Family Name: AmmoCache
Region (NA/EU): NA
With the Marni related lore and stuff we've been getting, I think it'd be really neat if it was something like "Marni's Lightweight Lootbag".
I like the idea. More loot less P4convenience
I would like to have it, but they are too greedy so it never happens. They even didn't make LT for family and you have to buy it on each character....
Buy pearls, scream into the abyss. They're not going to listen to any suggestion that could lose them money.
High end zones are high intensity. Unless you want to drastically decrease your efficiency and perhaps risk death, you cannot stop grinding to send trash off with maids, you need fancy buffs running all the time, and you can't repair your gear. All the while, these zones rapidly fill your weight, and damage your equipment. Having the additional pay-to-win LT does not really solve the fundamental problems here. So I support this new treasure item; it is a step in the right direction.
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