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Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 3 : 54 13. Jan 2025
CET 4 : 54 13. Jan 2025
PST 19 : 54 12. Jan 2025
EST 22 : 54 12. Jan 2025
Did farming changes affect Mysterious Seeds?
07. Dez 2024, 16:29 (UTC)
854 12
1 2
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 07. Dez 2024, 16:29 (UTC)
# 1

I haven't gotten a SINGLE mysterious seed since the farming update, while before I used to get 2-3 a week. Anyone else encountering this issue?

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 07. Dez 2024, 23:54 (UTC)
# 2

I'm getting them.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Dez 2024, 11:49 (UTC)
# 3
On: Dec 7, 2024, 16:29 (UTC), Written by SnakeGoddess

I haven't gotten a SINGLE mysterious seed since the farming update, while before I used to get 2-3 a week. Anyone else encountering this issue?

Same here. I haven't gotten any since that patch. Only get those moles that I care nothing about.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Dez 2024, 17:31 (UTC)
# 4
On: Dec 15, 2024, 11:49 (UTC), Written by Blackcat48

Same here. I haven't gotten any since that patch. Only get those moles that I care nothing about.

I did finally get one a few days after posting this, but that was nearly another week ago now. And only one. Definitely a far cry from the 2-3 a week I was getting before. Thank goodness Lara's weekly has a mole option, because the seed option is literally impossible on 1 seed a month

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 17. Dez 2024, 06:44 (UTC)
# 5

Yeah, I usually get seeds once or twice a month.  And that's running 6 gardens, harvesting twice daily.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 17. Dez 2024, 12:11 (UTC)
# 6
On: Dec 17, 2024, 06:44 (UTC), Written by Musa4ever

Yeah, I usually get seeds once or twice a month.  And that's running 6 gardens, harvesting twice daily.

I'll make a confession: I've only got 4 farms, one of which is shabby with only one slot. So effectively 3 farms. Not a lot, I know. But. I was still getting seeds at least once or twice a week with that few farms BEFORE the farming patch. So at this point, I'm fairly convinced something broke.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 17. Dez 2024, 15:11 (UTC)
# 7

It's probably cause you've got four farm plots. I've got all ten big ones and from planting to harvest with pruning and whatnot, I can get at least 1 seed each time... sometimes up to 4-5, if I'm lucky. It's not broke, I think you just need more farm plots, and not the shabby ones. Get the big ones with 10 slots for your plants. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 17. Dez 2024, 15:33 (UTC)
# 8

i get like 2 every time i harvest that 2 time a day and come from the mistical plants and no prumming involed worker take care of my farms

179 674
Lv 66
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 17. Dez 2024, 15:56 (UTC)
# 9
On: Dec 17, 2024, 15:11 (UTC), Written by KnightsRadiant

It's probably cause you've got four farm plots. I've got all ten big ones and from planting to harvest with pruning and whatnot, I can get at least 1 seed each time... sometimes up to 4-5, if I'm lucky. It's not broke, I think you just need more farm plots, and not the shabby ones. Get the big ones with 10 slots for your plants. 

That doesn't account for the fact that I was getting WAAAAAYY more pre-patch even with only 3.1 farms. Having that few wasn't an issue before.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 17. Dez 2024, 16:25 (UTC)
# 10

Well, I'm not sure what to tell you... Getting the seeds is an rng factor, but only having four farm plots certainly isn't helping you either. The only thing I can suggest is to get ten of the big farm plots and you'll definitely see a difference. If it's a matter of CP, then take a close look at where they are all being used and then reduce where they aren't being used. I used to have so much CP invested into storage but I consolidated my items and was able to cut out storage that wasn't being used... I also had CP invested in my worker network that wasn't being used either. Take any CP you've got that not truly being useful where it is and make it useful by getting some more farm plots. That's the only thing I can think of to help you out that doesn't involvwed buying those pearl shop farm plots.

More plots = more mysterious seeds

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