Black Desert beginnt in Kürze.

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Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

Sollte der Launcher bereits installiert worden sein, wird das Spiel gestartet.
Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 13 : 6 12. Feb 2025
CET 14 : 6 12. Feb 2025
PST 5 : 6 12. Feb 2025
EST 8 : 6 12. Feb 2025
PA you are starting to lose your last opportunity!!!!! It is TIME TO SHINE let's see the new vision for BDO
27. Dez 2024, 13:29 (UTC)
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 27. Dez 2024, 13:29 (UTC)
# 1

CMs, it's time to push your counterparts on the Dev team hard.

The recent speech about PvP and how PA recognizes it has lost sight of the heart of the game was commendable. At the very least, it reassured many players who are rightly frustrated with the game’s current direction.

However, make no mistake—you’re operating on borrowed time. The anticipation is building, and the community is closely scrutinizing every move you make. Global Labs must accelerate these changes—whether they are good or bad. It’s crucial that you establish a clear direction, and do it quickly.

You have the attention of the entire community. GIVE THEM A REASON TO STAY... GIVE US A REASON TO BRING OUR FRIENDS BACK TO THE GAME. This is a critical opportunity, and you cannot afford to squander it; this may be your last chance to keep this game alive.

I’m reiterating a warning I issued over a year and a half ago when I stated that the game was on a downward spiral and at a crossroads. You chose to overlook the valuable feedback from the player base, resulting in a mass exodus as players voted with their wallets.

This shift away from BDO prompted you to realize you had lost sight of what really matters: WE, THE PLAYERS. I am passionate about seeing my beloved game evolve and flourish again, but in the past, PA and the Dev team have made empty promises of change and understanding.

This time must be different. The community’s patience with insincerity is fading fast, and I personally reached my limit after witnessing no substantial changes last patch. The focus should not be on free mythical horses or a new class with mediocre damage.

Now is the time to rise to the occasion and deliver a knockout performance. It doesn’t have to be a grand slam, but we need a reason to celebrate your success. REMEMBER, TIME IS RUNNING OUT.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 27. Dez 2024, 14:21 (UTC)
# 2

undo all recent node war changes, is the first step simple. fnish scholar and now deadeye, they are clearly not finished classes. remove resistances in pvp(you said you would follow through) add 5-10 crons at a min to world bosses, add a second way to obtain voltarion not just boss blitz that so many find so garbage, if not fix it so its not so utterly buggy this should easily take up the first 3-4 months of the next year cycle. then add the palace of dead and the edana zones and the "hardcore" zone but for the love of god dont make it 2hour limit open it freely. 2hour content per day is spitting in our faces.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 27. Dez 2024, 15:16 (UTC)
# 3

I remember a time before awakening and a long list of classes being released, these forums stayed flooded with with complaints about the state of pvp. Only differences were the content of the gripe. Back then it was mostly about gear gaps, class balances, and broken mechanics. 

So, with this complaint, I must ask, are current pvpers wanting to bring back gear gaps, flavor of the month op classes, and broken mechanics? 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 27. Dez 2024, 15:53 (UTC)
# 4

None of these have left. Most pvpers are just tired of complaining about it.

The DR patch has exacerbated gear imbalance almost up to Renoun Score times, leading to a huge uphill battle when the opponent has somewhat higher gear, especially on classes with few self buffs and bad pvp damage.
Broken mechanics get added more and more with the new classes, like Maegu teleports, quick render distance blockjumps, vaccuums, shai, long term freezes, buffs and heals.

And Class balance is as messed up as it always is, with some classes being mandatory for any kind of group content (shai), some classes doing much more damage while being tanky (striker) or deleting others standing (awaegu) and similar issues. While other classes remain broken from things introduced ages ago (like the hit changes disabling Valkyrie in some of her combos and so on)
The thing is though that these are issues we have been dealing with for years, and still somewhat been fine, because at some point meta would change, new content would be added or new classes mix up the roster. However, at some point it just becomes too much, and many PvPers were simply disappointed from the lack of action (even if it was promised, like the Option 2 thing a year ago), while on the other hand PvP content was increasingly penalised (karma changes), reduced (1hr nodewars, mutual war decs, AoS before practice mode was introduced), or removed (one sided wars, old nw system).

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 27. Dez 2024, 16:10 (UTC)
# 5
On: Dec 27, 2024, 15:53 (UTC), Written by Minarya

None of these have left. Most pvpers are just tired of complaining about it.

The DR patch has exacerbated gear imbalance almost up to Renoun Score times, leading to a huge uphill battle when the opponent has somewhat higher gear, especially on classes with few self buffs and bad pvp damage.
Broken mechanics get added more and more with the new classes, like Maegu teleports, quick render distance blockjumps, vaccuums, shai, long term freezes, buffs and heals.

And Class balance is as messed up as it always is, with some classes being mandatory for any kind of group content (shai), some classes doing much more damage while being tanky (striker) or deleting others standing (awaegu) and similar issues. While other classes remain broken from things introduced ages ago (like the hit changes disabling Valkyrie in some of her combos and so on)
The thing is though that these are issues we have been dealing with for years, and still somewhat been fine, because at some point meta would change, new content would be added or new classes mix up the roster. However, at some point it just becomes too much, and many PvPers were simply disappointed from the lack of action (even if it was promised, like the Option 2 thing a year ago), while on the other hand PvP content was increasingly penalised (karma changes), reduced (1hr nodewars, mutual war decs, AoS before practice mode was introduced), or removed (one sided wars, old nw system).

This exactly

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 27. Dez 2024, 19:07 (UTC)
# 6

first time? they did the same thing last year and a year b4 that.

58 2061
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 27. Dez 2024, 19:48 (UTC)
# 7

they are milking this game.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 28. Dez 2024, 00:57 (UTC)
# 8

Yeah, they need to realize that this game is so much more than a cash-cow.

The potential being wasted is unbelievable.  It could easily be changed by the leadership either being replaced or returning to the original vision, and then hiring the people needed to get the job done.

All the content up through 2021 was amazing, though there were signs of lack of inspiration poking through,  Now everything is uninspired copy pasta.  If the leadership is tired and bored of this game......., guys, get up and leave, and let fresh folk take over.  If it's the devs who just can't seem to do good work, hire people who can.  This game can make money.  There's no good reason why it's being put out to pasture.  Apparently, it's not a very good cash cow.  So, let's make it a good game again.

Let's go, PA!  Make 2025 as great as 2020!

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 28. Dez 2024, 04:27 (UTC)
# 9

Maybe they should focus on making their game run better first.

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