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1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 1 : 58 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 58 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 58 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 58 26. Jul 2024
Add Repair Tool to Tool Workshop
01. Mrz 2024, 18:48 (UTC)
350 5
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 01. Mrz 2024, 18:54 (UTC)
# 1

I would like to suggest, to add Repair Tools in Tools Workshop, besides crafting normal alchemy tools and cooking utensils. Right now we need a ton of storage space to create alchemy tools and utensils, but in the end most of us will convert them to repair tools. It would be great if we could craft repair tools straight aways from Tool Workshop, so we don't have to exchange them all the time.

And another suggestion regarding Cooking Utensils and Alchemy Tools; add something beyond supreme version of it, that have like 50k durability and it can be recovered by any repair tool for it's amount. So lets say that we make that "Godlike" utensil with 50'000 durability, but then we can recover durability by 3000 with Morning Light repair tool, and if we have more them, increase by that amount. Maybe this suggestion is a bit extreme, but I just hate using utensils with only 900/3000 durability. Those for 5000 are okay, but sadly it's hard to get those.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 01. Mrz 2024, 19:25 (UTC)
# 2

Auto-use repair?

13 1017
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 01. Mrz 2024, 20:15 (UTC)
# 3
On: Mar 1, 2024, 19:25 (UTC), Written by Entropoid

Auto-use repair?

Is that a suggestion or already a feature? Yeah, automatically applying repair kits would be nice, so please enlighten me how to manage that, if it's already possible? Also, I would love to exchange Advanced for Suppreme repair kits, because I have so many of those Advanced kits from Liana's daily quests but can't really use them with the Suppreme tool in my house. Alternatively, as Simon771 suggested, being able to use the Advanced kit to repair only 900 on a Suppreme tool would work for me too,

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 01. Mrz 2024, 21:20 (UTC)
# 4
On: Mar 1, 2024, 20:14 (UTC), Written by Caithy

Is that a suggestion or already a feature? Yeah, automatically applying repair kits would be nice, so please enlighten me how to manage that, if it's already possible? Also, I would love to exchange Advanced for Suppreme repair kits, because I have so many of those Advanced kits from Liana's daily quests but can't really use them with the Suppreme tool in my house. Alternatively, as Simon771 suggested, being able to use the Advanced kit to repair only 900 on a Suppreme tool would work for me too,

Sorry, it was a question, more or less if that would fit in with the suggestion.

Yeah, instead of 'repair tools', just treat them as 'charge' items, apply to whatever.

13 1017
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Mrz 2024, 08:21 (UTC)
# 5
On: Mar 1, 2024, 21:20 (UTC), Written by Entropoid

Sorry, it was a question, more or less if that would fit in with the suggestion.

Yeah, instead of 'repair tools', just treat them as 'charge' items, apply to whatever.

Yeah that's also great idea, so we could repair/charge Supreme tools with any kind of reapir tool.



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