I've made a thread about it in the past and I'm going to make one again. Yes I know the game has a lot of other problems too, but I think this one is also important and not as many people are talking about it.
BDO has just aged to the point where it doesn't look good anymore. It's especially noticeable in the cutscenes for newer main quest content. I think PA really needs to do something about this or BDO is just going to continue on a downward trend, as it's something that attracts people along with gameplay too. The game can be outright offensive to look at sometimes. FFXIV recently got a major graphical update while also retaining it's art style and it made a pretty big difference I think. Just going from playing TFD to this is a huge difference. Personally I prefer the combat of BDO to a lot of other MMOs despite how janky it can be, which is something that also needs to be addressed in an engine overhaul or something.
PA you really should have been putting money into this game instead of things like Crimson Desert which I'm not even going to touch because of it being single player and having no character creation. You missed me big time on that. I don't care about your Great Value Jon Snow in Crimson Desert, and if I want to play a single player RPG I'll play Cyberpunk or something.
You really need to do something about the visuals and engine of this game and you need to announce you're doing it because it would do a lot to restore faith in the future of this game for people, because it would show that you're taking it seriously and care about where the game will be longterm.
Also just going to add it here at the end even though I've said it before but Sovereign weapons aside from their appearance are a mistake and a bad decision. It's something that's made me feel like playing the game even less. I still want this game to have a good future though, but I don't know how much longer I'm going to put my time into voicing my thoughts on the forums if the game is going to continue to make poor decisions like Sovereign weapons and just letting the visuals and engine languish in the past.
a visual update to what is currently will take years, not forgetting to mention the engine probably has quite some limits (there is still texture pop in)
you can't just say hey drop your resources on a game (crimson desert) that is nearly finished and ready to ship for sale, in fact we should hope crimson desert does decently on release, when it releases and then hope pearl abyss uses revenue to pump some of it into bdo
though i do think they can enhance the current remastered version, like removing the excessive bloom and lighting, work a little bit more on rendering distance (which probably got smaller for performance reasons since the start of the game back in 2016)
sovereign weapons imo are a nice thing HOWEVER i wish they would give something more special like giving the choice to maybe upgrade a single ability and change it or boost it or whatever or even give a skill sovereign weapon like effects instead of just being a weapon to only do more damage
it's not like the game is unplayable if you currently have 2 pen blackstars
Yeah but the thing is.... it's pretty much still the best looking mmorpg out there so... why should they bother revamping the graphics? It's the inevitable fate of every mmorpg down the line. This one had the great idea to be so beautoiful at release that it bought them a few years of not having to worry about looking outdated much even compared to a lot of single player games. But this was gonna come to an end at some point. We can still laugh at how ugly FF 14 or Elder Scrolls Online are.
We can still laugh at how ugly FF 14 or Elder Scrolls Online are.
ESO looks leagues better than BDO on my 4k 50" TV.
BDO has better character graphics, but environment pop-in/lighting/furniture lighting is really really bad in BDO. Some BDO furniture lights in Remastered are blinding. Remastered turns some iron furniture into gold, and the gold parts glitch out with static as if we were watching TV back in the 80s with poor antenna reception.
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