When Kakao games were still the publishers, the DLC packages were frequently updated allowing players to able to purchase them again even though they already owned the previous ones. It has been more than 2 years now ever since Pearl Abyss took over their publishing side. They've updated the DLC packages only once and that was when they took over 2 years ago, however they haven't touched them since then at all. This sucks, because whenever DLC packages goes on sale, they're genuenly the best value purchases to spend on if you want to spend money on the game at all and at this point it feels like they've either forgotten about them or they've decided to never update them ever again like Kakao games were doing back then.
I don't know if it's the right reason or not
but at the time of kakao, the packs were on sale at -70% and they contained more and better items as the current ones
So you had a large part of the players who bought them
To be able to sell them again they were forced to update them
For a little over a year, PA has drastically reduced the quality of the packs and removed the -70% sales, now the maximum reduction is -50%
as a result, the old players who knew the old packs stopped buying, i.e. a good part of the players...
Old one vs new one :
Value Pack (90 Days) --- Value Pack (15 Days)
Pearl Box - 3,000 --- Pearl Box - 4,000
16 Expansion coupon --- 16 Expansion coupon
Secret Book of Old Moon (15 Days) --- Secret Book of Old Moon (15 Days)
Horse Emblem: Tier 7 White Horse (Female) --- Horse Emblem: Tier 7 White Horse (Female)
Event Premium Outfit Box --- Event Premium Outfit Box
___________ --- Event classic Outfit Box
Polar Bear --- Polar Bear (Tier 3)
Hedgehog --- ______________
Wizard Gosphy --- ______________
___________ --- Choose Your Tier 3 Pet Box
Trainer's Flute (Permanent) --- ______________
[Transaction Maid] Fairy Irene --- [Transaction Maid] Fairy Irene x2
Pearl Shop 20% DC Coupon --- Pearl Shop 30% DC Coupon
Price after sales :
27$ --- 45$
im sure PA ran the numbers and its not worth it.
Got so lucky when I bought them when they still were -70% discount. Patient gamers lose again.
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