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UTC 3 : 41 23. Jan 2025
CET 4 : 41 23. Jan 2025
PST 19 : 41 22. Jan 2025
EST 22 : 41 22. Jan 2025
Add alternative ways to obtain Marvelous Balacs Lunchbox (Ouk Pill of Time and Tide)
10. Dez 2024, 23:00 (UTC)
613 4
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 18. Dez 2024, 20:00 (UTC)
# 1

Title: Add alternative ways to obtain Marvelous Balacs Lunchbox (Ouk Pill of Time and Tide)
Family Name: Carp
Region (NA/EU): EU


Since you finally buffed fishing, lots of new people got into the lifeskill.

This has promptly resulted in a serious bottleneck for the following two items:

Ouk Pill of Time and Tide

Ways to obtain:

  • Oxiterr Crystal Exchange (do ~25x Dailies in Eilton)
  • Grinding for Forgotten Witch's Token

These are both in too limited amounts (the rewards from dailies are too limited, the Token is WAY too rare) -

as well as infeasable for someone who is mostly interested in AFK (!) fishing content.Nobody should be forced to grind such an essential item out for themselves if it does not relate to the content itself they are interested in.

Marvelous Balacs Lunchbox

Ways to obtain:

  • Crafting 1x normal Balacs Lunchbox + 1x Ouk Pill of Time and Tide


Alchemy Recipe

Other content has material dependencies which synergize with existing other lifeskills.

Please add a new Alchemy recipe to craft the Ouk Pill of Time and Tide.

For example you could finally provide a use for people's Clown's Blood:

Alternative Material

If you cannot buff the Ouk Pill recipes directly - for example for Lore reasons - please consider adding some alternative materials/recipes to craft Marvelous Balacs Lunchbox directly.

Imperial Fishing Seals

You could also add Marvelous Balacs Lunchbox as a reward for imperial fish delivery.

(Thanks to Pelzowski for the suggestion!)

17 28
Lv 61
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 13. Dez 2024, 02:54 (UTC)
# 2

Droprate on Ouk pill is far too low for sure. If you're lucky you get 1-2 for an hour of grinding Jade/Murrowak.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 18. Dez 2024, 10:31 (UTC)
# 3

Could add this for example as a reward for imperial fish delivery (which all are very mmeh atm)

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 19. Dez 2024, 20:40 (UTC)
# 4
On: Dec 13, 2024, 02:54 (UTC), Written by tarjmov

Droprate on Ouk pill is far too low for sure. If you're lucky you get 1-2 for an hour of grinding Jade/Murrowak.

I think its less the drop rate is to low and more the CM price is to low, I do not mind going and getting myself what I need but I would never part with any at the garbage price they sell for, same with forest fury, boost the selling price and I would guess POs would fill.



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