Okay so i'm starting to become livid. I've started this quest, the first quest that you accept for marni's copy, you go and talk to the otter, you put the puzzle pieces together in yaz's pouch.. and i've finished the picture, i go back to the guy im supposed to show the picture to and he just wont let me continue the quest and like im freaking out because i need to be able to tag my drakania for her to have gear, she was force graduated because i wasnt able to be on long ago and im trying everything i can to be able to make her playable because she has so much valuable stuff on her. and i really dont want to make all of that work i had already done on her go to waste. like i dont even know how someone is supposed to help me, but i need to be able to finish this quest or else im fucked and i dont know what else to do. ive forfeit it, tried accepting it again multiple times but now he just wont say anything yet i have the finished picture in my damn inventory. Like... please for the love of god someone help me figure this out cause im gonna lose my shit if i fucked this up. If i cant finish this quest this sets me back months of progress and i already had to grind an insane amount to catch right back up... any thoughts on this would be appreciated.. thanks...
I'm not positive what you're talking about, but sounds like the pre-release Deadeye quest. Not sure what that has to do with tagging a character and everything else you said.