Black Desert beginnt in Kürze.

Das Spiel wird gestartet, wenn Ihr den Launcher installiert habt.

Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

Sollte der Launcher bereits installiert worden sein, wird das Spiel gestartet.
Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 22 : 0 20. Jan 2025
CET 23 : 0 20. Jan 2025
PST 14 : 0 20. Jan 2025
EST 17 : 0 20. Jan 2025
It is time for me to go now.
28. Nov 2024, 23:33 (UTC)
956 3
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 28. Nov 2024, 23:33 (UTC)
# 1

I want to thank the game for some on and off fun over the years.

The early days of not understanding one single thing, to chopping my first tree. When I discovered the excitement of actually just standing their doing potion and food in my house, the beautiful snow in Eilton and the wonder of my first Dream Horse who I got on the first tap! 

My luck ran out with the Dream Horse.

I came back to play a few weeks ago as I usually take many months off when I grow weary and play a new game but I've been playing other games and I mean this as respectfully as I possibly can, the other titles I play respect me a lot more with my money.

I feel like a lot of progression comes from the wallet or at least, a lot of the convenience to get progression does. I was looking at my buffs to see that I was low on days for the Old Moon, Kamasylve and Value Pack so I thought ok let's renew that.

I'm not doing this for 15 days of each for £40. Either I am missing something here but the pearls needed for 15 days of this buffs it's just too much money. I see new events and then look at the shop and the money methods are just, to me, it's too much now. I understand I may play this game for free but I like to support games I like but I think that this game asks too much of players. 

I wish to be respectful and thankful of the community for the years of fun, the group chat and the ever lasting cron discussion but I think now it's time to go for good and that's painful knowing I maybe spent quite a lot here - but a line will need to be drawn somewhere for me.

I wish everyone really good luck and really good enhancements. Thank you for being a home to me and my crazy life skilling obsession for this little while.

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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 30. Nov 2024, 23:53 (UTC)
# 4
On: Nov 28, 2024, 23:33 (UTC), Written by Samashaus

I feel like a lot of progression comes from the wallet or at least, a lot of the convenience to get progression does. I was looking at my buffs to see that I was low on days for the Old Moon, Kamasylve and Value Pack so I thought ok let's renew that.

I'm not doing this for 15 days of each for £40. Either I am missing something here but the pearls needed for 15 days of this buffs it's just too much money. I see new events and then look at the shop and the money methods are just, to me, it's too much now. I understand I may play this game for free but I like to support games I like but I think that this game asks too much of players. 

I wish you well in your new adventures, but I want to point out that the game is perfectly playable without any of these buffs.  I've said many times, when the only "subscription" was the Value Pack, I happily bought it each month.  Once they added the Old Moon Books and Kama Blessings to the store, I stopped buying any of that and only spend my money on permanent things.

I sometimes miss Merv's Pallette, but not enough to actually spend money on a VP.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Dez 2024, 01:23 (UTC)
# 5
On: Nov 28, 2024, 23:33 (UTC), Written by Samashaus

I want to thank the game for some on and off fun over the years.

The early days of not understanding one single thing, to chopping my first tree. When I discovered the excitement of actually just standing their doing potion and food in my house, the beautiful snow in Eilton and the wonder of my first Dream Horse who I got on the first tap! 

My luck ran out with the Dream Horse.

I came back to play a few weeks ago as I usually take many months off when I grow weary and play a new game but I've been playing other games and I mean this as respectfully as I possibly can, the other titles I play respect me a lot more with my money.

I feel like a lot of progression comes from the wallet or at least, a lot of the convenience to get progression does. I was looking at my buffs to see that I was low on days for the Old Moon, Kamasylve and Value Pack so I thought ok let's renew that.

I'm not doing this for 15 days of each for £40. Either I am missing something here but the pearls needed for 15 days of this buffs it's just too much money. I see new events and then look at the shop and the money methods are just, to me, it's too much now. I understand I may play this game for free but I like to support games I like but I think that this game asks too much of players. 

I wish to be respectful and thankful of the community for the years of fun, the group chat and the ever lasting cron discussion but I think now it's time to go for good and that's painful knowing I maybe spent quite a lot here - but a line will need to be drawn somewhere for me.

I wish everyone really good luck and really good enhancements. Thank you for being a home to me and my crazy life skilling obsession for this little while.

First off, you can always AFK progress in BDO ( If you calculate out that it's worth the wear and tear on your computer). I have to say, I was spending money in BDO and didn't mind it up until I figured they would continue the same introduction of female in high-heels and thongs swinging a hammer, pole, stick, gun, magical spell regardless if it made sense or not. Putting another 10-11 levels of enhancements on new gear forcing those with bad RNG into spending their time, retirement, college money or inheritance on costumes and Crons. 

I applaud you leaving a very positive post and logical explanation of why this dynamic has caused you to quit BDO because over the years, most people have left angry and bitter spewing only hatred about the game even while playing other games ( Myself included in this group). 

Take care in your MMORPG journeys.

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