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UTC 9 : 45 12. Feb 2025
CET 10 : 45 12. Feb 2025
PST 1 : 45 12. Feb 2025
EST 4 : 45 12. Feb 2025
Disable world pvp besides Arsa servers
10. Nov 2024, 19:55 (UTC)
2150 82
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Nov 2024, 19:55 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: Donrigoberto
Region (NA/EU): EU

My main idea is outside of the two Arsha servers the world pvp would be completly turned off or at least both pleayer needs to turn on the pvp mode to do damage to each others. The reason for this is simple, right now world pvp looks like this: a red dude shows up when you grinding and try to kill you for no reason(specially when a new spot is introduced), a red dude shows up (or a group of red pleayers) when you are doing guild bosses and try to kill everyone there for no reason, a red dude shows up when you do gathering and just kill you for no reason. And trust me when you just graduated or just minding your own business this isn't fun since a lot of pleayers have better gear than a freshly graduated person or don't care about pvp at all. I mean i get it it must be fun killing somebody with two skills or even less but for a new pleayer it can be irritating to deal with a 750+gs dude who goes red and kil you in Blood Wolf for no reason at all. So with this solution the ones who care about pvp would be in the pvp server doing their things and kill each other or whatever they want, and the rest of the non pvp pleayers can enjoy peace. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Nov 2024, 20:03 (UTC)
# 2

PvP is already turned off, that`s why this game is so dead.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Nov 2024, 20:06 (UTC)
# 3

Since alt+c works it is not. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Nov 2024, 21:27 (UTC)
# 4

Why do you hate fun? 
Also, red players roaming the world and killing people like bro what? That would imply there are people in the game to begin with rofl. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Nov 2024, 21:50 (UTC)
# 5

Why is it fun to kill low geared pleayers or afk pleayers who don't or cant fight back? I mean i get it you guys can't kill others with the same gs thats why you focusing on boss alts and fresh tuvala ppl or afk pleayers but why should be this the norm? Like go to gvg or nodewar or arsha if you want to experience the fun of pvp.  I don't understand when pvp pleayers have so much option to go against each other why alt+c is still a thing or not reworked completly as i mentioned.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Nov 2024, 22:14 (UTC)
# 6

Before the karma changes most people in the same grindspot as you were the same gearscore as you. Now with the kama changes and the grindspots going hard in dekhia style i have not seen anyone flag up on me. And red players? What are those? I haven't seen a red player in over a year now. I don't even know if the red players clan is even a thing now. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Nov 2024, 22:52 (UTC)
# 7

The truth that no one seems to get is that if you want to grind in peace, you have a better chance on either arshas.

I only ever grinded there, i dont PVP, I don't even defend myself when attacked, and I don't get pked that often. I mean obviously it depends where you grind but like I was at CoD for months earlier this year and at worst i got kicked off a rot once every two hours maybe, usually easy to find another rot between the two arshas. 

Ive been doing padix for two hours daily now for a month, got pked like three or four times in total.

To be fair this also varies depending on the hours you play. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 11. Nov 2024, 00:39 (UTC)
# 8

Let me preface this by pointing out something that a lot of the community seems to not realize or remember lately...

PvP is a core part of the game. Not only that, PvP is the only REAL "endgame" that exists in BDO.

The PvE that IS in the game primarily exists to grind for money for gear to go do better PvP, or to go down the trenches of lifeskilling, which is the only other "endgame" alternative.

Sure, some people just grind to grind, and their gear is wasted on just... more grinding. But those are the main two reasons why people grind in BDO.

Any time a new spot comes out, there is a heavy presence in that zone of all players, including content creators.

It's new an shiny, and everyone wants to try it. If you don't think a new spot will be contested then you are needing a break from the game anyways to get yourself a reality check.

There are a limited number of grind spots in every location in the game.

For example, the new TOML region grind spots have 6-7 "pillars" in each spot to grind.

If all the spots are already full, then you have two options:

     1. Find a new server. Plain and simple, just go to a different server and check there. They reduced the cooldown on server swapping for a reason.

     2. Participate in a "Duel For Spot" (DFS).

          >> To be clear, there are no "rules of engagement" in a DFS. Your options when you get killed in your grind are to either give the spot to the person who won, respawn and come back for a more prepared and fair fight, or go back to option 1.

Arsha servers exist for players who are interested in the "Risk VS Reward" style of gameplay, where you risk being flagged up on for 0 reason anywhere in the world, just so you can have that 50% extra loot bonus.

Or for people who want to just have some fun fights while they're travelling without risking going Red.

Outside of an Arsha server, there are MASSIVE drawbacks to killing a player in "nonconsentual PvP".

I lost 30k karma for killing someone who tried to impeded on my grind the other day (trying to steal my afauru's and boss kills and such). My buddy had the same dude come back 3 or 4 times and had to kick him out multiple times and lost 150k karma of his 300k max. The guy was simply running in and trying to steal the mobs for himself without flagging up to force my buddy to take a karma loss in order to get rid of him. So my buddy was punished for simply DEFENDING the grind spot he had been in for a couple of hours. It is just a part of the game. It is not YOUR grind spot. It is A grind spot that you are using.

If you remove the ability to flag up entirely? You basically hand the game over to those kinds of bad etiquette players. You would COMPLETELY destroy the game and it's community as soon as that change went live. Karma Bombers are a PLAGUE on the community.

RED players have another MASSIVE drawback though that a lot of people choose to ignore because they'd rather whine and complain and ruin the game for well over half the playerbase than move on or GET GOOD.

If a RED player dies while in negative karma, in PvP or Otherwise, they pop a LOT of crystals. They can also pop LIGHTSTONES. And if they run out of crystals and lightstones and die again? Their GEAR downgrades. That is a MASSIVE drawback to be a RED player, but they take that risk and accept the consequences when doing so. It's part of why "Karma Bombing" is such a despicable playstyle for the less skilled and more toxic players, and usually gets you thrown out of guilds if you do it. Well, if the guild isn't full of similar bottom feedering scum.

If you don't want to risk getting ganked, go use the Marni realms in a different spot.

Marni Realm is available in a LOT of really high level and high money grind spots. You can even use it in Underground Gyffin, which is INSANE since it's still the best EXP and some of the best money in the game. You also get 12 HOURS of it every day, you just have to take an hour break between each hour. But you CANNOT be ganked or interrupted during your grind in any way while using the Marni realm.

So, with all of that being said, here is the takeaway:

Get Good or Get Gone. Whether it be a different spot or a different game makes no difference to the players that enjoy the game the way it is meant to be played.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 11. Nov 2024, 01:45 (UTC)
# 9
On: Nov 11, 2024, 00:38 (UTC), Written by AmmoCache

Let me preface this by pointing out something that a lot of the community seems to not realize or remember lately...

PvP is a core part of the game. Not only that, PvP is the only REAL "endgame" that exists in BDO.

The PvE that IS in the game primarily exists to grind for money for gear to go do better PvP, or to go down the trenches of lifeskilling, which is the only other "endgame" alternative.

Sure, some people just grind to grind, and their gear is wasted on just... more grinding. But those are the main two reasons why people grind in BDO.

Any time a new spot comes out, there is a heavy presence in that zone of all players, including content creators.

It's new an shiny, and everyone wants to try it. If you don't think a new spot will be contested then you are needing a break from the game anyways to get yourself a reality check.

There are a limited number of grind spots in every location in the game.

For example, the new TOML region grind spots have 6-7 "pillars" in each spot to grind.

If all the spots are already full, then you have two options:

     1. Find a new server. Plain and simple, just go to a different server and check there. They reduced the cooldown on server swapping for a reason.

     2. Participate in a "Duel For Spot" (DFS).

          >> To be clear, there are no "rules of engagement" in a DFS. Your options when you get killed in your grind are to either give the spot to the person who won, respawn and come back for a more prepared and fair fight, or go back to option 1.

Arsha servers exist for players who are interested in the "Risk VS Reward" style of gameplay, where you risk being flagged up on for 0 reason anywhere in the world, just so you can have that 50% extra loot bonus.

Or for people who want to just have some fun fights while they're travelling without risking going Red.

Outside of an Arsha server, there are MASSIVE drawbacks to killing a player in "nonconsentual PvP".

I lost 30k karma for killing someone who tried to impeded on my grind the other day (trying to steal my afauru's and boss kills and such). My buddy had the same dude come back 3 or 4 times and had to kick him out multiple times and lost 150k karma of his 300k max. The guy was simply running in and trying to steal the mobs for himself without flagging up to force my buddy to take a karma loss in order to get rid of him. So my buddy was punished for simply DEFENDING the grind spot he had been in for a couple of hours. It is just a part of the game. It is not YOUR grind spot. It is A grind spot that you are using.

If you remove the ability to flag up entirely? You basically hand the game over to those kinds of bad etiquette players. You would COMPLETELY destroy the game and it's community as soon as that change went live. Karma Bombers are a PLAGUE on the community.

RED players have another MASSIVE drawback though that a lot of people choose to ignore because they'd rather whine and complain and ruin the game for well over half the playerbase than move on or GET GOOD.

If a RED player dies while in negative karma, in PvP or Otherwise, they pop a LOT of crystals. They can also pop LIGHTSTONES. And if they run out of crystals and lightstones and die again? Their GEAR downgrades. That is a MASSIVE drawback to be a RED player, but they take that risk and accept the consequences when doing so. It's part of why "Karma Bombing" is such a despicable playstyle for the less skilled and more toxic players, and usually gets you thrown out of guilds if you do it. Well, if the guild isn't full of similar bottom feedering scum.

If you don't want to risk getting ganked, go use the Marni realms in a different spot.

Marni Realm is available in a LOT of really high level and high money grind spots. You can even use it in Underground Gyffin, which is INSANE since it's still the best EXP and some of the best money in the game. You also get 12 HOURS of it every day, you just have to take an hour break between each hour. But you CANNOT be ganked or interrupted during your grind in any way while using the Marni realm.

So, with all of that being said, here is the takeaway:

Get Good or Get Gone. Whether it be a different spot or a different game makes no difference to the players that enjoy the game the way it is meant to be played.

Most of this is just your opinion.  PvP is not everyone's end game.

And what you're saying about red players is a moot point since they just cheap crystals anyway.  Popping crystals means nothing to them.

Could say the same "Get good or get gone" to all the PvP players that ran off to TnL after they found out they can't get carried by their gear anymore.

189 1635
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 11. Nov 2024, 02:35 (UTC)
# 10
On: Nov 11, 2024, 00:38 (UTC), Written by AmmoCache

Let me preface this by pointing out something that a lot of the community seems to not realize or remember lately...

PvP is a core part of the game. Not only that, PvP is the only REAL "endgame" that exists in BDO.

The PvE that IS in the game primarily exists to grind for money for gear to go do better PvP, or to go down the trenches of lifeskilling, which is the only other "endgame" alternative.

Sure, some people just grind to grind, and their gear is wasted on just... more grinding. But those are the main two reasons why people grind in BDO.

Any time a new spot comes out, there is a heavy presence in that zone of all players, including content creators.

It's new an shiny, and everyone wants to try it. If you don't think a new spot will be contested then you are needing a break from the game anyways to get yourself a reality check.

There are a limited number of grind spots in every location in the game.

For example, the new TOML region grind spots have 6-7 "pillars" in each spot to grind.

If all the spots are already full, then you have two options:

     1. Find a new server. Plain and simple, just go to a different server and check there. They reduced the cooldown on server swapping for a reason.

     2. Participate in a "Duel For Spot" (DFS).

          >> To be clear, there are no "rules of engagement" in a DFS. Your options when you get killed in your grind are to either give the spot to the person who won, respawn and come back for a more prepared and fair fight, or go back to option 1.

Arsha servers exist for players who are interested in the "Risk VS Reward" style of gameplay, where you risk being flagged up on for 0 reason anywhere in the world, just so you can have that 50% extra loot bonus.

Or for people who want to just have some fun fights while they're travelling without risking going Red.

Outside of an Arsha server, there are MASSIVE drawbacks to killing a player in "nonconsentual PvP".

I lost 30k karma for killing someone who tried to impeded on my grind the other day (trying to steal my afauru's and boss kills and such). My buddy had the same dude come back 3 or 4 times and had to kick him out multiple times and lost 150k karma of his 300k max. The guy was simply running in and trying to steal the mobs for himself without flagging up to force my buddy to take a karma loss in order to get rid of him. So my buddy was punished for simply DEFENDING the grind spot he had been in for a couple of hours. It is just a part of the game. It is not YOUR grind spot. It is A grind spot that you are using.

If you remove the ability to flag up entirely? You basically hand the game over to those kinds of bad etiquette players. You would COMPLETELY destroy the game and it's community as soon as that change went live. Karma Bombers are a PLAGUE on the community.

RED players have another MASSIVE drawback though that a lot of people choose to ignore because they'd rather whine and complain and ruin the game for well over half the playerbase than move on or GET GOOD.

If a RED player dies while in negative karma, in PvP or Otherwise, they pop a LOT of crystals. They can also pop LIGHTSTONES. And if they run out of crystals and lightstones and die again? Their GEAR downgrades. That is a MASSIVE drawback to be a RED player, but they take that risk and accept the consequences when doing so. It's part of why "Karma Bombing" is such a despicable playstyle for the less skilled and more toxic players, and usually gets you thrown out of guilds if you do it. Well, if the guild isn't full of similar bottom feedering scum.

If you don't want to risk getting ganked, go use the Marni realms in a different spot.

Marni Realm is available in a LOT of really high level and high money grind spots. You can even use it in Underground Gyffin, which is INSANE since it's still the best EXP and some of the best money in the game. You also get 12 HOURS of it every day, you just have to take an hour break between each hour. But you CANNOT be ganked or interrupted during your grind in any way while using the Marni realm.

So, with all of that being said, here is the takeaway:

Get Good or Get Gone. Whether it be a different spot or a different game makes no difference to the players that enjoy the game the way it is meant to be played.

So we should defend the dude who goes red at garmoth and kill everybody just for fun? Like why? He is doing this cus he dosen't have the skill to do real pvp and targetting tuvala alts for no reason. Mate if pvp is like this for you at 750+gs i have a bad news for you. You should be git gud not me. Also imagine as a new pleayer freshly graduated, you go grind your potion piece and a 750+guy find you after hes unskilled to do anithing in game in his gs range and pk you a couple of times how would you feel? I would just be like "fck this game i am gone it's unfair" wich is totally valid point. So yea pls PA do not defend this behaviour about going red and kill ppl for no reason. You have more than enough options for fair pvp and nobody choosing it since the current "system" still exist. Also why do you think pvp is the end goal for everybody? Dude i just want to grind in piece i don't care about pvp, it isn't my main goal and a lot of ppl seems like thinking the same. I just log in go to discord to talk to my guildmates, have fun with them and grind. Also about the new zone thing what you mention... we both know when you see a red guy from a certain guild they don't kill you for the spot, they just show up kill you for messing your hour since it is "fun" for them not because what you write. 

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