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1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 1 : 16 14. Sep 2024
CEST 3 : 16 14. Sep 2024
PDT 18 : 16 13. Sep 2024
EDT 21 : 16 13. Sep 2024
Need advice (new player since 10 days) delete or not delete a seasoned character
22. Jul 2024, 22:36 (UTC)
2075 11
1 2
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Jul 2024, 22:36 (UTC)
# 1

First i love the game. For me its totally new. Combat, housing, crafting, is so different from all other games. I am aware that its not a perfect game, but for a gran'ma gaming since 40 years, its all good as all i need is enjoyment.

Now for the advice : I started with a seasoned character Maegu. I loved it. Went to 40 very very fast, probably too fast.

I felt i was missing something, so i started a new character non seasoned, a Woosa. I love it too but i feel i discover more with that one than the other character

Yesterday i had a story boss to kill, with my Maegu ...... (calpheon the saunil siege captain quest) and i died no matter what i tried, and i can not finish the quest

I had the same quest with my Woosa and killing him was a piece of cake.

So i think i messed with my Maegu, i went too fast and did not understood all the skills.  She is now lv 42 but I think i should simply start a new Maegu, normal mode (non seasoned) and quietly go over everything again.

If i do this can i delete this seasoned character or should i keep her : i read that the seasoned character must level or it will be forced to level by the game, and if not, you loose everything won by this character. Does that mean that i will loose also the progression i made with her in the family ? (crafting housing mounts etc)

I also got outfits for Maegu, if i delete her will i loose those too ?

Sorry for the long post, but before starting this process i wanted to be sure i did good this time

Thank you

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 23. Jul 2024, 00:00 (UTC)
# 2

Season characters have access to Tuvala gear which is very good when you are just starting out and is gonna be very advantageous when youre getting to around lvl 56.

Theres not rly anything you can do wrong in the beginning when you lvl a new character anymore since all the combat skills are aquired automatically. I would look at improving your Naru gear if you have gotten the beginner black stones for it.

Making a non-season character just makes it way harder to gear it up.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 23. Jul 2024, 00:45 (UTC)
# 3

Thank you for answering :) i understand what you mean and yes skills are automatically given, though it seems it did not gave attention to those when i received them and ihave actually some difficutly to see which one to use or not

Or let me know if i did not understood at all how skills are working: you have to choose the skills you want and decide at later level, which combo right ?

About gearing, my two characters have the Naru. the seasoned and non seasoned one. I did not for now pushed on enhancement on the normal one, but pushed it on the seasoned up to +9 all pieces so far. But yet she still dies a lot.

I will spend more time on google to see more about skills and what to choose then.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 23. Jul 2024, 03:37 (UTC)
# 4

If you make a new Maegu, she will have access to the same skills as your current Maegu, so there is no point in deleting a seasonal character to create the same class non-season.

You may want to look at a class guide and see if there are any skills you should lock. Locking them makes them only work from your hot keys, not via the key combo.  This can be helpful if there are any skills you are accidentally triggering.

Another thing to keep in mind is that during the main quest lines, you will get certain pieces of gear (Roaring Magical Armor, Honorary Combatant's Gloves, Rugged Valley Helmet and Valiant Katan's Boots) that cannot be enhanced but can be used by seasonal characters.  They are pretty good when starting a seasonal. 

The Mediah quest line will give you a Black Abyssal Weapon as well.  This can be put back in a box via a weekly quest when you don't need it anymore (because you got a Tuvala main weapon) and used with your next seasonal.

And the Valencia, Kamasylvia, Drieghan and Odylitta questlines will give you accessories that can be enhanced to TRI and are also useful as a starter set.  Finally, seasonal characters can wear the Asula accessories that drop in Mediah.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 23. Jul 2024, 05:39 (UTC)
# 5

wow! Thank you :)

so much i do not know yet :) Yes locking some skills will definitily help.

I will give more attention to what i do from now with this character.

I decided for now to just do lots of quests around, and level more, and then go back to the one who give me difficult time yesterday :)

Thank you again

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 23. Jul 2024, 05:48 (UTC)
# 6

Try finding a new player friendly guild they ususally have a bunch of resources as well from guides to advice. The discord can be a good place to start finding a guild as it is more active than forums.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 23. Jul 2024, 12:15 (UTC)
# 7

Hello Mireia ,this game is very fun and deep ,I offer to help you by the hand on everything but for starters don't delete any character,for now continue progressing your tuvala gear,any progress you make as family you don't loose,you will also get awakening on the characters and be stronger I can guide you on anything on the evenings on NA eastern time my discord so I can befriend you is :    Dark La Crass#2691 

the game has lots to offer I can help you lvl up but enhancing your gear is essential to not get killed so much and super easy in seasons and in a future you can also linked two characters so they both use the same gear and not delete one.hope to hear from you ,I'm casual but been here from the beginning and I'll be more than glad to help you navigate this vast world.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 23. Jul 2024, 16:47 (UTC)
# 8

Thank you very much :) I am on NA est too.

i sent you an invitefriend, i am as Columbe.

i will be a casual too, but i want to enjoy this game.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 31. Jul 2024, 10:46 (UTC)
# 9
On: Jul 22, 2024, 22:36 (UTC), Written by Miréio

First i love the game. For me its totally new. Combat, housing, crafting, is so different from all other games. I am aware that its not a perfect game, but for a gran'ma gaming since 40 years, its all good as all i need is enjoyment.

Now for the advice : I started with a seasoned character Maegu. I loved it. Went to 40 very very fast, probably too fast.

I felt i was missing something, so i started a new character non seasoned, a Woosa. I love it too but i feel i discover more with that one than the other character

Yesterday i had a story boss to kill, with my Maegu ...... (calpheon the saunil siege captain quest) and i died no matter what i tried, and i can not finish the quest

I had the same quest with my Woosa and killing him was a piece of cake.

So i think i messed with my Maegu, i went too fast and did not understood all the skills.  She is now lv 42 but I think i should simply start a new Maegu, normal mode (non seasoned) and quietly go over everything again.

If i do this can i delete this seasoned character or should i keep her : i read that the seasoned character must level or it will be forced to level by the game, and if not, you loose everything won by this character. Does that mean that i will loose also the progression i made with her in the family ? (crafting housing mounts etc)

I also got outfits for Maegu, if i delete her will i loose those too ?

Sorry for the long post, but before starting this process i wanted to be sure i did good this time

Thank you

Keep it. Check, did you upgrade your armors and weapons? Black Spirit gives you the option to upgrade it all, you're probably finding it hard to kill the stuff if you didn't do the upgrades, I am guessing. So when you do the starter quests in the beginning, you get the starter black stones and they let you upgrade your items. 

Like someone said, join a starter guild and it will help a lot. Press G and look for them in the guild info tab. I'd suggest starting with an active, helpful, pve guild. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 31. Jul 2024, 11:26 (UTC)
# 10

Meagu is one of the strongest chars in the game, even succession, so check some guides on youtube and work on your gear, last time I play her it was cake walk. 

Finish main story with one character and then alts can skip it in future. You want as many alts as possible you will get passive income depending on how many you have. 

Also try guardian next she is so strong. 

1 2

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