Black Desert beginnt in Kürze.

Das Spiel wird gestartet, wenn Ihr den Launcher installiert habt.

Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

Sollte der Launcher bereits installiert worden sein, wird das Spiel gestartet.
Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 0 : 43 05. Nov 2024
CET 1 : 43 05. Nov 2024
PST 16 : 43 04. Nov 2024
EST 19 : 43 04. Nov 2024
Hwanghae Black Shrine Bosses
15. Sep 2024, 17:08 (UTC)
1700 7
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Sep 2024, 17:08 (UTC)
# 1

I've got some questions - if you've already got some experience, your answers are appreciated.

When forming a party, does it HAVE to be your guild or can I post a request on the party finder UI? 

Once a party forms, do we have to be in the same location? 

Does the blue girl teleport everyone to the boss like for the Donghae bosses? 

Any other info might be helpful. I looked on the adventurers guide and it said "friends or guild members" but it doesn't specifically say that friends means the party finder UI.

If anyone has a good video to explain it all, then that'd be better so I can just save it and watch it again if I forget.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Sep 2024, 19:14 (UTC)
# 2
On: Sep 15, 2024, 17:08 (UTC), Written by KnightsRadiant

I've got some questions - if you've already got some experience, your answers are appreciated.

When forming a party, does it HAVE to be your guild or can I post a request on the party finder UI? 

Once a party forms, do we have to be in the same location? 

Does the blue girl teleport everyone to the boss like for the Donghae bosses? 

Any other info might be helpful. I looked on the adventurers guide and it said "friends or guild members" but it doesn't specifically say that friends means the party finder UI.

If anyone has a good video to explain it all, then that'd be better so I can just save it and watch it again if I forget.

When forming a party, does it HAVE to be your guild or can I post a request on the party finder UI? 
You don't have to be in the same guild, pt finder works just fine.

Once a party forms, do we have to be in the same location?
Just the same server, locations can be different, party leader starts the blitz.

Does the blue girl teleport everyone to the boss like for the Donghae bosses?
Yes. Dokkebi Princess ll be your free teleport taxi.

Any other info might be helpful. I looked on the adventurers guide and it said "friends or guild members" but it doesn't specifically say that friends means the party finder UI.
Try to form a core team. People u can go with each week once u get all the mechanics together, it'll be a quick run.

It's fine to take new unexperienced people every other time so they can learn too, but you don't want to have it everytime if you value your nerves and time irl.

If anyone has a good video to explain it all, then that'd be better so I can just save it and watch it again if I forget.
There are some good vids on youtube if you search by boss name. Otherwise waiting few days should make more guides pop.


Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Sep 2024, 19:34 (UTC)
# 3
On: Sep 15, 2024, 19:14 (UTC), Written by BzyniaTT

When forming a party, does it HAVE to be your guild or can I post a request on the party finder UI? 
You don't have to be in the same guild, pt finder works just fine.

Once a party forms, do we have to be in the same location?
Just the same server, locations can be different, party leader starts the blitz.

Does the blue girl teleport everyone to the boss like for the Donghae bosses?
Yes. Dokkebi Princess ll be your free teleport taxi.

Any other info might be helpful. I looked on the adventurers guide and it said "friends or guild members" but it doesn't specifically say that friends means the party finder UI.
Try to form a core team. People u can go with each week once u get all the mechanics together, it'll be a quick run.

It's fine to take new unexperienced people every other time so they can learn too, but you don't want to have it everytime if you value your nerves and time irl.

If anyone has a good video to explain it all, then that'd be better so I can just save it and watch it again if I forget.
There are some good vids on youtube if you search by boss name. Otherwise waiting few days should make more guides pop.


Thanks a bunch for your response! I'm trying to some from my guild together but we all have different work schedules, family, etc. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Sep 2024, 02:56 (UTC)
# 4

This one kept me on the edge of my seat, haha

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Sep 2024, 12:52 (UTC)
# 5
On: Sep 16, 2024, 02:56 (UTC), Written by SpiritDragon

This one kept me on the edge of my seat, haha

That's the type of content I appreciate to watch and love to try to contest myself :3

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 17. Sep 2024, 01:45 (UTC)
# 6

Vids are up there already.

What I really wish, tho, is they'd also made versions of existing bosses for group, or, fundamentally, some really ez mode similar content.

I know what you'll say - Bulgasal is stupid easy! You just need to know it! How can you not be clearing it every time on normal!

Reason for this, is that whilst with a bunch of guildies on voice, or even randoms that all know the mechanics, these bosses quickly get trivial, if you try to form a pickup you're a) dealing with people that are used to being antisocial BDO players and have little patience, and b) will have one guy (bless him) that's probably a bit undergeared and doesn't get the mechanics. This is obviously a perfect storm. 

I've played, and led raid guilds in other MMOs, for long enough for me to not want to lead a guild, or, frankly, organise anything. But I have always liked pickup groups, just to team up with a few people I've never met and do some content. It would help a lot with these if there was an 'easy win' to start things. Other MMO pickup grind groups kinda make you go through a dungeon so there's a bit of low-stakes practice teamworking and sunk cost (vs ragequitting) before you get to the final one. 

I love this as content; I'd far more happily do these bosses repeatedly than run in circles (another sigh about weekly caps etc. there). And I will, but it's super-annoying they went live with only about 2-3 ones that don't need somewhat extreme coordination, unless everyone in the group has it down already. Trying to pickup into blue robed is like pulling teeth, frankly - and yes, yes, it's stupid easy with your guildies that know it, but it has a lot of mechanics that don't let you carry 1-2 people that are struggling.

I'm not saying these encounters need to be easier, but something like golden pig as a group one that's as trivial as the solo would be huge step towards 'normalising' pickup grouping in BDO.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 17. Sep 2024, 05:40 (UTC)
# 7
On: Sep 17, 2024, 01:45 (UTC), Written by Enyani

Vids are up there already.

What I really wish, tho, is they'd also made versions of existing bosses for group, or, fundamentally, some really ez mode similar content.

I know what you'll say - Bulgasal is stupid easy! You just need to know it! How can you not be clearing it every time on normal!

Reason for this, is that whilst with a bunch of guildies on voice, or even randoms that all know the mechanics, these bosses quickly get trivial, if you try to form a pickup you're a) dealing with people that are used to being antisocial BDO players and have little patience, and b) will have one guy (bless him) that's probably a bit undergeared and doesn't get the mechanics. This is obviously a perfect storm. 

I've played, and led raid guilds in other MMOs, for long enough for me to not want to lead a guild, or, frankly, organise anything. But I have always liked pickup groups, just to team up with a few people I've never met and do some content. It would help a lot with these if there was an 'easy win' to start things. Other MMO pickup grind groups kinda make you go through a dungeon so there's a bit of low-stakes practice teamworking and sunk cost (vs ragequitting) before you get to the final one. 

I love this as content; I'd far more happily do these bosses repeatedly than run in circles (another sigh about weekly caps etc. there). And I will, but it's super-annoying they went live with only about 2-3 ones that don't need somewhat extreme coordination, unless everyone in the group has it down already. Trying to pickup into blue robed is like pulling teeth, frankly - and yes, yes, it's stupid easy with your guildies that know it, but it has a lot of mechanics that don't let you carry 1-2 people that are struggling.

I'm not saying these encounters need to be easier, but something like golden pig as a group one that's as trivial as the solo would be huge step towards 'normalising' pickup grouping in BDO.

I wish you better luck with finding more patient and caring party members.

Guild-world-bosses d be cool, even if the rewards d be similar to existing current bosses.
With that they should expand guild mission quanity, rewards & system where u don't need to be server locked once u took the quest.

They are many things that could be done, changes come just too slow.


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