Black Desert beginnt in Kürze.

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Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

Sollte der Launcher bereits installiert worden sein, wird das Spiel gestartet.
Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 16 : 21 05. Okt 2024
CEST 18 : 21 05. Okt 2024
PDT 9 : 21 05. Okt 2024
EDT 12 : 21 05. Okt 2024
Node War scene is toast. PVP is toast. BDO is toast.
18. Aug 2024, 04:52 (UTC)
3859 82
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 18. Aug 2024, 04:52 (UTC)
# 1

With Cho calling it quits, I think its as good a time as any to really give a shout-out to PA. This is season 8 Game of Thrones levels of shitting the bed. Perfect combat system better than any other MMO ever not even close. All you had to do was take PVP seriously. This game had potential like no other game I've ever played. Too bad the PVP scene was killed by the developers. Hope you care-bear, limp wristed, goons love your PVE. PA killed the entire PVP scene so you could go in circles for no apparent reason.

To the Cho dudes, gfs over the years. Never got my ass kicked in a game like you guys kicked my ass. You guys (all of us in the PVP scene really) deserved a better company to own the rights to this combat system. What an utter waste of a concept on some useless inattentive owners. Ruined your own game.

Lv Privat
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 18. Aug 2024, 06:22 (UTC)
# 3

Offically Cooked.

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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 18. Aug 2024, 07:04 (UTC)
# 5

Oh dear

Dieser Inhalt wurde von dem Administrator oder aufgrund mehrerer Meldungen ausgeblendet.
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 18. Aug 2024, 07:30 (UTC)
# 7
On: Aug 18, 2024, 04:52 (UTC), Written by Holovacs

With Cho calling it quits, I think its as good a time as any to really give a shout-out to PA. This is season 8 Game of Thrones levels of shitting the bed. Perfect combat system better than any other MMO ever not even close. All you had to do was take PVP seriously. This game had potential like no other game I've ever played. Too bad the PVP scene was killed by the developers. Hope you care-bear, limp wristed, goons love your PVE. PA killed the entire PVP scene so you could go in circles for no apparent reason.

To the Cho dudes, gfs over the years. Never got my ass kicked in a game like you guys kicked my ass. You guys (all of us in the PVP scene really) deserved a better company to own the rights to this combat system. What an utter waste of a concept on some useless inattentive owners. Ruined your own game.

Ok, I do appreciate the rant, but what I am about to say is probably going to sting.

Cho has been at the top of the PVP scene for literally the entire time the game has been around. There success is also surrounded by a constant sustained recruiting as well as there alt guilds Chomies and other groups. This also includes the top content creators at one point in time being involved or within their group, one way or another.

Cho is the only top active guild, where its collective GS is the highest in the entirety of the NA server base, this also includes the largest group of meta chasers AND group/NW Meta game play as required by the top brass in Cho.... YOU play what they want you to play, or you're gone this is the other reason players were constantly dipping in and out of CHO but what does it matter when you have a waiting list of sycophants that can only play a game where their advantage is guaranteed.

I have no sympathy... sorry. But after years and years of Cho being at the top of a lot of things, including the top group that uses the most Penoys (for those that don't know it's a Driver that grinds for you most in the Philippines that work for like 10 bucks a day), they are the top at figuring out every bug and exploit in the game. Pretty much every hack or cheat has come out of their guild.

So when you mention getting your ass kicked generally speaking, of course especially when the entire group of 100 active players are excited to use 100's of millions of silver worth of the top edgy elixir rotations, exact gearing and everyone shows up that has a half ass idea how to fight because god is my witness there only strength is in numbers cuz a chunk of them are complete trash at PVP outside of NW/Siege VERY FEW of Cho are actually really good at PVP, Just really hard to beat a solid group of players that has ALL the top gear in the game and can utilize every aspect of DR/Evasion and accuracy builds (I.E. Militia and other offhands) kinda nice when you have a 5 set debo at Pen and can use a militia offhand with an evasion class and  still be 309ap.....

I was a part of many alliances over the years i know what it means to fight Cho even in some of the best NW/siege groups out there struggle even to get their players to use Giants drought for NW let alone Gem for T1-3 or have the gear to use the alt accessories /subweps......

This is the real issue...  Even though i can't stand PA right now for destroying PVP within BDO, Jay' hee KIm is 100% solely responsible for the state of the game BUT Cho players were so busy WINNING that they literally didnt care about the state of the game until it was too late to fix it.  BUT the Dev's have been slowly boxing in all the exploits that Cho has been using and abusing over the last 8 years, from removing the advantage of KIa necklace and Chimera earnings, Human damage limits, Evasion - to making it easy for everyone that were not SUPER DOOPER TOP TIER TRY HARDS... They made a massive, genius single draft that uses all the elixir rotation that every single Cho player uses in all of their NW/Siege.  Killing off slows, and double stacking debuffs i mean granted any guild could do the same if they all chose to only play classes they were told too and utilize every advantage of witches and wizards ... valks in heals and debuffs from add-ons and so on...

It is not a surprise that they are finally calling it... NW is no longer fun when everyone else can get the last hit on the fort and all it takes is one Try hard clown out of the 3 or 4 that are in each guild to win it. Tactics are toast and when your advantages of all those Exploits just cant carry you anymore its time to go out on the top of the pile.. History will remember Cho when we all talk about them... but sorry for me its not fond memories.

Have no fear the next group of try hard always clowns will pick up the mantle and run with it... trust me that group of players can only go where they are safe in another group of try hards.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 18. Aug 2024, 07:28 (UTC)
# 8

Having your top guild calling it quits basically sends a signal that pvp is dead with point of no return. This in turns eventually snowballs into a dead game. Grinding in circles to grind more in circles is not content. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 18. Aug 2024, 08:13 (UTC)
# 9
On: Aug 18, 2024, 07:16 (UTC), Written by ReconKangas

Ok, I do appreciate the rant, but what I am about to say is probably going to sting.

Cho has been at the top of the PVP scene for literally the entire time the game has been around. There success is also surrounded by a constant sustained recruiting as well as there alt guilds Chomies and other groups. This also includes the top content creators at one point in time being involved or within their group, one way or another.

Cho is the only top active guild, where its collective GS is the highest in the entirety of the NA server base, this also includes the largest group of meta chasers AND group/NW Meta game play as required by the top brass in Cho.... YOU play what they want you to play, or you're gone this is the other reason players were constantly dipping in and out of CHO but what does it matter when you have a waiting list of sycophants that can only play a game where their advantage is guaranteed.

I have no sympathy... sorry. But after years and years of Cho being at the top of a lot of things, including the top group that uses the most Penoys (for those that don't know it's a Driver that grinds for you most in the Philippines that work for like 10 bucks a day), they are the top at figuring out every bug and exploit in the game. Pretty much every hack or cheat has come out of their guild.

So when you mention getting your ass kicked generally speaking, of course especially when the entire group of 100 active players are excited to use 100's of millions of silver worth of the top edgy elixir rotations, exact gearing and everyone shows up that has a half ass idea how to fight because god is my witness there only strength is in numbers cuz a chunk of them are complete trash at PVP outside of NW/Siege VERY FEW of Cho are actually really good at PVP, Just really hard to beat a solid group of players that has ALL the top gear in the game and can utilize every aspect of DR/Evasion and accuracy builds (I.E. Militia and other offhands) kinda nice when you have a 5 set debo at Pen and can use a militia offhand with an evasion class and  still be 309ap.....

I was a part of many alliances over the years i know what it means to fight Cho even in some of the best NW/siege groups out there struggle even to get their players to use Giants drought for NW let alone Gem for T1-3 or have the gear to use the alt accessories /subweps......

This is the real issue...  Even though i can't stand PA right now for destroying PVP within BDO, Jay' hee KIm is 100% solely responsible for the state of the game BUT Cho players were so busy WINNING that they literally didnt care about the state of the game until it was too late to fix it.  BUT the Dev's have been slowly boxing in all the exploits that Cho has been using and abusing over the last 8 years, from removing the advantage of KIa necklace and Chimera earnings, Human damage limits, Evasion - to making it easy for everyone that were not SUPER DOOPER TOP TIER TRY HARDS... They made a massive, genius single draft that uses all the elixir rotation that every single Cho player uses in all of their NW/Siege.  Killing off slows, and double stacking debuffs i mean granted any guild could do the same if they all chose to only play classes they were told too and utilize every advantage of witches and wizards ... valks in heals and debuffs from add-ons and so on...

It is not a surprise that they are finally calling it... NW is no longer fun when everyone else can get the last hit on the fort and all it takes is one Try hard clown out of the 3 or 4 that are in each guild to win it. Tactics are toast and when your advantages of all those Exploits just cant carry you anymore its time to go out on the top of the pile.. History will remember Cho when we all talk about them... but sorry for me its not fond memories.

Have no fear the next group of try hard always clowns will pick up the mantle and run with it... trust me that group of players can only go where they are safe in another group of try hards.

I have mixed emotions about this, but you make some good points.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 18. Aug 2024, 08:51 (UTC)
# 10

This nodewar change says alot when the most dedicated guilds are disbanding. Best part is last time Jae was talking he promised to listen to the community and apolgize to everyone, still he havent listen on anyone and fooled everyone. sad that this game end like this.,  i barely play myself.  afk fishing and i play other games is the way

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