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UTC 1 : 16 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 16 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 16 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 16 26. Jul 2024
Popularity of World Bosses & Alchemy Stone System Rework - Suggestions
01. Feb 2024, 16:02 (UTC)
2075 33
1 2 3 4
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 01. Feb 2024, 16:02 (UTC)
# 1


Family Name: Quendya
Region : EU&NA / MENA

This document proposes a solution that can address two issues with BDO's content: outdated and declining popularity, through a single action.

1-) World Bosses Popularity

2-) Outdated Alchemy Stone Upgrade System

Problem – 1: World Bosses are losing their appeal, with their popularity dwindling daily. Friends playing in Korea have mentioned that this decline is less pronounced on the Korean server, unlike the global situation. In MMORPGs, world bosses typically serve as common content around which players gather. However, BDO presents a stark contrast. These sentiments are widely shared, not just my own. Questions like 'Why should I bother myself for world bosses?', 'What rewards do world bosses offer?' are common, with answers often being unsatisfactory - a few million silver in gold bars and few crons stones maybe. The likelihood of acquiring boss weapon boxes from these encounters is disappointingly low. While it's understandable that such items are rare, bosses should still provide valuable loot. Players need a compelling reason to face these bosses. A prime example is the Offin World Boss, to which PA added a mythical feather, significantly boosting participation and necessitating a 50% increase in the boss's HP pool. Other world bosses, however, fail to offer such incentives. It might sound humorous, but switching characters to attend world bosses poses a significantly higher risk of game crashes than the chance of obtaining a boss weapon box. Recall the introduction of the Iridescent Lightstone, initially exclusive to world bosses, which revitalized interest as players swarmed these bosses, with normal ones falling within 2-3 minutes and stronger ones in 6-10 minutes. However, making the Lightstone a common drop in the Winter Region diluted its value. The essence of my argument is clear: providing players with definitive incentives will attract thousands to participate in boss battles. At least %90+ of the game do not want to spend time and effort for just to obtain a gold bar that is only worth a few million silver.

Suggestion: Add a rare and valuable item, ONLY obtainable from world bosses, not available elsewhere in the game. Reduce its drop rate to half that of a boss weapon box. Name this new item "Unknown Breath" and allow it to be traded on the central market, with a maximum price of 2 billion silver. Utilize this item to rejuvenate dormant content within the game. While numerous instances exist, one clear example will be highlighted.

Problem – 2: The alchemy stone enhancement system is outdated and achieving the maximum level is nearly unattainable. While Alchemy Stones initially seem to offer little benefit, their effectiveness diminishes significantly as players approach endgame stages (e.g. 309AP and above), with items like Vell’s Heart becoming inadequate or obsolete. This is due to the diminishing returns on hidden AP bonuses received early in the game and the increasing gaps between AP caps. The +3 AP from Vell’s Heart, for instance, becomes inefficient. At this stage, the most crucial stat for endgame players is Attack/Cast Speed, which enhances DPS by enabling faster attacks, as further AP increases yield diminishing returns. Eventually, players reach a point where investing in AP is no longer desirable, leaving Attack/Cast Speed as the only viable stat to improve. As a dedicated player who enjoys pushing the game to its limits, it's disheartening to see Alchemy Stones, which could have been a meaningful goal, languish for years. While obtaining Shining Alchemy Stones is theoretically possible, the resources and time required make it practically unfeasible. Some items should indeed be challenging or time-consuming to acquire, but with the current alchemy stone enhancement system, it's simply not possible. This assertion is based on the experiences of friends who have spent years attempting to achieve even the Splendid level of Alchemy Stone, investing hundereds of billions of silver coins without reaching the penultimate level. This issue transcends the concept of making an item difficult to obtain or presenting a challenge; it is an outright nonsensical problem.

Suggestion: Let's adopt a method similar to the protection offered by Cron Stone for Alchemy Stones upgrades. We can craft this item with the stacked items in our game storages&central market, incorporating a highly valuable item within. I've previously outlined where to acquire this item. Let's name this item "Unknown Breath" from world bosses. We should devise a new recipe using Unknown Breath and some of the stacked items in the game.

New Item Sugesstion “Alchemist’s Breath”

Recipe: Craft with Simple Alchemy.

  • Item 1: Unknown Breath x1
  • Item 2: Crystallized Despair x10 icon
  • Item 3: Magical Shard x50  icon
  • Item 4: Caphras Stone x50  icon
  • Item 5: Black Stone Armor or Black Stone Weapon x1000  icon icon

Let's utilize the "Alchemist's Breath" item to enhance the alchemy stones to the next level and prevent their evaporation. It should also increase the item that require for higher level attempts.

  • Use x1 “Alchemist’s Breath” for to protect your Alchemy Stone

         Sharp Level Alchemy Stone > Resplendent Level Alchemy Stone

            iconiconicon         icon iconicon


  • Use x2 “Alchemist’s Breath” for to protect your Alchemy Stone

          Resplendid Level Alchemy Stone >Splendid Level Alchemy Stone

          icon iconicon                 icon icon icon

  • Use x5 “Alchemist’s Breath” for to protect your Alchemy Stone

          Splendid Level Alchemy Stone > Shining Level Alchemy Stone

          icon icon icon               icon icon icon


As Result:

The possibility of resolving two different scenarios with a single step greatly pleases me, although these are merely suggestions. Have you considered how many issues would be resolved if this proposal were implemented in the game?

1. World Bosses will provide an enjoyable content for both early and mid-game players, offering a chance to earn silver. Players can either keep the Unknown Breath item they obtain or sell it in the market for 2 billion silver. World Bosses will always remain popular. I used the Unknown Breath item in the Alchemy Stone Enchancement solution, but this item could be a universal material and added to other content in the game.

2. Alchemy Stone Enhancement will no longer be a problem. While it might seem like an unnecessary gear progression for a new player, it will offer an opportunity for end-game players to use their resources and take their chances without fear.

3. The issue of Crystalised Despair items from Calpheon Elvia being stacked in the market will be addressed, increasing the income from Calpheon Elvia spots.

4. Caphras Stone is gradually losing its importance and negatively impacting spot revenues. We are creating an additional use for Caphras Stone.

5. Similarly, additional uses are being created for Black Stone and Black Magic Crystals.

Thank you for reading. I hope this proposal or something similar will be implemented.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 01. Feb 2024, 16:24 (UTC)
# 2

I believe world boss loot was left untouched (maybe) from the beginning of the game. It's hardly rewarding for today's standarts. I am not sure so feel free to correct me here. And yes. I agree that there should be something in them that the player needs for a progress (for example).

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 01. Feb 2024, 16:55 (UTC)
# 3
On: Feb 1, 2024, 16:24 (UTC), Written by Krastonosezs

I believe world boss loot was left untouched (maybe) from the beginning of the game. It's hardly rewarding for today's standarts. I am not sure so feel free to correct me here. And yes. I agree that there should be something in them that the player needs for a progress (for example).

They've added iridescents and feathers, but that's about it.

I really want the alchemy stone changes, Vell's heart was good 3-4 years ago when you needed the 3 ap to hit the next bracket, but nowadays the Shining Alchemy stone is the real goal. So much more total AP you can gain with it

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 01. Feb 2024, 22:41 (UTC)
# 4
On: Feb 1, 2024, 16:55 (UTC), Written by kipz

They've added iridescents and feathers, but that's about it.

I really want the alchemy stone changes, Vell's heart was good 3-4 years ago when you needed the 3 ap to hit the next bracket, but nowadays the Shining Alchemy stone is the real goal. So much more total AP you can gain with it

Yes, you're right. They had added the icon Iridescent Lightstone and we experienced an incredible few weeks with the world bosses. Everyone was joining the world bosses. It was incredibly crowded. Even Thunder Kutum would die in under 10 minutes. Then, what did they do? Two weeks later, they added the Iridescent Lightstone as a common drop in the Winter Region. The bosses died again. It seems Pearl Abyss didn't fail to surprise us once more. 
Thats why i defined in my post 'ONLY DROPS from World Bosses' . There shouldnot be other option so everyone can attend to bosses continuesly

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Feb 2024, 01:06 (UTC)
# 5

they are too focus on banning player. they just drop a rule that if you feed player to mob you get Banned

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Feb 2024, 03:49 (UTC)
# 6

this is ridiculously cheap compared to the current method and would greatly diminish the achievement for those players who have obtained hard to get alchemy stones.

BDO doesn't need to change so that everyone can have the uber rare prized items with minimal effort.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Feb 2024, 08:45 (UTC)
# 7
On: Feb 2, 2024, 03:48 (UTC), Written by frumpylumps

this is ridiculously cheap compared to the current method and would greatly diminish the achievement for those players who have obtained hard to get alchemy stones.

BDO doesn't need to change so that everyone can have the uber rare prized items with minimal effort.

I think you didnot get the point. It s not giving you the alchemy stone with %100 guaranteed. It s givin you to protect your alchemy stone while you enhance it. You will still have %3 change to enhance it. How can you think that every attempt cost 15 bil is cheap :D . 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Feb 2024, 12:34 (UTC)
# 8
On: Feb 2, 2024, 01:06 (UTC), Written by Mideum87

they are too focus on banning player. they just drop a rule that if you feed player to mob you get Banned

1. This is offtopic. 2. Feeding to mobs is clearly griefing, which some players fail to acknowledge.

I am with OP on both points. Main drops from bosses are weapons, adventurer backpacks, and iridescents, all of them having relatively low price and low drop, so I feel demotivated to go for worldbosses as well as the time progresses (even though I have full alt setup, which greatly saves my time). Moreover, we have to choose between getting sheet AP or higher AP buff from the alchemy stones, which is strange - I would expect an option where you get both at some point - and the top alchemy stone is close to impossible to get.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Feb 2024, 11:30 (UTC)
# 9

i made a topic about worldbosses rework too.. but ppl hated my take on it
here's the link if u are interested in diving into it

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Feb 2024, 13:39 (UTC)
# 10

The alchemy stone system in general clearly needs a rework

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