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UTC 1 : 26 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 26 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 26 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 26 26. Jul 2024
Why is Evasion still a stat in this game with ACTION combat?
22. Feb 2024, 04:10 (UTC)
1080 24
1 2 3
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Feb 2024, 22:35 (UTC)
# 1

I literally cannot think of anything more stupid and cringe to have in an action game than evasion as a stat that will make you miss attacks that you physically connected with. Evasion along with resistance make this game's combat and PvP reach levels of stupidity and cringe that almost seem unthinkable, as if the game doesn't already have enough issues with it's busted engine.

Remove evasion, remove resistances. I've said it so many damn times on here. Other people have said it too. Why is this still a thing in an action game literally 8 years later? What's the point of even having action combat when you have stupid RNG stats that make your attacks that you connect with not count?

I just can't with how incompetent some things in this game are. I don't get how this ever even ended up being in the game in the first place.

Editing just to say that evasion abusers downvoting to maintain the status quo of their stupid cringey stat are clowns. Evasion isn't real build variety either. You build DR if you're a class that doesn't get evasion bonuses, or if you are a class that gets evasion bonuses, you build evasion. There's zero creativity or variety there. It's cringe and evasion has basically always been noticeably stronger than DR in PvP, you have to specifically build extra gear to even be able to fight it and that's stupid too. It's not build variety, it's binary as hell and lacks any sort of creativity or interesting components. Lastly, I'd just like to say that the people running around with green/ultimate evasion sub-weapons are at the peak of cringe mountain.

33 178
Lv 63
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Feb 2024, 05:09 (UTC)
# 2

Because it's a MMO*RPG* not a fighting game. All RPG game have alot of RNG form, What ever is Crit chance, CC chance, Resistance, Evasion, Accuracy.  Any RPG must have all the good old mechanic of a D&D game, that make things interesting, unpredictable and not boring and predictable.

Gameplay type don't change the original genre of the game. I've played almost all the mmorpgs, especially the action ones, and there are always several forms of RNG, whether it's on Terra with Crit resist, Vindictus with crit, C9, GW2 with crit chance, block chance etc.
Same go for the * Action * game like Diablo-like where RNG mechanic you will have.

If there's one thing that bdo should have, it's more gear diversity and build, and even more mechanics borrowed from good c-rpgs.

You're not on the right kind of video games if you want a chess game.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Feb 2024, 07:39 (UTC)
# 3
On: Feb 22, 2024, 04:46 (UTC), Written by Catastigma

Because it's a MMO*RPG* not a fighting game. 

Ah, I see, a game being a specific genre means it must have ALL the mechanics of that genre. Also lets ignore the action-hack-n-slash element of this game and just focus on the faux-RPG bits of it.

On: Feb 22, 2024, 04:46 (UTC), Written by Catastigma

 Any RPG must have all the good old mechanic of a D&D game, that make things interesting, unpredictable and not boring and predictable.

There is no evasion-like mechanic in Dnd. There is rng to hit, but no bs similar to accuracy/evasion and cc resistance. And that rng to succeed/fail contributes to nothing in making "things interesting and unpredictable" - it's player actions that do that. Also, comparing a tabletop role-playing game with a video game is like comparing apples with airplanes.

On: Feb 22, 2024, 04:46 (UTC), Written by Catastigma

You're not on the right kind of video games if you want a chess game.

On: Feb 22, 2024, 04:46 (UTC), Written by Catastigma

Gameplay type don't change the original genre of the game. I've played almost all the mmorpgs, especially the action ones, and there are always several forms of RNG, whether it's on Terra with Crit resist, Vindictus with crit, C9, GW2 with crit chance, block chance etc.
Same go for the * Action * game like Diablo-like where RNG mechanic you will have.

The same could be said for you then? Go play those games?

Skilled endgame pvp players in bdo don't want their skill invalidated by rng or gear builds - if I push buttons better than you, I want that to be projected in the game. You will not find a single sane uncapped pvp player in BDO that thinks resistances and evasion are a cool mechanic - especially in a game that has Superarmor (CC Godmode) and Frontal Guard (Frontal Defense Godmode).

It's only players that suck at pushing buttons that agree with these mechanics since they serve as a crutch to hide their lack of skill.

Your entire post is: "It's like this because it's been done like this since the forefather said so". Seems very dogmatic and contrary to any diversity, unpredictability, and interest to me. 


On: Feb 22, 2024, 04:10 (UTC), Written by Velvy

I literally cannot think of anything more stupid and cringe to have in an action game than evasion as a stat that will make you miss attacks that you physically connected with. Evasion along with resistance make this game's combat and PvP reach levels of stupidity and cringe that almost seem unthinkable, as if the game doesn't already have enough issues with it's busted engine.

Remove evasion, remove resistances. I've said it so many damn times on here. Other people have said it too. Why is this still a thing in an action game literally 8 years later? What's the point of even having action combat when you have stupid RNG stats that make your attacks that you connect with not count?

I just can't with how incompetent some things in this game are. I don't get how this ever even ended up being in the game in the first place.

I see you struggling and I feel you homie. I suggest to just going to an OP-fotm-meta pvp class with 30-50% accuracy on it's skills and just playing evasion until {if ever} it gets edited. The fact that you can go full defense build on some classes and still slap more than others in a proper accuracy/ap build, while being 10000 times more tanky, tells you the state-of-play in BDO.

Fair warning tho, if you like skilled gameplay, this will make you bored with uncapped in about 3-6 weeks, which will prompt you to quit the game, or perhaps play BDO like an AoS standalone like I do (not that AoS doesn't have the same problems, but 4 games per day keeps the addiction away).


I Am NOT Hum0n.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Feb 2024, 08:12 (UTC)
# 4
On: Feb 22, 2024, 07:39 (UTC), Written by DaiPinch

Ah, I see, a game being a specific genre means it must have ALL the mechanics of that genre. Also lets ignore the action-hack-n-slash element of this game and just focus on the faux-RPG bits of it.

There is no evasion-like mechanic in Dnd. There is rng to hit, but no bs similar to accuracy/evasion and cc resistance. And that rng to succeed/fail contributes to nothing in making "things interesting and unpredictable" - it's player actions that do that. Also, comparing a tabletop role-playing game with a video game is like comparing apples with airplanes.

The same could be said for you then? Go play those games?

Skilled endgame pvp players in bdo don't want their skill invalidated by rng or gear builds - if I push buttons better than you, I want that to be projected in the game. You will not find a single sane uncapped pvp player in BDO that thinks resistances and evasion are a cool mechanic - especially in a game that has Superarmor (CC Godmode) and Frontal Guard (Frontal Defense Godmode).

It's only players that suck at pushing buttons that agree with these mechanics since they serve as a crutch to hide their lack of skill.

Your entire post is: "It's like this because it's been done like this since the forefather said so". Seems very dogmatic and contrary to any diversity, unpredictability, and interest to me. 


I see you struggling and I feel you homie. I suggest to just going to an OP-fotm-meta pvp class with 30-50% accuracy on it's skills and just playing evasion until {if ever} it gets edited. The fact that you can go full defense build on some classes and still slap more than others in a proper accuracy/ap build, while being 10000 times more tanky, tells you the state-of-play in BDO.

Fair warning tho, if you like skilled gameplay, this will make you bored with uncapped in about 3-6 weeks, which will prompt you to quit the game, or perhaps play BDO like an AoS standalone like I do (not that AoS doesn't have the same problems, but 4 games per day keeps the addiction away).


I Am NOT Hum0n.

I am a 8 years old pvp BDO player. 

You are the one that want to change a game that don't have to cause actual BDO veteran love bdo as is it. you want to kill the game we've love for almost 10 years. You are the intruder. you don't like bdo.

There's no damn chance that you'll grind for several years on a game and hate the entire foundation of the game.

You're not a veteran. Much less a pvper. At best, you brought the account you are playing on. There's no chance your words came from someone who actually plays bdo.

The simple fact that you state the AoS proves that you are absolutely not a BDO player.

AoS is straight Themepark content that would not exist in bdo. but we are invaded by wowists who want to turn BDO into another world of warcraft. Like I feel like you are.

Arenas on bdo are duels and fights at a city's arena, and tournaments organized by the community.

All these things that have been release over time are blasphemy.

Its cause a game have rng mechanic that everything is unskill, unpredictability exactly force the user to adapt to these result, like in Poker, You CC fail ? Adapt to it. your down smash didn't work for an extended combo? Disengages and re-engages in 4 sec while the CC limit resets. trust your friends to CC for you. there are a billion possibilities.
fun fact The CC probably failed because your target was under CC limit immunity. many don't understand how easy it is in a fight with several people to over CC someone and think that their CC resisted while the opponant was still under his 5 sec of CC immunity.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Feb 2024, 08:12 (UTC)
# 5
On: Feb 22, 2024, 07:55 (UTC), Written by Catastigma

I am a 8 years old pvp BDO player. 

You are the one that want to change a game that don't have to cause actual BDO veteran love bdo as is it. you want to kill the game we've love for almost 10 years. You are the intruder. you don't like bdo.

There's no damn chance that you'll grind for several years on a game and hate the entire foundation of the game.

You're not a veteran. Much less a pvper. At best, you brought the account you are playing on. There's no chance your words came from someone who actually plays bdo.

The simple fact that you state the AoS proves that you are absolutely not a BDO player.

AoS is straight Themepark content that would not exist in bdo. but we are invaded by wowists who want to turn BDO into another world of warcraft. like i feel like you are. could just press community activity to see who I am, but I guess your teflon brain is too rotten to even do that. This is accented by the fact that you didn't comment on a single argument, not that I expected it from a brain-dead evasion player. Go ask veterans such as choice, divios, blue, goldstein what they think about evasion and cc resistances. Also, claiming I want to make it a theme-park, while using those games (that have these crap stats [eva / resist]) as an RPG example of why those stats are default is so funny - thanks for making my day xD

Yeah homie, I bought an account with only 1 class at max level missing - that has participated in an art event - because I wanted to spite you on the forums.

Are you OK? Do you need help? You won't be the first person I've assisted with issues in this forum/game, lmk if you want to talk on discord.


Nope, still not human.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Feb 2024, 08:13 (UTC)
# 6

PS. Down-smash is a stupid mechanic too. Just cus you edited and wanted to add another rng silliness to the conversation.


I am not human.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Feb 2024, 08:20 (UTC)
# 7
On: Feb 22, 2024, 08:11 (UTC), Written by DaiPinch could just press community activity to see who I am, but I guess your teflon brain is too rotten to even do that. This is accented by the fact that you didn't comment on a single argument, not that I expected it from a brain-dead evasion player. Go ask veterans such as choice, divios, blue, goldstein what they think about evasion and cc resistances. Also, claiming I want to make it a theme-park, while using those games (that have these crap stats [eva / resist]) as an RPG example of why those stats are default is so funny - thanks for making my day xD

Yeah homie, I bought an account with only 1 class at max level missing - that has participated in an art event - because I wanted to spite you on the forums.

Are you OK? Do you need help? You won't be the first person I've assisted with issues in this forum/game, lmk if you want to talk on discord.


Nope, still not human.

Thier are not Veteran, thier are Content Creator, influancer. if you think that these people opinion would have priority over everyone....

Let's go ask Asmongold for his opinion. He also played bdo in 2016 and recently. Celebrity opinions don't go very far

but hey fanboys and their idols.
I don't think you realize that removing all the mechanic rng from BDO is redoing the entire game. And kill what people paid the box for in 2016. You might as well wait for bdo 2.
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Feb 2024, 08:15 (UTC)
# 8
On: Feb 22, 2024, 08:14 (UTC), Written by Catastigma

Thier are not Veteran, thier are Content Creator, influancer. if you think that these people opinion would have priority over everyone....

If you dont value Divios' opinion for pvp, I dunno what to tell ya.


Not human, just a bot made by DaiPinch to try to wipe the teflon out of non-stick pans.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Feb 2024, 09:14 (UTC)
# 9

Accuracy is also stupid mechanic - you hit or miss - why any rng for that.

Remove also super armor - why the heck in action combat you can attack and in same time being unable to be cc'ed.

Forward guard should be exclusive to classes with shield. How do you want to block without a shield? It's just stupid.

Truth be told, the ability to assemble one of many builds is one of the best things about MMO games. Removing this option will turn the game into a silly Tekken-style fighting game where you just have to ramp up attack and defense all the time without thinking about anything else, and then all that matters is how fast you click the keyboard in a certain sequence.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Feb 2024, 09:54 (UTC)
# 10
On: Feb 22, 2024, 09:14 (UTC), Written by Sealti

Accuracy is also stupid mechanic - you hit or miss - why any rng for that.

Remove also super armor - why the heck in action combat you can attack and in same time being unable to be cc'ed.

Forward guard should be exclusive to classes with shield. How do you want to block without a shield? It's just stupid.

Truth be told, the ability to assemble one of many builds is one of the best things about MMO games. Removing this option will turn the game into a silly Tekken-style fighting game where you just have to ramp up attack and defense all the time without thinking about anything else, and then all that matters is how fast you click the keyboard in a certain sequence.

Blocking with sword is something normal in real life.

But this is game, a fentasy game with spells. Imagine if they remove resist accuracy and evasion what will happend. Specialy with those big AOEs with multiple hits. You gona have to reduce damage greatly and engrease the hp.
Im also with Catastigma on this - its RPG you need stats to work your gear adons etc. Remove them, NO, Make them work better, YES.

1 2 3


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