Region: EU
Family name : Awgust
Title. Please, This isn't the way to make war-content alive. It's legit FORCING players to do war content. PA, please... it's not a nice joke. I don't want to cope with war-content that isn't fun and trying to get Voltarion will make players feel like doing some really nasty chores. If you want to make war-content alive then you should make it fun. Don't force regular guilds or regulars other players that don't like doing wars into going to wars. No player will be happy and we will get even more mad about this. There are other great options: - Black shrine: Improve it! Each blackshrine boss drop 1 lightning trace once per week. |
agreed, i already made a post about this, also 25 for lead guild compared to 2 for node war win? sure roses its fortnightly but still really dumb idea. just make them all equal. considering its obvious it will have a t10 variant after so we need 600 traces total thats just unfeasable.
Region: EU
Family name : Awgust
Title. Please, This isn't the way to make war-content alive. It's legit FORCING players to do war content. PA, please... it's not a nice joke. I don't want to cope with war-content that isn't fun and trying to get Voltarion will make players feel like doing some really nasty chores. If you want to make war-content alive then you should make it fun. Don't force regular guilds or regulars other players that don't like doing wars into going to wars. No player will be happy and we will get even more mad about this. There are other great options: - Black shrine: Improve it! Each blackshrine boss drop 1 lightning trace once per week. |
I was waiting for a thread like that.
You're basically asking them to not make a special reward for PVPer when other dream horses, including t10 are aquired by lifeksilling, doing some content like race horse and more, some even afk.
What a joke.
PVPer & PVEer got FORCED to invest in lifeskill and in contents they maybe don't like in order to get their t9 / t10, and you, you're here crying "OH NO WHY THIS TIME I'M FORCE TO DO A CONTENT I DON'T LIKE TO GET A HORSE ??".
Anyway since lazy guy like you will complain, they'll make it easier to get.. Once again, they're trying to give a decent reward for a content, yet you want them to trade it and make tasteless.
I wouldn't mind it if there was a system set up that was similar to Guild Wars 2 pvp/wvw reward tracks. It wasn't generally something you could finish in a day either and some had to be repeated multiple times to acquire enough pieces of the stuff you wanted, but at least then you could space it out doing it on your own time as well as earn other neat items.
The problem is not so much that the horse is a reward for pvp content, but rather that it is a reward for bespoke pvp content. In order to participate in War of the Roses you have to be approaching endgame stats, win the lottery (be one of the 200 selected, or be selected as the leading guild), and not hard the game crash on you as the servers suffer from all the players in the same place. Siege and node war also require a lot of effort to make happen and connections to join in. Siege is a lottery as well. Apart from that, the major rewards are reserved for the handful of leaders.
Other sources of rewards come from the hardest bosses in the game.
It would be much better if Red Battlefield and Arena of Solare were added as sources of the new horse, as these activities can be done by players spontaneously at their own pace. It could be a daily/weekly quest, or added directly to the rewards for these activities
The problem is not so much that the horse is a reward for pvp content, but rather that it is a reward for bespoke pvp content. In order to participate in War of the Roses you have to be approaching endgame stats, win the lottery (be one of the 200 selected, or be selected as the leading guild), and not hard the game crash on you as the servers suffer from all the players in the same place. Siege and node war also require a lot of effort to make happen and connections to join in. Siege is a lottery as well. Apart from that, the major rewards are reserved for the handful of leaders.
Other sources of rewards come from the hardest bosses in the game.
It would be much better if Red Battlefield and Arena of Solare were added as sources of the new horse, as these activities can be done by players spontaneously at their own pace. It could be a daily/weekly quest, or added directly to the rewards for these activities
yeah we have been asking for better RBF rewards and this could of been it, maybe 1 trace for a win? or 2 for a win 1 for a loss, and it caps out weekly at say 50 thats still heavily timegated which is clearly what they want but not 2 years.
Ah yes, I look forward to the players who want to get the horse, but don't want to PvP queue up into PvP activities and do just enough to not get removed.
Players: we want PvP rewards!
PA: here's a PvP reward
Players: you're forcing us to do PvP to get a reward?!
If the reward would be something big, like equipment with better stats, it would be a problem imo. But it's just a horse, one that's not even better than the existing ones. It's like complaining that Nouverikant costs money or that you have to grind Crypt to get that other outfit. If anything, I'd like more special rewards, not just for PvP though, Lifeskillers should also get things finally.
No one forces you to do anything.
Different content in the game gives different rewards. So, if you want a particular thing, you do the activity that's tied to it.
That's how this game works. This is not different to anything else. You have to do training quests or racing if you want to get tier 10 attempts, you need to grind hystria if you want compass, you have to do dark rifts to attempt DEC kharazads, you need to do sailing quests if you want boat gear etc etc.
Want a particular reward - > do the activity that rewards it. It's a perfectly normal thing.
It's good that PvP gives some cool new rewards as well.
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