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UTC 9 : 47 14. Dez 2024
CET 10 : 47 14. Dez 2024
PST 1 : 47 14. Dez 2024
EST 4 : 47 14. Dez 2024
Bring Back Ancient Potions
29. Okt 2024, 03:21 (UTC)
1269 6
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 29. Okt 2024, 03:21 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: Wolfencrest

Region (NA/EU): NA

This may be an unpopular opinion, I understand...but look. Players who work hard to receive all three full drops without utilizing pitty pieces deserve to be rewarded for their efforts. If not with the full title, then with the Ancient potion variant and their name on the potion. I hear folks quite often proclaim that it is far easier to get the potions pieces these days to justify their feeling that today's players don't deserve this, but I don't think that's true. While it is certainly MUCH easier to get the lesser potions or the full potion (non-ancient) versions through the use of the pitty system, it is still just as hard to get all 3 ancient drops as it was prior.
So...please bring back the ability to create Ancient Potions using Ancient (full) infinite potion drop items. Just make them untradeable, so people can't sell them. It shouldn't be too difficult to do...
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 31. Okt 2024, 06:28 (UTC)
# 2

Indeed, since so much functionality is tied to treasure items, there should be titles associated with harder and easier ways to obtain the item. That way, people who want the prestige can have it, and people who want the functionality can have it also.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 05. Nov 2024, 00:56 (UTC)
# 3

I think it's funny the folks who are downvoting without weighing in. It feels like the folks who GOT the potion before the pity system are just hating. But really, it makes no sense to be mad. I'm not saying folks using the pitty system deserve the same treatment as those who worked hard to achieve it in the past. But...seriously, new players don't get the choice? Ancient parts still exist. They still take the same amount of effort...I've sunk dozens upon dozens of hours into achieving the ancient potion pieces. Why should new players be denied the prestige item when they put forth the same level of effort, simply because PA created a non-prestige, easier option to achieve the functionality?

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 05. Nov 2024, 14:34 (UTC)
# 4
On: Nov 5, 2024, 00:56 (UTC), Written by KageSanguis

I think it's funny the folks who are downvoting without weighing in. It feels like the folks who GOT the potion before the pity system are just hating. But really, it makes no sense to be mad. I'm not saying folks using the pitty system deserve the same treatment as those who worked hard to achieve it in the past. But...seriously, new players don't get the choice? Ancient parts still exist. They still take the same amount of effort...I've sunk dozens upon dozens of hours into achieving the ancient potion pieces. Why should new players be denied the prestige item when they put forth the same level of effort, simply because PA created a non-prestige, easier option to achieve the functionality?

Never mind, they also downvoted my suggestion to add time gaited treasure, without pities, where we need a few thousand hours to get it. And put pieces in every content in this game, grinding, life skills, sea grinding. Last real treasure that gave challenge to us was Merchant ring in 2020. Today merchant ring is still pretty hard, but not so much as it is supposed to be. 

This game has players, who want everything for free and easy and they refuse to understand other content, like pvp or treasures etc.  If they would only talk about their farms and grass, everything would be fine, but they always insert their very important opinions into things that they do not understand and do not even do.  ( Also you can have a few permanent haters on this forum, like I have them). They will always devote, even if you have 100% likes for your suggestion. )

I just hope that people who read the feedback take the ideas into account, not just the likes and dislikes.

For example, the idea of ​​​​improving RBF has 800++ likes and very few dislikes, but we received an increase in the award from 10 to 50 million in 2024. So, well, with a very high probability, any feedback on this forum is just a waste of time and the chance that your idea will be approved is like succeed pen fg.

If the developers gave some kind of feedback, for example, for the year 2024, we took an idea or were inspired by the ideas and improved them, here are such people and a list with their names and links to the forum. Then it would be clear that we are being listened to. And we are only told that we are being listened to, but even streamers with a large audience make video feedbacks, create posts and devs still do not hear them...

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 09. Nov 2024, 01:36 (UTC)
# 5
On: Oct 29, 2024, 03:21 (UTC), Written by KageSanguis

Family Name: Wolfencrest

Region (NA/EU): NA

This may be an unpopular opinion, I understand...but look. Players who work hard to receive all three full drops without utilizing pitty pieces deserve to be rewarded for their efforts. If not with the full title, then with the Ancient potion variant and their name on the potion. I hear folks quite often proclaim that it is far easier to get the potions pieces these days to justify their feeling that today's players don't deserve this, but I don't think that's true. While it is certainly MUCH easier to get the lesser potions or the full potion (non-ancient) versions through the use of the pitty system, it is still just as hard to get all 3 ancient drops as it was prior.
So...please bring back the ability to create Ancient Potions using Ancient (full) infinite potion drop items. Just make them untradeable, so people can't sell them. It shouldn't be too difficult to do...

I bought the hp pot from mp and made the mp one with ancient drops...manshaum had 98 pities and the ancient dropped while the rest were 40 from the chocobos and 60 from the swamp trees so i never understood why did they removed the titles......they could keep them there so I'll at least have 1/2 😅

11 131
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 09. Nov 2024, 15:08 (UTC)
# 6
On: Nov 9, 2024, 01:36 (UTC), Written by Zhaeph

I bought the hp pot from mp and made the mp one with ancient drops...manshaum had 98 pities and the ancient dropped while the rest were 40 from the chocobos and 60 from the swamp trees so i never understood why did they removed the titles......they could keep them there so I'll at least have 1/2 😅

See, but from what I've heard it's worse than just removing the titles. I could live without having the titles, but unless I'm horribly mistaken you don't even get your name on the item (or the ancient version of the item) if you use all ancient pieces anymore. I strive to get my name on all the gear I can. And especially like having it on things that are as important as my potions.



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