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UTC 22 : 34 10. Nov 2024
CET 23 : 34 10. Nov 2024
PST 14 : 34 10. Nov 2024
EST 17 : 34 10. Nov 2024
#Sonstige #Kampf #Klassen
Significant Skill Input and Animation Delay since Hit Reduction patch
06. Jul 2024, 18:15 (UTC)
1982 4
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 08. Jul 2024, 22:00 (UTC)
# 1

I have waited to see if this would be addressed or acknowledged since release of hit reduction patch. I have seen complaints in certain class discords I frequent for my main classes (Valkyrie, Nova) but have yet to see any solid movement on this issue. I hope to make this thread for any players to report issues with their class since hit revamp that involves delayed input or slower animations for skills for any class. I, personally, have noticed a significant input delay on both my Succession Nova, and slower animations and delayed flows on both Succession and Awakening Valkyrie, especially when hitting targets (so basically always). I have also noticed a far higher delay across classes when using skills from hotbar where I now find myself pressing skills 4-5 times before they trigger as the system appears to want the character to be in a fully idle state and at full rest before they can activate or even more delayed if you're being actively hit. I notice this latter issue even more when playing Succession Valkyrie, so it is not spec specific. This is also even more personally annoying now because it is increasing hand and forearm strain from pressing buttons multiple times or "harder" to just try to make things just... go, for the just same amount of skill usage but slower gameplay and it is rapidly making my classes unfun to grind with, even more so than they already are, by meta standards.

On my Nova for example, which I have mained for quite some time now, I notice when casting combos, I often 'miss' the speed cast flows (a necessity for this slower class) because how I would naturally go through skills, the game cannot keep up with input. For example Using Skill 1 > Skill 2 > Skill 3 where this exact sequence is required to have Skill 2 and 3 cast faster often do not work because as I try to flow Skill 1 into Skill 2, Skill 2 is so delayed that it doesn't trigger and I'm now slow casting Skill 3 because to me, pressing Skill 2 should have already triggered and my fingers have already 'moved on', so to speak. The effect is akin to playing with much higher ping than I've seen before coupled with a small action speed debuff, and I am I contenential US player and have not experienced such things until this update. I make frequent use of inherent casting speed buff to succ Nova and often use Black Spirit Rage buff, and where before these buffs were extremely notable to action speed, even the +25% casting speed from BSR buff barely feels as if it is as fast as standard non-BSR action was prior to hit reduction update.

On awakening Valkyrie, a notable high apm class built entirely on cancels and weapon swaps, users have noticed delays as well that makes it feel as if their combos aren't as responsive as they were before as well, most notably when actually hitting anything, which is generally most of the gameplay. This extends to promptness or flowing into Catigatio from an Enslar jump to many others as well. The following are links from users Vesaia and Shazar, respectfully, who have far better documentation skills than myself and provides a clear visual proof as to what I am describing.

These are just the classes that I frequent and am most comfortable with playing so these changes were instantly noticeable. I know there are others out there experiencing similar animation delays/issues so I do not want to limit this thread to only Valk and Nova and would encourage anyone who has experienced this to like or chime in to help urge resolution on this.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 07. Jul 2024, 01:21 (UTC)
# 2

Valk feels unplayable after this patch

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 09. Jul 2024, 21:45 (UTC)
# 3

A lot of other classes are also experiencing this issue as well. I just hope they fix it soon, maintenance is tomorrow and it's been 3 weeks since the patch - that added this bug - was released. Do they even care? I swear...

Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Jul 2024, 08:53 (UTC)
# 4

Its been a month with this issue(s) as of upcoming maint and no mention of them in global labs updates. Do GMs on this forum actively report these to devs? Valks are used to being slighted but this seems like an issue they would want to remedy as soon as possible, we're not even asking for buffs, just return us to June 18th state in terms of animation and responsiveness. Nearly every valk main I see on discord, including myself, doesn't even like playing this class anymore and actively recommends against it because it feels so stuttery and 'janky' now and its becoming a meme. On the other hand Succ Nova was always slow so maybe they are just hoping to make this the new even slower gamplay normal and shove this under the rug.

To further expand on all the above, when playing Valkyrie it appears she 'stutters' for milliseconds each time one of her attacks hits a target which results in her attacks visually looking extremely slow and 'stuttery' with the above example (promptness into purificatione) taking up to 2x longer than it did before update. On succeession for example, most casts of 'Sword of Judgement' are excessively long and slow sometimes, to the point where there are times where before you'd be able to cast and end animation and transition into something else but now the animation is so long and delayed (and unprotected) that is leaves you open for sometimes up to a whole second longer to being hit or CC'd. These is simply the most obvious example but it is present across the majority of her skill making her feel like she's 'stopping and going' constantly.

I've invested an incredible amount of time (and money) over years into Valkyrie and she's long been terrible in pve but I play her anyway and would not like to simply be bullied and/or ingnored into not liking her so much I feel like I have no choice but to play another class to still enjoy the game even besides efficiency reasons, but from pure annoyance and unpleasantness to play her.

This is a prime example of fixing a problem that wasn't a problem and creating a new actual issue and then just moving on to the next item on the list. The higher multi-hit system was fluid and fine and this was supposed to 'improve' so many things yet its been a laggy mess instead.

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