So I bought 2 Velia storage expansion 8+ slots and used it. I also bought character slot expansion and calpheon and heidel storage expansion. Character slot expansion is not reflected on the account ( I have not maxed out the slots, I only got like 9). Velia sotarge expansion is also not reflected. Has anyone encounter this issue before?
The char slot expansions only get shown when you actually use the coupon from your inventory, and then create the new amount of characters. The char creation menu will only ever show the next slot as unlocked, no matter how many more slots you have unlocked.
For the Velia storage expansion, did you actually use the expansion coupons in the inventory? And did your Value pack perhaps run out at the same time? Value pack gives 16 inventory / storage slots, and is given for free to new players / returners for 2 weeks.
I did use both coupons. So I tested it with loyalty points. So when I used Char slot with loyalty point I got additional slot. But the one purchased for returner coupon didn't work. I wasn't runing any value pack at the at the time. I double checked before using the storage expansion coupons.
Then I recommend sending a ticket to check whats going on.