Grinding on my Shai at Honglim Base I cannot get the boss mobs to spawn and therefor no Gumiho spawns. After several packs of mobs they just go back to the [Sentry] tagged group with no boss mob spawning. I killed the same groups at the same flag on my Sage and it worked as normal. I tested it again back to back with the same results.
I've been complaining about this for days and everyone thought i was crazy because it wasn't happening to them. #RIPShai
Also having this problem
i can also not get the boss to spawn at all. spent 2 hours there with a ranger and a deadeye and not a single boss
Same issue on Archer ranged classes rise up
My friend is having the same problem. Any fix yet?
Are you guys certain you gather the lights togehter? You cant just leave them, but have them follow you so they summon the boss.
Are you guys certain you gather the lights togehter? You cant just leave them, but have them follow you so they summon the boss.
The bosses that spawn the flames are not spawning. In my case and the other cases I've confirmed across Shai, Warrior, and Nova. The bosses that spawn the flame do not even spawn. It just goes back to the initial group that have the <Sentry> tag above their heads. It's almost like the flag is just resetting instead of spawning the mini boss that gives a flame.
Are you having this issue on all flags, or only on one specific one? And maybe do you have a video of the grinding?
hi ! same problem with all my personnages and all flags !
i made a support ticket with respond :
continue to farm the boss will appears !
no no no here is a real problem and i am not alone !
i made a second ticket thistoday with a video of 15 minutes of gameplay with no pop boss !
Wait and see the respond