Black Desert beginnt in Kürze.

Das Spiel wird gestartet, wenn Ihr den Launcher installiert habt.

Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

Sollte der Launcher bereits installiert worden sein, wird das Spiel gestartet.
Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 1 : 16 13. Jan 2025
CET 2 : 16 13. Jan 2025
PST 17 : 16 12. Jan 2025
EST 20 : 16 12. Jan 2025
Remember Residential Maid and Pet Visibility Choices
12. Dez 2024, 13:02 (UTC)
303 3
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 13. Dez 2024, 11:53 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: Reva

Region (NA/EU): NA


Because I prefer less visual chaos, I hide my maids and pets when I'm in my residences. The visibility settings currently revert back upon my return and all maids and pets are displayed, even if I leave for one second. It makes perfect sense that the "hide clothes" button resets upon exit, but I'd be grateful to not have to click the other two buttons constantly every day. I'm sure I've clicked them thousands of times by now.

So please, let our residences remember the maid and pet visibility settings we choose? Thank you!

10 11
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Dez 2024, 23:35 (UTC)
# 2

It would be nice if BDO had a placement setting for NPCs and pets like Elder Scrolls Online. 

We can set them down in a spot or make them walk/jog/run to different places along a path we make. 

I would use my pets and maids/butlers if I could put them down where I want them. (and NOT show the rest!)

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 17. Dez 2024, 14:35 (UTC)
# 3
On: Dec 12, 2024, 13:02 (UTC), Written by itsReva

Family Name: Reva

Region (NA/EU): NA


Because I prefer less visual chaos, I hide my maids and pets when I'm in my residences. The visibility settings currently revert back upon my return and all maids and pets are displayed, even if I leave for one second. It makes perfect sense that the "hide clothes" button resets upon exit, but I'd be grateful to not have to click the other two buttons constantly every day. I'm sure I've clicked them thousands of times by now.

So please, let our residences remember the maid and pet visibility settings we choose? Thank you!

Yeah, this is really annoying. We should either be able to show/hide pets/maids in player homes via Settings > General > Show/Hide, or the game should remember when we've toggled them on or off.

Lv Privat


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