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UTC 1 : 29 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 29 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 29 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 29 26. Jul 2024
They gave 2 mil per burning powder...
07. Feb 2024, 22:28 (UTC)
1168 13
1 2
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 08. Feb 2024, 00:14 (UTC)
# 1

Wow! What they should have done is given black stone weapon!

OR def more money.

Absolutely robbed, though, 2k mobs for 2 mil haha.

edit: i see a downvote. I assume this is because you get 4 powder per quest? You know what i mean. Awful compensation. I know most of you probably already did it, but blee.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 08. Feb 2024, 08:13 (UTC)
# 2

They could have given nothing. Why kill 2k mobs when you only need to catch one horse.

Also, why did you collect them in larger quantities than needed for the accessory enchantment?

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 08. Feb 2024, 12:32 (UTC)
# 3
Am 08. Feb 2024, 08:13 (UTC), von Senemedar

Why kill 2k mobs when you only need to catch one horse.

2k mobs = 4 powder
one horse = 2 powder
so with horse catching it was 90 days until u had enough powder and with killing mobs it was 45 days! Thats why!

Am 08. Feb 2024, 08:13 (UTC), von Senemedar

Also, why did you collect them in larger quantities than needed for the accessory enchantment?

Where did he say he collected more than he needed?

3 1255
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 08. Feb 2024, 13:00 (UTC)
# 4
On: Feb 8, 2024, 12:32 (UTC), Written by Megta

2k mobs = 4 powder
one horse = 2 powder
so with horse catching it was 90 days until u had enough powder and with killing mobs it was 45 days! Thats why!

And so what? I made this accessory yesterday and only because they changed system and now it is more expensive. So until yesterday, I would probably have 1,000 of these powders if I collected them, but why? This powder cannot be sold. 

On: Feb 8, 2024, 12:32 (UTC), Written by Megta

Where did he say he collected more than he needed?

Author of the topic has an account from 2016, he "hasn't had time" to collect 180 powders since this system appeared in the game and enchant accessory?

I collected 180 pieces and that's enough, all of them from life skills for catching horses + those given away in various events, and after the accessory enchantment I still have 92 left, so I got 184m yesterday and I'm happy.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 08. Feb 2024, 14:10 (UTC)
# 5
On: Feb 8, 2024, 12:56 (UTC), Written by Senemedar

And so what? I made this accessory yesterday and only because they changed system and now it is more expensive. So until yesterday, I would probably have 1,000 of these powders if I collected them, but why? This powder cannot be sold. 

Author of the topic has an account from 2016, he "hasn't had time" to collect 180 powders since this system appeared in the game and enchant accessory?

I collected 180 pieces and that's enough, all of them from life skills for catching horses + those given away in various events, and after the accessory enchantment I still have 92 left, so I got 184m yesterday and I'm happy.

2 thoughts.

1. Do you assume I've been playing since 2016? haha.

2. It's a daily grind quest. I hate them. I didn't even get the tri acc cuz I missed a day or two. I am on a duo acc and I was getting close to pen because I finally decided to do it. I am not gonna be mad that they deleted that crap route, but that's a really paltry reward. 184m is like 20min at gahaz. haha. 

My friend who was also saving up was pretty upset as well. Like I said, most people likely have done it already so no sympathy. Also bonus 3rd thought, you said why would you collect more and then you collected more :o I was almost there. You admit it's more expensive now and... they gave a really trash reward for the powder while removing the time it takes... prol 15-20 min or so to farm 2000 mobs. So, basically you are getting a reward of 180m when you could get that money in one run of that time. The reason you can farm 2000 mobs ez is because you don't have to loot, if you slow down to loot, you get about that at a most decent spots. At the very least, 30 min.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 08. Feb 2024, 15:36 (UTC)
# 6

1. You got them for free.
2. Powder no longer needed for anything, so removed.
Conclusion: why should we get anything?

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Feb 2024, 19:37 (UTC)
# 7

Oh no the blackstone market is dry, oh no PA broke it, no they didn't supply and demand, wait 6 months, you be good... its not a race its a marathon :) get to work

EDIT: they don't need to " give " anything at all.... 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 14. Feb 2024, 14:09 (UTC)
# 8
On: Feb 12, 2024, 19:35 (UTC), Written by Iston

Oh no the blackstone market is dry, oh no PA broke it, no they didn't supply and demand, wait 6 months, you be good... its not a race its a marathon :) get to work

EDIT: they don't need to " give " anything at all.... 

They took the powder. It wasn't free. haha. Like I said in another thread, I'm cool, cuz everyone manages to crash the market whenever they give out something, so I can pick up everything for way cheaper. I am simply saying it's nuts that people who started this powder quest NOW got compensated in such a poor way. They absolutely need to give something! Or they could have made powder = to x mats. That would have been smart, too.

I don't like how BDO bros do not read.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 14. Feb 2024, 23:50 (UTC)
# 9
On: Feb 14, 2024, 14:09 (UTC), Written by Maltie

They took the powder. It wasn't free. haha. Like I said in another thread, I'm cool, cuz everyone manages to crash the market whenever they give out something, so I can pick up everything for way cheaper. I am simply saying it's nuts that people who started this powder quest NOW got compensated in such a poor way. They absolutely need to give something! Or they could have made powder = to x mats. That would have been smart, too.

I don't like how BDO bros do not read.

Oh don't worry, they read all right, they jsut prefer to misinterpret what you say so they can then attack you and feel better about their own veiwpoints, instead of actually considering what people who think differently to them have to say.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Feb 2024, 00:52 (UTC)
# 10

Everyone I've talked to is like DEY TOOK MUH POWDER haha. Oh well, I guess even PA makes mistakes sometimes, but I would say that most people who had powder and were working toward the quest are a bit disappointed, to say the least. Let's leave it there!

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