Black Desert beginnt in Kürze.

Das Spiel wird gestartet, wenn Ihr den Launcher installiert habt.

Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

Sollte der Launcher bereits installiert worden sein, wird das Spiel gestartet.
Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 4 : 44 13. Jan 2025
CET 5 : 44 13. Jan 2025
PST 20 : 44 12. Jan 2025
EST 23 : 44 12. Jan 2025
Stop Choiceification* the game
10. Dez 2024, 16:17 (UTC)
1441 21
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Dez 2024, 16:17 (UTC)
# 1

In short, let's stop pretending that rewarding everything with silver, whether in the form of raw silver, raw drop or cron stones, will fix the game.

* a neologism invented by me thanks to a certain streamer who thinks that increasing rewards is the solution to most of the BDO issues.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 11. Dez 2024, 15:29 (UTC)
# 2

There is no universal solution to the game. There are many issues that piled up over the game's history. One of the biggest ones is that the game doesn't reward you for having fun. It rewards you for doing tedious things. Pvpers have long been requesting for the ability to progress through pvp, while lifeskillers bemoan that their profits fall long behind grinding. So yes, it's not the only fix, but it will fix one glaring issue and it's the easiest to do right in this moment.

The rest of the problems stem largely from lack/removal of content, devaluing the open world, unsatisfying gear progression, and poor balancing between classes. Which are all issues that need to be addressed. Content takes time to develop, open world is a very complicated issue that can't just be solved with a number change or turning a feature back on (mostly because the game has been out of many peoples' hands for a while now, and just bringing back gvgs or spot pvp won't bring them back so easily.), class balance is a long term effort and can't be solved or minimalized with a single patch, and gear progression is so paramount to mmos as a whole that one wrong misstep can kill their whole system. So yeah. Making everything profitable is the easiest thing they can do right now, because all they have to do is change silver numbers. Even that requires balancing, but it's spreadsheet math for the most part.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Dez 2024, 16:48 (UTC)
# 3

i will totally like to play the same game more if i can tap 10% times more a month with my vendor crons, lmao

58 2032
Lv 61
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Dez 2024, 17:32 (UTC)
# 4
On: Dec 10, 2024, 16:43 (UTC), Written by Xenon

There is no universal solution to the game. There are many issues that piled up over the game's history. One of the biggest ones is that the game doesn't reward you for having fun. It rewards you for doing tedious things. Pvpers have long been requesting for the ability to progress through pvp, while lifeskillers bemoan that their profits fall long behind grinding. So yes, it's not the only fix, but it will fix one glaring issue and it's the easiest to do right in this moment.

The rest of the problems stem largely from lack/removal of content, devaluing the open world, unsatisfying gear progression, and poor balancing between classes. Which are all issues that need to be addressed. Content takes time to develop, open world is a very complicated issue that can't just be solved with a number change or turning a feature back on (mostly because the game has been out of many peoples' hands for a while now, and just bringing back gvgs or spot pvp won't bring them back so easily.), class balance is a long term effort and can't be solved or minimalized with a single patch, and gear progression is so paramount to mmos as a whole that they misstep and kill their whole system. So yeah. Making everything profitable is the easiest thing they can do right now, because all they have to do is change silver numbers. Even that requires balancing, but it's spreadsheet math for the most part.

This is completely oblivious to what's actually happening.  Every single thing you mention is intended design to squeeze every penny possible out of the game.  It's not intended to be fixed or good.  It's intended to be broken for the purpose of sales.

Classes where not accidently broken on release.  The game doesn't reward you?  Of course it doesn't.  It's designed to be paid not played.

The maximizing of short term profit always comes at a cost of slowly degrading your product into what BDO is today.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Dez 2024, 20:12 (UTC)
# 5

Enshittenification and making problems to sell you the solution has been long going on in this game since inception, but to argue that it's the reason they removed open world pvp, changed nws to a worse system, and continued to ignore feedback to increase silver profit from content is wrong. They would make more profit because they could add money gratifications on top of these systems. See the new fishing otters. They made afk fishing way more profitable, and now people want to do it for money. What enhances your profit from fishing? The new otters.

No, the reason things continue to stay this way is because of managerial ego and ignoring western feedback (prolly eastern, too). The devs in charge of the project have a vision and don't like compromising on it. And it's often cited as a reason why people leave the company - because of culture clash and direction between lower ladder devs and project leads.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Dez 2024, 20:52 (UTC)
# 6

Making fun activities more rewarding is vital for the game to turn around (not necessarily through silver or crons alone, but through valuable items, such as Essence of Dawn or Dim Origin of Dark Hunger). For an example of the positive effects of increasing rewards, look at the improved attendance at world bosses, now that rewards have been increased there. However, increasing rewards is indeed not sufficient. Black Desert Online has a great many bugs, and the list seems to grow over time; these should be fixed. The game should have fewer bugs today than it did yesterday, and fewer bugs tomorrow than it does today. To give a few examples, when swapping characters or servers, the game should not crash. (Ideally the game should not crash regardless, but crashing on swap is the most common reason for a crash and should be addressed first). We should not fall off of ships. Unless we are attacked, autopathing should reliably get us to our destination, not get us stuck on some random obstacle. We should not fall through the ground to our death.

Even if the bugs cannot be fixed directly, an interrim solution should be introduced. When you call your horse, if the horse can't find a path to reach you, it jumps to the destination (within the horse calling range). The same function could be used to make sure players stay moving towards their destination, teleporting a short distance to get back on track. Ships could give more objects to hold onto, because people who hold onto an object don't fall off, however there are very few objects to hold onto (only the crow's nest for most ships).

The game could be adjusted so if you are unable to use skills because of something that is not the direct cause of an enemy skill (for instance you are falling or swimming) then you get an iframe as long as you are falling or swimming.

In addition to the bugs, there is plenty of player-unfriendly game design. Why can't we transport our character to any city we have discovered (using the transport feature)? Why are important messages and telegraphs hidden among stuff that doesn't matter, and why do so many monster telegraphs give you barely any time to react to them appropriately? Why does a lot of game content require running a class with spammable iframes? Why is game progression structured like a casino, where the odds of achiving progression or acquiring important items are exceedingly low?

There are also other important elements of the game that need fixing, but those are more complex to deal with. However, we know how much silver and useful items we need for meaningful progression. We know which bugs are the worst and should be fixed straight away. And we know how to make the game fairer to the playerbase (at least with regards to PvE).

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Dez 2024, 22:38 (UTC)
# 7
On: Dec 10, 2024, 20:52 (UTC), Written by tarjmov

Making fun activities more rewarding is vital for the game to turn around (not necessarily through silver or crons alone, but through valuable items, such as Essence of Dawn or Dim Origin of Dark Hunger). For an example of the positive effects of increasing rewards, look at the improved attendance at world bosses, now that rewards have been increased there. However, increasing rewards is indeed not sufficient. Black Desert Online has a great many bugs, and the list seems to grow over time; these should be fixed. The game should have fewer bugs today than it did yesterday, and fewer bugs tomorrow than it does today. To give a few examples, when swapping characters or servers, the game should not crash. (Ideally the game should not crash regardless, but crashing on swap is the most common reason for a crash and should be addressed first). We should not fall off of ships. Unless we are attacked, autopathing should reliably get us to our destination, not get us stuck on some random obstacle. We should not fall through the ground to our death.

Even if the bugs cannot be fixed directly, an interrim solution should be introduced. When you call your horse, if the horse can't find a path to reach you, it jumps to the destination (within the horse calling range). The same function could be used to make sure players stay moving towards their destination, teleporting a short distance to get back on track. Ships could give more objects to hold onto, because people who hold onto an object don't fall off, however there are very few objects to hold onto (only the crow's nest for most ships).

The game could be adjusted so if you are unable to use skills because of something that is not the direct cause of an enemy skill (for instance you are falling or swimming) then you get an iframe as long as you are falling or swimming.

In addition to the bugs, there is plenty of player-unfriendly game design. Why can't we transport our character to any city we have discovered (using the transport feature)? Why are important messages and telegraphs hidden among stuff that doesn't matter, and why do so many monster telegraphs give you barely any time to react to them appropriately? Why does a lot of game content require running a class with spammable iframes? Why is game progression structured like a casino, where the odds of achiving progression or acquiring important items are exceedingly low?

There are also other important elements of the game that need fixing, but those are more complex to deal with. However, we know how much silver and useful items we need for meaningful progression. We know which bugs are the worst and should be fixed straight away. And we know how to make the game fairer to the playerbase (at least with regards to PvE).

If you actually read his statements you would see I am correct as usual.

"One of the biggest ones is that the game doesn't reward you for having fun."

"unsatifying gear progression"

"poor balancing"

All ramifications of the cash shop model.  I already gave the specific reason for each.

And YES, AFK fishing is part of the business model.  How do you not know this?  This is used in 1,000's of games!!!! For years.  How did you not pick up on this?  It's an obvious way to keep people engaged and more likely to interact with the game.  Thus showing higher numbers and occassionally getting additional sales and play time.  That's the entire point of daily rewards and other activities.

Did you not hear about the recent steam charts?  Did you NOT put it together?  Did you not figure out the correlation and the HIGHER numbers recently.  Do you think it has anything to do with ANY OTHER ASPECT than purely afk activities.  Do you comprehend that metrics can be used in board meetings and investors to show value of a product?

It's about THE MONEY always WAS always WILL BE.

I wasn't addressing the node war changes.  That is just poor managment.  So are a few other factors.  However, the over riding factor is BDO isn't suffocating mainly because of 1 sided dec and node war changes.

POE 2 has MILLIONS of players and doesn't rely on PVP.  When it goes F2P it might get even higher.  Because there motto is "just make a good game".  While BDO's is an abandoned project with the motto "squeeze the most money".

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 11. Dez 2024, 08:59 (UTC)
# 8
On: Dec 10, 2024, 22:38 (UTC), Written by M3Infinity

If you actually read his statements you would see I am correct as usual.

"One of the biggest ones is that the game doesn't reward you for having fun."

"unsatifying gear progression"

"poor balancing"

All ramifications of the cash shop model.  I already gave the specific reason for each.

And YES, AFK fishing is part of the business model.  How do you not know this?  This is used in 1,000's of games!!!! For years.  How did you not pick up on this?  It's an obvious way to keep people engaged and more likely to interact with the game.  Thus showing higher numbers and occassionally getting additional sales and play time.  That's the entire point of daily rewards and other activities.

Did you not hear about the recent steam charts?  Did you NOT put it together?  Did you not figure out the correlation and the HIGHER numbers recently.  Do you think it has anything to do with ANY OTHER ASPECT than purely afk activities.  Do you comprehend that metrics can be used in board meetings and investors to show value of a product?

It's about THE MONEY always WAS always WILL BE.

I wasn't addressing the node war changes.  That is just poor managment.  So are a few other factors.  However, the over riding factor is BDO isn't suffocating mainly because of 1 sided dec and node war changes.

POE 2 has MILLIONS of players and doesn't rely on PVP.  When it goes F2P it might get even higher.  Because there motto is "just make a good game".  While BDO's is an abandoned project with the motto "squeeze the most money".

So POE 2 and leave these forums.  thanks

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 11. Dez 2024, 15:11 (UTC)
# 9
On: Dec 10, 2024, 22:38 (UTC), Written by M3Infinity

If you actually read his statements you would see I am correct as usual.

We must've missed the part where "being correct" was a requirement for reading.

You ignore the truth beause you're part of the problem he discusses, go figure.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Dez 2024, 00:57 (UTC)
# 10
On: Dec 11, 2024, 08:59 (UTC), Written by Columba

So POE 2 and leave these forums.  thanks

That's comical.  PA tried that.  They told their customers we dare you to leave and look how it turned out ;)

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