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UTC 9 : 47 14. Dez 2024
CET 10 : 47 14. Dez 2024
PST 1 : 47 14. Dez 2024
EST 4 : 47 14. Dez 2024
Problems with perma-red players and harassment of weaker players
13. Nov 2024, 16:10 (UTC)
550 16
1 2
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 13. Nov 2024, 16:40 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: TheTower
Region (NA/EU): EU

This issue is not new and many changes have made the problem worse every day.

Weaker players have to stop playing or keep changing servers because no current tool offers them any kind of help.

Sometimes it is simply one-off deaths by other players in a given spot which is not a problem, many other times it is the laughter of perma-red players at weaker players or those who are afk with horse taming, fishing or doing afk activities, and sometimes it is the harassment of some players against other weaker ones just because nobody does anything to prevent this from happening.

Last changes made by BDO, such as removing the option to "declare war on another guild", have caused these problems to get worse, it has eliminated the nobility of using "dfs" and increased the problems in all the grinding spots in the game with the appearance of grifters, which you cannot deal with without being severely penalized.

For this, three possible solutions could be:

1) Perma-red players can only access Arsha servers (specially designed for pvp), where they can enjoy killing any player they find at will.

2) Perma-red players cannot access certain servers.

3) The creation of full pve servers, as happens in the seasonal servers. I hope they take this post seriously and give a quick solution.

Since I started playing BDO 6 years ago, many of the players from the guilds I've been in have abandoned the game for this reason, and with the changes I see more and more players who stop playing and end up going to competing games even when they declared that they liked this game more but that each decision made worsened the game experience and the GM's when consulted did nothing about it to help.

Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 13. Nov 2024, 16:56 (UTC)
# 2

Are you sure they're the problem and not you? You have marni realm for 12 hours a day and ow pvp is completely dead, grindzones are empty, 36 channels in NA/EU, and red playstyle has been increasingly punished time and time again, yet your friends didn't come back.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 13. Nov 2024, 17:28 (UTC)
# 3

You must be the most unlucky SOB playing the game right now. I grind a couple hours a day and if I even see another person at gyfin under or Crypt it's rare, I legit can not remember the last time I was asked to DFS never mind out right PK'd. Heck I afk fished outside a safe zone on the side of the road just to see how many nights I could do it before getting killed, I am at 42 days (not counting logging for patch night)

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 13. Nov 2024, 17:30 (UTC)
# 4

I understand that you grind and move in low level zones with Reino Marni, and you don't play afk. It's usually the same members of the same guilds who get bored and dedicate themselves to these things and I think that to laugh and do full pvp with weaker players than them they already have an Arsha server where they can do pvp 24/7

Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 13. Nov 2024, 17:30 (UTC)
# 5
On: Nov 13, 2024, 16:55 (UTC), Written by Xenon

Are you sure they're the problem and not you? You have marni realm for 12 hours a day and ow pvp is completely dead, grindzones are empty, 36 channels in NA/EU, and red playstyle has been increasingly punished time and time again, yet your friends didn't come back.

are you sure the problem is the murderer and not the victims? victims can stay at home you know!

red players just want to ruin some1 elses time, why else are they not perma arsha instead of "perma red".

pathetic losers who enjoy trying pull some1 to their lvl of misery.

57 1984
Lv 61
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 13. Nov 2024, 18:07 (UTC)
# 6

Red players are not the issue at all, they actually almost don't exist in this game. For the last year I only met  some  red corsair 2 times in highlands and  Caarl a few times in crescent, when the spot was released.

How tired I am of the authors of these topics, I would really like to say a lot about them, but the admins will immediately delete my message, because it can hurt authors feelings even more than red players, who can only be found on holidays.

Instead of making suggestions about PvE content, they still cry about PvP that doesn't exist in this game

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 13. Nov 2024, 19:24 (UTC)
# 7
On: Nov 13, 2024, 18:01 (UTC), Written by Briexdon

Red players are not the issue at all, they actually almost don't exist in this game. For the last year I only met  some  red corsair 2 times in highlands and  Caarl a few times in crescent, when the spot was released.

How tired I am of the authors of these topics, I would really like to say a lot about them, but the admins will immediately delete my message, because it can hurt authors feelings even more than red players, who can only be found on holidays.

Instead of making suggestions about PvE content, they still cry about PvP that doesn't exist in this game

Right? Where are these fabled red players? I almost never come across any (even on Arsha). I can't even remember the last time I got pk'd. Yet there always seems to be posts about them. I'm starting to doubt their existance. I miss red players, they made grinding actually fun. Plus it gave you incentive to learn your class and get geared up. Now with the killing of open-world PvP and FOTM classes, there's no need. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 13. Nov 2024, 19:54 (UTC)
# 8
On: Nov 13, 2024, 19:24 (UTC), Written by Nissa

Right? Where are these fabled red players? I almost never come across any (even on Arsha). I can't even remember the last time I got pk'd. Yet there always seems to be posts about them. I'm starting to doubt their existance. I miss red players, they made grinding actually fun. Plus it gave you incentive to learn your class and get geared up. Now with the killing of open-world PvP and FOTM classes, there's no need. 

Oh,  y'know, places where a lot of life skillers gather.  Velia Beach / Coastal Cliff tends to attract the occasional griefer type.  But they tend to get reported too, which is the right way to address a problem player, not by removing or changing game features.

And yes, I do miss the red players, the genuine ones, not the griefer types (which are far fewer).  Had some decent chats with reds, and kind of looked forward to running into them in their favorite stake-out areas.  But they are long gone now.

My end-game goal was to have my last alt created be a perma-red shai.  Always liked that idea.  But then the changes of the last year or two stomped on that idea. 

16 1118
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 13. Nov 2024, 20:54 (UTC)
# 9
On: Nov 13, 2024, 19:24 (UTC), Written by Nissa

I miss red players, they made grinding actually fun. Plus it gave you incentive to learn your class and get geared up. 

I don't care about red players, but they exactly don't bring the fun.  The most you can learn is to press  V > change channel.

Last time when I met  the red player ( it was on highlands )  I almost didn't do damage to him, because he was full evasion build and full pvp buffs and I am with my pve gear, simple cron meal and frenzy =))) 

This is the biggest problem for this game, when  you grind, you have more than enough ap, but you can not PvP with your gear, buffs, addons on PvE. and when you faced with a choice, spend a few seconds, change the channel and continue to grind, or spend a few minutes to prepare for pvp, find that person, if he is still on the channel, and even if you start killing that person, he immediately changes the channel, so it's a waste of time, so I always change the channel if I can't pvp with the gear and buffs I'm grinding with, I don't waste time for them and I don't understand why people crying about them.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 14. Nov 2024, 07:15 (UTC)
# 10

It's the usual discourse, most get too emotional.

Reds get the same penalties and meet pve bots on Arsha, that place is for blues.

Life skills are family wide, if you afk there's little excuse training outside safezones above lvl 49.

We reds do exist EU (Muiquun) and I can say firsthand red shai life is still worth trying.

No incentive for ow or uncapped PvP is a broader discussion.

Tldr: Adapt or die, we aren't going anywhere.

1 2


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