Family Name: JariWeis
Region: NA/EU
Suggestion: Disable Naval Karma loss when hitting anyone / any target in an active NW/Siege area.
After yesterday's NWs I've received multiple pings about the Naval Karma system being unjustly and/or improperly applied to the current NW system. This is either something the developers have missed, or (more likely) a pretty substantial bug.
As is normal, there were multiple Guilds actively participating in Nodewars. There also was a Guild on the same NW channel, on the water within the NW area, that was NOT participating in the war. The non-participating Guild was using their Guild Galley in the NW area's waters.
People who unintentionally hit this non-participating person's boat that was within the NW area still received a 50k Naval Karma reduction.
This is especially backwards as the same penalties do not apply to on-land combat. People don't lose karma for killing stragglers within NW areas, and have not done so with the previous system either.
This is something that HAS to be looked at ASAP as a simple mistake can lock you out of accessing 99% of the Wharf Managers in the game and entirely stunt your progress towards sea-related content. Gaining back Naval Karma without a boat is also incredibly tedious and time consuming, and you cannot really obtain and register a boat to speed this up as you're already locked out of the Wharfs. The game should not be this punitive to people who are actively participating in PvP content in its designated areas at the designated times because a random person decides to be a troll.
Omw to go karmabomb a NW... What fun times we live in...
How it should work is that the non-participating guild's galley should be instantly destroyed upon being attacked, essentially the ship would have 0 DP.
Friend, NW is not open season. You have to restrain yourself and be respecful of other Adventurers' right to exist wherever they wish to be at any time. I encourage you to take the repeatable box delivery quest from Hans at velia to recover lost karma and refelct deeply on your disturbing behaviour.
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