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1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 2 : 21 27. Jul 2024
CEST 4 : 21 27. Jul 2024
PDT 19 : 21 26. Jul 2024
EDT 22 : 21 26. Jul 2024
Sailing Xp still seem vvery low
20. Apr 2024, 19:06 (UTC)
1549 6
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 20. Apr 2024, 19:06 (UTC)
# 1

did all the Sailing Xp quest and still looks like it will take a month to go from Master 8 in sailing to Master 9 so not sure were your toget the xtra xp to make this move any faster

143 516
Lv 65
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 21. Apr 2024, 08:06 (UTC)
# 2

I'm arti 10 and get 2.xx% when I do all the dailies and if i buy the embroidered clothes i get .01%/(5s i think) with and without when sailing in margoria....yes, the xp is so slow that even a slug 🐌 is faster.....also the bartering xp is even slower. Guess they want their playerbase to actually get guru in these while playing the game daily 8h for 10 years.

10 117
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 21. Apr 2024, 10:26 (UTC)
# 3

Not sure why this Sailing progression is that slow, not like everyone is doing this part of content which eats so much time even in state of semi-AFK. Tried myself but seems like I waste way too much time and its not worth, I did this for energy knowledge and its kinda fun but to do this every day its a no for me.

Waiting for PA to add verdant black stone to marketplace, saleable like black gems because gathering/questing again is way too hard, can't wait to add carrack to mp, most of people get more silver/h from grinding and its easier to buy it from MP instead of grinding for who knows how many months/years, I give up already for long path Caravel ship upgrade...

Wondering if they wanna buff this content more, will also help veteran players but encouraging new people to try this and get some real rewards, not just to waste precious time moving around and earn nothing.

Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 21. Apr 2024, 11:41 (UTC)
# 4

Probably PA thinks that if the player sails all the time and for a long time, player would receive too much EXP. But their reasoning is wrong.

Let's compare, for example, cooking and gathering. Cooking at higher levels (Master / Guru) does not give almost any exp, e.g. one beer cooking does not increase our exp even by 0.01%, only two cooking or large life exp buffs give the above-mentioned 0.01%.
Cooking, however, is a continuous activity, in afk or semi-afk mode (if someone, like me, uses bonus quests). That's why 0.01% multiplied by thousands of cooking turns into a specific percentage after some time.

Now let's look at gathering. Here, too, at the Master level "zero exp" begins, i.e. one gathering may not even give us 0.01%. However, gathering is an active activity and, in addition, it limits our energy. Consumption of 600-650 energy with buffs gives a ridiculous 10-15% (depends on what we collect).

PA treats sailing as a permanent activity that does not require any activity from players (and this is where they are very wrong, for me barter is 100% an active activity), hence the very low exp calculation in relation to the route traveled.

The problem of low exp at higher life skill levels (Master and higher) does not only apply to sailing. Applies to all life skills!You feel it to a lesser extent when cooking, processing or fishing, but that's only because it's mostly your in-game afk time.

It should also be mentioned that bdo is 8 years old, which is a period of time that a new player cannot catch up with. While in the case of player vs mobs there are many mechanisms thanks to which the player quickly reaches the soft cap or even higher, in the case of life skills there is nothing that would enable a new player to catch up with older players.

Conclusion: gaining life skills exp should be significantly increased because what we get is pennies, and life skills levels recalculated with new lower values of exp required for lvl up, e.g. now G1 to G2 requires 1,000,000 exp, change to G1 to G2 requires 120,000 exp. Give us a real opportunity to get guru 50. Without such changes, we will never see the day when at least one player becomes a sailing guru.

We still have an event for 500, 1000% exp, and what does the life skill get? 50% (and once, exceptionally, on the occasion of the anniversary, 80%). It's a joke! Even an event with 500% life skill exp would not be enough to feel the difference in the exp gained.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 01. Mai 2024, 18:15 (UTC)
# 5

well at Master 8 doing the sailing quest every day and one round off Parley it take 2 months to get to Master 9 I think doing sailing every day you have to go kill a lot of crocodile to gain any Sailing xp

143 516
Lv 65
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 18. Jun 2024, 16:02 (UTC)
# 6

They do not care about the sailors, I should have made a stink about this when they released bartering and carracks but for some reason I had hope for more to come. The old bait and hook play. Now I will say what I should have said back then. We don't even get a title for building a carack and that was Kakao! So both companies are complicit in the neglect or maybe abuse of people who like to do sailing. I could go on for days about this and everything else you all were talking about.

Yes the XP for sailing is disgusting and should be looked into along with other things.


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