Black Desert beginnt in Kürze.

Das Spiel wird gestartet, wenn Ihr den Launcher installiert habt.

Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

Sollte der Launcher bereits installiert worden sein, wird das Spiel gestartet.
Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 10 : 23 08. Feb 2025
CET 11 : 23 08. Feb 2025
PST 2 : 23 08. Feb 2025
EST 5 : 23 08. Feb 2025
#Tipps #Gegenstände #Wissen #Verstärkung
Sovereign Weapon Information Summary
06. Sep 2024, 18:44 (UTC)
3539 8
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Sep 2024, 21:44 (UTC)
# 1

Sovereign Weapon Information Summary


As some of you may know, the maintenance of Sept 12th will introduce LoML2: Seoul to the game, and the Sovereign weapons along with it! I figured I'd make a quick overview of the information for you all!




• Pre-reqs

To make the Sovereign Weapons themselves there are no pre-reqs, however, for some of the activities that give you the items to make/enhance these weapons, there ARE pre-reqs.

To access LoML2: Seoul, you will need to complete LoML1, The tale of Imoogi, and the prologue quest released on Sept 5th.




• Acquisition
There are three ways to obtain a Sovereign weapon:
1. PEN BS + Primordial Flame
3. PEN BS + C20 Boss + "Gem of Twilight"
└The Gem of Twilight is created by Heating 100x Magical Shard and 20,000x Caphras Stone.


If you're a Shai, you will need the following to make a Sovereign upgrade for your Sol:
Sunset Artina Sol + Primordial Glow Crystal (It is not mentioned in the KR Patch Notes whether your Sol has to be PEN.)
└To get the Primordial Glow Crystal, you need to Heat 1x Primordial Flame, 20x Magical Shard, and 50x Sharp Black Crystal.

Keep in mind that your weapon cannot have a Reform Stone (i.e. Garmoth's Heart) installed when you go to exchange it.


Once you've acquire the Sovereign Weapon in both slots, your AP and AAP will be equal as long as they have the same enhancement level. Rejoice!




• Primordial Flame
You can obtain the Primordial Flame by defeating the LoML Seoul World Bosses, as well as the Group Black Shrine Bosses.

You are guaranteed at least one Ember per world boss per week, while the Flame is entirely RNG. According to Huehotbat there has not been a raw Flame drop on KR as of yet.

To create the Primordial Flame with Embers, you will have to use Heating on 100x Primordial Ember.




• Using 2x PEN BS
Some information regarding this method:

1. You have to use TWO of the same slot Blackstars. So either two Mainhands, or two Awakening weapons.
2. You do NOT have to use two matching Blackstars - Furthermore, you do not even need to use two of them corresponding to your Class! You can use any two same type Blackstars, and you will receive a Blackstar appropriate for the class you're on!
3. You CANNOT use Ayed weapons - You will have to reform them to Blackstar first!
└To convert your Ayed into a Blackstar weapon you will have to create a Scorching Sun Crystal and reform your Ayed weapon. To create a Scorching Sun Crystal, you have to Heat 10x Scorching Sun Shard, 30x Magical Shard, and 100x Black Stone.




• Reform Stones
Sovereign Weapons (Including the Artina Sol) have access to specific Reform Stones which give them extra stats. You cannot use two of the same type of Reform Stone in the same weapon, but you can use two of them with one per each weapon. There are 5 Reform Stone slots per weapon.




• Visual Effect
The Sovereign Weapons have a yellow glow that can be toggled separately, and will glow on top of your Weapon Skins as well. The base "glow" is very minimal, at PEN you receive the first level of actual glow, and the second level with more prominent effects is unlocked at OCT.




• Tagging
Sovereign Weapons can be tagged as normal, and do increase in cost depending on the enhancement level. However, since these weapons are unable to be listed on the Central Market, it is unsure what determines the tagging cost, and whether or not this is a static price.




• Enhancing
Some things to know about enhancing the Sovereign Weapons:
1. While enhancing Sovereign weapons, failing DUO means your PRI will downgrade back to Base.
2. Durability loss is akin to Blackstar weapons, where failing reduces your durability by 20 (Not 30!).
3. The Stones can be obtained from World Bosses, Group Black Shrine Bosses, and the Night Vendor.




And here is a quick little overview of the enhancement stats:

Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Sep 2024, 18:57 (UTC)
# 2

More AP lets GOOOOO!

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Sep 2024, 19:17 (UTC)
# 3

I have to share something truly incredible with everyone. I recently stumbled upon the guide for understanding sovereign weapons, and let me tell you, it has completely transformed my life. 🌟 This isn’t just any guide—this is a MASTERPIECE. The clarity, the depth, and the sheer brilliance of Jari’s work have left me in awe. 🙌 I can’t begin to express how much this guide has changed my perspective. It’s like everything I thought I knew about sovereign weapons was flipped on its head, and I’m now seeing the world through an entirely new lens. 💡

Jari, I don’t know if you’ll ever see this, but THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. Your dedication, insight, and passion have created something truly extraordinary. This guide is more than just a resource; it’s a beacon of knowledge that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. 🌟📚 I’ll never forget how this has reshaped my understanding and inspired me. You’ve made an impact that goes beyond words. 🙏✨

Thank you, Jari. Thank you for this life-changing masterpiece. 🙌🌟

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Sep 2024, 19:18 (UTC)
# 4

banger post oomfie
keep it up god king ambassador Jari

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Sep 2024, 20:46 (UTC)
# 5

Dang Jari, you make the best guides

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 07. Sep 2024, 01:46 (UTC)
# 6

This man doesn't miss. I would of been fishing for this kind of information coming back after a 2 month break.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 07. Sep 2024, 23:54 (UTC)
# 7

great guide, straight to the point! good job!

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 14. Sep 2024, 05:23 (UTC)
# 8

More end game stuff that most will  never get, or even Pen.


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