Family Name: Twelvepack
Region (NA/EU): NA
Stoms can be so furstrating when yourre gridning at night ESPECIALLY if its sea monsters, you have tto rely on the map othwrwise it can be really tough to see monsters between big waves. Like i get having storms adds some realism and breaks monotony but it's a serious handicap when grinding at sea, something which it never is on land.
They don't care.
I have sent a report with video and the answer was "thanks the video will be send to the team".
And 2 month later only one person have seen this video. Me.
The ocean needs major simplifications to make in run efficiently on the BDO engine, sorting out waves would be a step in the right direction, ocean content needs major bugfixes all around, without the bugfixes all the changes PA has made to make ocean content more accessible will not have much effect. Since PA has been trying to make ocean content easier to get into recently, I still hold a little hope that PA will fix the bugs in the ocean.