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UTC 11 : 24 10. Sep 2024
CEST 13 : 24 10. Sep 2024
PDT 4 : 24 10. Sep 2024
EDT 7 : 24 10. Sep 2024
Dosa Class - PvE Feedbacks by @Quendya
05. Jul 2024, 14:41 (UTC)
2354 19
1 2
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 05. Jul 2024, 14:41 (UTC)
# 1

Hello Everyone!

The changes under this title are prepared with PvE in mind. The addition of the Dosa class has left many players disappointed. It is possible to find something illogical and inconsistent in every aspect of the class in general(AoE, DPS, Cooldowns etc). Therefore, players constantly mention that something is missing while experiencing the class and they cannot understand this deficiency. This situation had also occurred with the Scholar class and took more than 2 months to resolve. I hope the developers will promptly address the issues to prevent the same situation from happening again.

   Prime: Cloudveil (RMB)

  1. Due to the inconsistency in the AoE effects of the attacks within the skill, the reflected damage is not equal. Therefore, hits should be corrected to be more consistent in terms of AoE. AoE consistency should be ensured.
  2. The multiplier for Attack 3 in the skill should be increased from x1 to x2.



 Prime: Flow: Blinding Slash (F)

  1. Skill AoE should be increased by %50 and when used by comboing after other skills, the first hit should be cancellable.



 Prime: Flow: Rising Slash (RMB)

  1. AoE of skill should be the same size as the Chain: Ricochet AoE skill. The inconsistent AoE in between the chain skill and the main skill is causing a DPS issue.
  2. Skill animation is too slow. It has to be twice as faster.
  3. Down Attack Modifier should be added to skill.


    Prime: Flow: Twin Slash& Chain: Final Slash (LMB)

  1. All attack multipliers with x1 in both skills should be increased to x2.
  2. The AoEs of attacks in skill are inconsistent with each other. An adjustment should be made to ensure a more balanced AoE attack.
  3. The Skill DPS rate is quite low. The skill damage value should be increased or the animation speed should be significantly increased.


 Prime: Fog Cleave (S+LMB)

  1. After using any skill, Attack 1 should be canceled and the skill should start from Attack 2.
  2. The AoEs of attacks in skill are inconsistent with each other. An adjustment should be made to ensure a more balanced and bigger AoE attack.
  3. Increase “Attack 3” damage from 5656x1 to 7918x1(+%40 Damage). PvP damage should remain the same.


 Flow: Oblique Cleave (SPACE)

  1. There is a mechanical bug in Skill that needs to be urgently fixed. When using this skill in the global lab, you can see that it works under all conditions. You can pass behind the opponent without any collision. However, in the versions on official servers, there is a collision issue after most of the skills. It causes a collision problem in approximately 80% of skills the skill tree. Skill does not work in accordance with its purpose. This issue should be resolved urgently.


 Absolute: Deep Haze

  1. The kick animation inside the "Attack 2" is causing a clunky usage in the skill animation. The kick animation within the skill should be completely removed, and a more fluid movement should be provided.



 Flow: Virga Shaft

  1. The skill AoE should be increased by 30%.
  2. A “-20DP debuff” should be added to the Skill. This way, debuff can be applied with this skill before starting the combo.



 Prime: Spring Frost (Shift+LMB)

  1. Increase “Attack 1” damage from 2832x1 to 4531x1(+%60 Damage). PvP damage should remain the same.
  2. After any skill is used, it should be made possible to combo starting from Attack 2.



 Prime: Summer Breeze (Shift+RMB)

  1. Down Attack Modifier should be added to skill. Adjust PvP damage reduction value to address possible PvP damage issues.
  2. After any skill is used, it should be made possible to combo starting from Attack 2.


 Prime: Autumnal Blitz (Shift+E)

  1. Increase “Attack 1” damage from 1825x1 to 2372x1(+%30 Damage). PvP damage should remain the same.
  2. Increase “Attack 2” damage from 9415x2 to 11298x2(+%20 Damage). PvP damage should remain the same.
  3. After any skill is used, it should be made possible to combo starting from Attack 2.
  4. Cooldown should be reduced from 14 seconds to 13 seconds.



 Prime: Winter Squall (Shift+F)

  1. Increase “Attack 1” damage from 2856x1 to 3712x1(+%30 Damage). PvP damage should remain the same.
  2. Increase “Attack 2” damage from 8467x2 to 10160x2(+%20 Damage). PvP damage should remain the same.
  3. After any skill is used, it should be made possible to combo starting from Attack 2.
  4. Cooldown should be reduced from 14 seconds to 7 seconds.
  5. A “-20DP debuff” should be added to the Skill. This way, debuff can be applied with this skill before starting the combo.




 Prime: Taeguk (Shift+Q)

  1. After any skill is used, it should be made possible to combo and smooth&faster transition.
  2. Cooldown should be reduced from 14 seconds to 10 seconds.



 Prime: Cloud General (C)

  1. After any skill is used, it should be made possible to combo and smooth&faster transition.
  2. Skill AoE should be increased by 30% towards the front of character.



 Prime: Unsa's Heir

  1. The durations of the buffs should be increased in 4 stages to “5, 7, 12, and 20” seconds.
  2. Attack speed buff should be added gradually to each stage of the buffs.
  • Level 1  : +%2 Attack Speed
  • Level 2  : +%4 Attack Speed
  • Level 3  : +%7 Attack Speed
  • Level 4  : +%10 Attack Speed




The transitions between all the skills used for mobility should be made smoother. The only common issue mentioned by everyone who has tried the class is "clunky movement." A serious effort should be made on this issue to provide a more fluid movement opportunity.

Reproduced with permission.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 05. Jul 2024, 15:50 (UTC)
# 2

Class is okay, community wants it to be op, the usual

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 05. Jul 2024, 17:27 (UTC)
# 3

While I think the class would benefit a lot from these changes being made I think that they should start more along these lines

1. Shift skills after moving in a direction should be cast in the direction of the camera. Not auto aimed

2. The collision on movement skills should be fixed

3. Attack speed somewhere in the kit. Added as a buff on an ability or to the passive 

4. Shift q and rmb cd's reduced 

5. Make it more worth to cancel the shift skills we want a higher ceiling for more effort 

6. Shift lmb higher aoe 

7. shift f give it some range. 

I know a lot is outlined in this post, but a lot of it just seems like more damage and aoe instead of fixes to the current issues the class has. Support it though! 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 05. Jul 2024, 18:11 (UTC)
# 4

It's maybe just me. But I wish Shift+Q (Taeguk) and Shift + LMB (Spring Frost) could be swapped for each other. Taeguk should flow better with lmb or rmb chain that way. Shift+LMB right now is quite long casting for a short distance of aoe, not good for the flow at all imo.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 05. Jul 2024, 20:26 (UTC)
# 5

Agree with OP

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 05. Jul 2024, 21:41 (UTC)
# 6

1. Prime: Fog Cleave (S+LMB) needs a slight damage buff and go into the stab motion (attack 2) after using a skill for smoother uptime on fog levels (generally for both pve and pvp)

2.  general AOE increases on the skills that OP listed

3. cast speed buff on Prime: Unsa's Heir would be a massive QoL improvement on the class which i very much vouche for
with this in mind it would remove the need to balance out all skills individually with extra speed 

4. cooldown reduction of Prime: Taeguk (Shift+Q) and Prime: Autumnal Blitz (Shift+E) by 2-4seconds is highly needed.
because they feel extremely clunky to manage for both attacking from pack to pack or pack respawn (dekiah)

5. the second motion of Prime: Flow: Rising Slash (RMB) needs to be slightly faster because when you do a combo this skill makes it feel you are disconnecting from what you are doing, creating too big of a downtime to move into other skills 

generally agree with most of the things OP listed, please send this forward

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Jul 2024, 00:49 (UTC)
# 7
On: Jul 5, 2024, 15:50 (UTC), Written by GreenShadow

Class is okay, community wants it to be op, the usual

another player with 200 GS fighting polly forest with a opinion, the usual

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Jul 2024, 01:49 (UTC)
# 8
On: Jul 6, 2024, 00:49 (UTC), Written by Soratoji

another player with 200 GS fighting polly forest with a opinion, the usual

It is a fact, people want stuff to be op

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Jul 2024, 04:16 (UTC)
# 9
On: Jul 6, 2024, 00:49 (UTC), Written by Soratoji

another player with 200 GS fighting polly forest with a opinion, the usual

Well, this is not Shenkt's original idea. This is a post from Quendya (a youtuber). If you wanna see how Dosa grinds in high-end spots to come up with these ideas, check out his videos. And hey, this is a contribution post, giving ideas to PA, just a hope that they would consider. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Jul 2024, 09:27 (UTC)
# 10
On: Jul 6, 2024, 01:49 (UTC), Written by GreenShadow

It is a fact, people want stuff to be op

true, but the class is far by finished! 

1. Protection is not applied on some skills

2. He uses extreemly amounts of stamina

3. Overall dmg is bad (endgame uncapped - pvp)

a. The dmg outside of a combo after a cc is so low we have 0 pressure, combine that with no grab means ppl are just facetanking us and blowing us up 

4. Some dmg is not being applied 

5. etc etc etc

This is a overall opinion of all players in eu en kr, in kr they even call him sleep dosa :) 

1 2

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