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UTC 17 : 23 12. Feb 2025
CET 18 : 23 12. Feb 2025
PST 9 : 23 12. Feb 2025
EST 12 : 23 12. Feb 2025
[Suggestion] New Treasure Item Idea - Marni's Lightweight Lootbag
24. Nov 2024, 18:44 (UTC)
678 5
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Nov 2024, 18:48 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: AmmoCache

Region (NA/EU): NA

Suggestions/Comments: With how infrequently we get any sort of meaningful deals on Weight (LT) or any sort of Weight transfer coupons, I think another "mega rare" treasure item similar in rarity to the Rich Merchant's Ring that has 5 separate pieces to put it together would be really nice. Whether it drops from LOML zones, or from various zones across the world. Maybe have one of the pieces only drop from the much more difficult grind zones like Dehkia 2 Ash for a truly "endgame" sort of treasure item.

With the Marni related lore and stuff we've been getting, I think it'd be really neat if it was something like "Marni's Lightweight Lootbag".

The "Marni's Lightweight Lootbag" would have the following features:
-- All loot tagged as "junk" is automatically stored within the Lootbag as it is picked up(maybe like, 10 slots or something). This shouldn't be too hard since the game already has those classifications of Junk Loot when you're speaking to a vendor (the "Sell All Junk Items" button).
-- The weight of the bag would be something like 500LT on its own, but the loot inside would NOT add any further to that weight.
-- When you are finished with your grind, are not in combat, and/or enter a Safe Zone, a "Sell All Junk" button would be active within the bag so you can instantly sell all of your Junk Loot without having to hunt for a vendor.

In the absence of any sort of meaningful deals, it would be a really nice treasure item to strive for to help give some sort of meaningful update to people who aren't willing to spend hundreds of dollars on LT increases.
Even with the "deals" that exist in the Pearl shop, you have to spend upwards of $200 USD to cap out your LT on a character. That's ridiculous given that the approximately 5K weight that it gives you isn't even enough to hold the trash loot for ONE full hour of grinding in most locations. I have 120% weight due to my fairy and have capped weight on my main grinding character, and I am overencumbered about halfway through my grind. If I didn't have so many storage maids, or a horse to infinitely stack loot on, I'd be forced to end my grind early in order to not die to the slowness of being overencumbered.

The way the game is designed currently seems to punish players for not spending money on the game for either LT increases, Fairy rerolls to get the max weight ability, or Storage maids.
While storage on your horse is an option, there are some locations in the game where horses are not allowed (Hystria and Aakman are the primary examples, but there are other locations where your horse has to be placed exceptionally far away to not be killed). Just as such there are other locations in the game where MULTIPLE types of trash loot drop, which makes storage on the horse doesn't work for a multi-hour grind.

The treasure item would give people incentive to progress their gear more in order to grind the higher tier locations that drop the pieces, and it'd make LT increases more of a "Luxury" buy.
You'd still have the people who choose to forgoe that grind and spend their IRL money to move their weight around when we sporadically get those coupons, or god forbid buy LT increases on EVERY character they have.

In any case, it's just a thought I had that I think would be a really neat concept and addition to help out what I imagine is 60%+ of the playerbase that likely prefers NOT spending IRL money on the game.
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Nov 2024, 19:44 (UTC)
# 2

I like the idea.  More loot less P4convenience

189 1635
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Nov 2024, 21:31 (UTC)
# 3

I would like to have it, but they are too greedy so it never happens. They even didn't make LT for family and you have to buy it on each character....

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 25. Nov 2024, 21:03 (UTC)
# 4

Buy pearls, scream into the abyss. They're not going to listen to any suggestion that could lose them money.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 05. Dez 2024, 05:47 (UTC)
# 5

High end zones are high intensity. Unless you want to drastically decrease your efficiency and perhaps risk death, you cannot stop grinding to send trash off with maids, you need fancy buffs running all the time, and you can't repair your gear. All the while, these zones rapidly fill your weight, and damage your equipment. Having the additional pay-to-win LT does not really solve the fundamental problems here. So I support this new treasure item; it is a step in the right direction.



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