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UTC 23 : 16 20. Sep 2024
CEST 1 : 16 21. Sep 2024
PDT 16 : 16 20. Sep 2024
EDT 19 : 16 20. Sep 2024
(Feedback) Succession Guardian - Remove Prime: Mutilation Forward Guard Gap
16. Apr 2024, 15:30 (UTC)
2842 3
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 5 Stunde(n) vorher
# 1

Family Name: Chauncy

Region (NA/EU): EU

Please remove the forward guard gap in Prime: Mutilation and make the whole duration Forward Guard.
This is one of the most key skills in Succession Guardian's arsenal of moves. It is used for many situations such as:
- One of six main damage skills in both PvE and PvP
- One of four (More like 3.5) Forward Guard abilities that are used to block damage and CCs in both PvE and PvP
- One of, if not the best, fight engaging abilities Guardian has.
- A key move used in ALL PvP and PvE combos since we barely have enough skills as it is
- Our only useful PvP Float and one of two PvE Float CC abilities
- Best linking move that needs to be used for Prime: Black Blood Slaughter to be cast which is Guardian's best CC ability and another one of our six main damage skills in all forms of content
I hope from the above list you can see how key of a move this is for Succession Guardian. However, while this skill is heavily RELIED upon in all forms of content, it is an UNRELIABLE skill. It is so easy to get CCed in the gap of this skill in both PvP and PvE, especially when Guardian has been designed to use this move to access arguably her best skill, Prime: Black Blood Slaughter, as Mutilation is the ONLY skill that smoothly links before this and allows you to make use of the Air Attack bonus.
Succession Guardian does not have many key moves to begin with so one skill being unreliable has a serious negative impact on the class.
The biggest bait of all time is you were going to remove the gap at one point in time, during the global labs patch notes on 22nd December 2023:
While I think that the mutilation gap should be removed for being outdated and for all the reasons mentioned above, I think one of the biggest reasons is actually that it's JUST NOT FUN. Fair enough if a monster or player got behind me and CCd me, that is the counter to Forward Guards, but not during the micro gap of the ability that I must use to access my best skill.
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Apr 2024, 15:36 (UTC)
# 2

Honestly, facts.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 01. Jul 2024, 01:13 (UTC)
# 3

:( no one mentions guards succ grab that things suuucks its either outgrabbed, stunned out of it, or KD for trying thanks to PA and wanted her to skate forward like a barbarian princess for some stupid a** reason

36 238
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