support and are participating at the bare minimum. I will post my final review of this game soon, but the last year was an entirely negative progression for me, with 264 hrs of Ash, 170 of Crypt {pre current buffs} and 130 hrs at dehkia oluns along with a ~thousand in DSR and Thornwood resulting in nothing but fails (314b ground totally in the year, -512b in failing debos and Fg gloves and boots). PA has been giving me signals in multiple ways to get out of their game, and I shall finally oblige.

Honestly, you got some rough edges, my dude, but I don't think you need to leave heh. Especially if you can continue where you are now without spending any more money.

Dunno if it has to do with the way I speak. I don't speak directly. I assume people understand things. Maybe the problem is people make assumptions that are the opposite of what I believe? I did not defend PA at all. I actually said I prefer sub per month model for games, and I said that I am not gonna put legit effort into a game like this.

My point was that it IS predatory, but you can't call it convenience to avoid getting preyed on. If they added inconvenience, it by definition isn't natural. I dunno why you do that color code stuff, either, haha.

My metaphor is on point. You just didn't understand it. MMO is not the same experience as a single player game haha I'm not gonna go any deeper than that because it sounds like a big waste of time if you didn't get the PoV. Esp considering you are arguing a point that you should support.

I feel like there are people who look at words and stuff, but they don't really understand the words, or they pick out certain words; they have a preconceived idea of what you are trying to say and they just pick thru and support it with words without actually reading what you say. Very common in forumlife.

I didn't say don't participate. I said I don't participate. You do. You don't seem happy about it. I am saying I was able to play it without all that crap. Like I said in another thread as soon as I hit 261 NOUVER, it dropped my DP to like 301. That was almost all tets. I think I made two pen bheg, sold one for a pen bow and kept one for accuracy, I loaded up with human gems and went to play OwPvP on Arsha. It was brutal. I was able to hurt a lot of non eva people, though, and I was able to make friends. It was good times, even when I was getting farmed. That was back when 300 ap meant something. It's not that serious.

It's just hard to understand how you are so mad at the nature of BDO but you went full in on it. I def don't think BDO is getting better, and I am a bit sad at some of their changes. I am in no way defending BDO. I do need a VP, tho, because market game is one of my favorite things. That's one of the true sandbox elements; it has a pseudo economy.

Like I don't have any PvE weps. When they gave out the BS, what did I do? I took it as awk cuz you can't sell it and I'm succ. Then I bought a tet bs at crash prices. I encouraged everyone else who was gearing up to buy 2b pens weps cuz THAT'S A RIDICULOUSLY LOW price. I used all my crons trying to pen that BS. I wasn't sure if I'd keep it or sell it if I got it, but I didn't. I might melt costumes I get, but I'm not buying to melt. That's perpetuating the toxic cycle. You're laundering money for PA - finger point -

Just joking, take it easy bud.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 25. Jan 2024, 15:24 (UTC)
# 34
On: Jan 25, 2024, 04:58 (UTC), Written by Maltie

Honestly, you got some rough edges, my dude, but I don't think you need to leave heh. Especially if you can continue where you are now without spending any more money.

Dunno if it has to do with the way I speak. I don't speak directly. I assume people understand things. Maybe the problem is people make assumptions that are the opposite of what I believe? I did not defend PA at all. I actually said I prefer sub per month model for games, and I said that I am not gonna put legit effort into a game like this.

My point was that it IS predatory, but you can't call it convenience to avoid getting preyed on. If they added inconvenience, it by definition isn't natural. I dunno why you do that color code stuff, either, haha.

My metaphor is on point. You just didn't understand it. MMO is not the same experience as a single player game haha I'm not gonna go any deeper than that because it sounds like a big waste of time if you didn't get the PoV. Esp considering you are arguing a point that you should support.

I feel like there are people who look at words and stuff, but they don't really understand the words, or they pick out certain words; they have a preconceived idea of what you are trying to say and they just pick thru and support it with words without actually reading what you say. Very common in forumlife.

I didn't say don't participate. I said I don't participate. You do. You don't seem happy about it. I am saying I was able to play it without all that crap. Like I said in another thread as soon as I hit 261 NOUVER, it dropped my DP to like 301. That was almost all tets. I think I made two pen bheg, sold one for a pen bow and kept one for accuracy, I loaded up with human gems and went to play OwPvP on Arsha. It was brutal. I was able to hurt a lot of non eva people, though, and I was able to make friends. It was good times, even when I was getting farmed. That was back when 300 ap meant something. It's not that serious.

It's just hard to understand how you are so mad at the nature of BDO but you went full in on it. I def don't think BDO is getting better, and I am a bit sad at some of their changes. I am in no way defending BDO. I do need a VP, tho, because market game is one of my favorite things. That's one of the true sandbox elements; it has a pseudo economy.

Like I don't have any PvE weps. When they gave out the BS, what did I do? I took it as awk cuz you can't sell it and I'm succ. Then I bought a tet bs at crash prices. I encouraged everyone else who was gearing up to buy 2b pens weps cuz THAT'S A RIDICULOUSLY LOW price. I used all my crons trying to pen that BS. I wasn't sure if I'd keep it or sell it if I got it, but I didn't. I might melt costumes I get, but I'm not buying to melt. That's perpetuating the toxic cycle. You're laundering money for PA - finger point -

Just joking, take it easy bud.

       You too homie. If you're too lazy to read, just skip to yellow - everything else is just me regurgitating you regurgitating me regurgitating fluff.

Rough edges? I am a 7000-grit sandpaper wrapped on a spike for PA. Literally my last cents of caring, and you can go into my content history here to see if I did :)

       There is nothing else for me to do in the game anymore. I've already got a PO on all 3 Pen Debos, I don't intend to spend a second more in Ash, Crypt, and Oluns. I got here without spending a single cent on enchantment, just fashion and a tent to shield me from PA's toxic rain. When you've spent 12 months and done almost half a thousand hours at progression and only have a negative tally to show (calculating the potential silver from sales and spent on cron fails), if I continue, I'm the stooge. War of the Roses will be a desync fiesta, but I'll probably drop in to have some fun with the homies a couple of times before completely uninstalling.

I don't know if it wasn't clear enough, but I haven't spent a cent on progression. My only purchases are the tent and all of the Sorc cosmetics unavailable on the CM (proud to say I own every single one, fashion is the true endgame :D ). And I didn't really spend any beyond the tent for over 2000+hrs before I realized some costumes will never be sold on the CM Q_q.

      Yes, nobody reads, everyone just spouts their thoughts or memes and moves on. Agreed. I also agreed with you on the points, but there is a snippet that bothers me (later point), it just might not be noticeable because I am quoting you in the same thread as the Pearl Abyss Fan Girl.

       We agree then. Thats my exact point, I apologize if I didn't come it across. People in BDO (and beyond in other p2w games) like to pretend that its "pay-4-convenience" when in actuality all of the inconveniences are predatory design(s) by the company(s) to sell you solutions to. People also like to pretend that it's "natural" because we live in capitalism and companies have to make money - and because of this harsh real-world reality, they refuse to even measure the ethical implications of the practices. It's like those home abuse stories that go: "Hey, it got better, He only beats me 2/7 days now. It used to be every day!".

On: Jan 25, 2024, 04:58 (UTC), Written by Maltie

I dunno why you do that color code stuff, either, haha.

Because quoting everything and chopping it like this^ for clarity is too much work. The colors are there for the kids with reading and apprehension (and mayhaps dyslexia) disabilities to make it clear which exact point of myne refers to a point of theirs/yours. Not trying to make people feel stupid, it's just that this forum has abysmal UI and UX - it's always all on PA anyway.

      A continuation of the point above, yup, you are correct. This isn't the user's fault though, if the CMs and GMs were doing their jobs properly and the feedback psychometrics were methodically sound, neither PA nor would we have this angst.    

      There is a reason every single person in the community enjoyed this review of BDO (98.4% upvote rate). As I said before -

"You can enjoy something and still point out its flaws".


      This is where I have a hot take: It's not the new changes, it's the base systems upon which the game is built upon that are the problems. Not excusing them from their (monetization) predatory changes, but rather the "babyfication" of the game, which I can sort of understand. The problem with that is that it's contrary to a Sandbox environment (which the majority of the playerbase prefers) and just leads to a dead single-player game that lacks group content. It's truly sad that they aren't going in the other direction, especially since the own Eve/CCP and could utilize their team for some better player-controlled sandbox environments. An Eve/SW:Galaxies-like BDO would serve them much better than a WOW/GW2 BDO, both in player satisfaction/retention and monetization. Unfortunately, there is no vision.

      Yeah, but to get to try out every single activity in the game (the endest game grind spots and NWs/OW pvp) they've always built a grindwheel that you have to push to stay relevant or to be able to participate in the first place. Caps don't help much if you want to try out everything in its intended form. As homie's review goes, you grind a thousand hours to increase your damage by 100% from 1 to 2. What's the "convenience" solution they give you for this progress? A Crondom to not get STDowngrades, and a potentially rigged rng system {pending review alla Nexon}. And this is supplemented by the VP tax (which we agree upon) and there shouldn't be any "but I can get it every two weeks for loyalty" when criticizing the penalty they've imposed in the first place. The micro free solutions they give us do not excuse the fact that the bench is built like this:


"But hey, you can tuck your legs beneath it and lay down if you starve enough!"

        I've never fallen for their convenience and all of my enchantments have been with vendor (eu pain) / cm / event crons. It doesn't mean that I can't be salty about it, because that would mean I value my invested in-game time nothing, just because I didn't spend my IRL money on it.

I have already participated in BDOs monetization the same way I have in other freemium models (LoL, Dota, Valo etc), by purchasing cosmetics. The tent...... f that sheee p. They should make the game cost $30 and come with a freaking tent. It will prevent a lot of the funny {dark market} business that's currently happening too.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 26. Jan 2024, 04:15 (UTC)
# 35

Prol would have taken a tent with the game, but it's the flagship of tru p2w for me. Expensive, unavailable in game. I resent it.

I understand why people snatched it for 30. 

Bdo is just better than the other stuff to me. Even the people who i know with the dumb gear say " yeah lemme know " when I say I'm still looking for a good game lol.

it'll happen.

bad format cuz tablet.

there is some enjoyment to be had dodging the predation, tho. I quit my go to bball game for pvp cuz p2w.



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