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UTC 0 : 59 21. Sep 2024
CEST 2 : 59 21. Sep 2024
PDT 17 : 59 20. Sep 2024
EDT 20 : 59 20. Sep 2024
Female Armor outfits
25. Mai 2021, 23:27 (UTC)
2153 16
1 2
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 25. Mai 2021, 23:27 (UTC)
# 1

Allow us at the time of purchase to select betwen "Sexy" and Armored versions of outfits.  It makes zero sense to have Full Battle armor on top and nylons for the leggings.  

66 1583
Lv 49
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 25. Mai 2021, 23:30 (UTC)
# 2

I agree, there is a not negligible part of the audience that doesn't enjoy sexy outfits.


Personally I never spent on outfits because of the over sexualization of most them and wear the free Lemoria set for this very reason.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 25. Mai 2021, 23:39 (UTC)
# 3
On: May 25, 2021, 23:30 (UTC), Written by Smileybones

I agree, there is a not negligible part of the audience that doesn't enjoy sexy outfits.


Personally I never spent on outfits because of the over sexualization of most them and wear the free Lemoria set for this very reason.

I like some of the Sexy outfits, like Charles Rene, but the Crown Eagle, like "really?" Full armor on top including the helmet, Military stomping boots, but. bare ass upper thighs and nylons that don't even go all the way to the waist.  Or worse Shadow Chaser, full on platemail on top, with zero leg protection.


I'ts not so much that the sexy outfits are bad, some of them are really good, it's that mixing the 2 just flat out looks stupid.

66 1583
Lv 49
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 26. Mai 2021, 01:17 (UTC)
# 4
Écrit le : 25 mai 2021, 23:39 (UTC), par : Werbs

I like some of the Sexy outfits, like Charles Rene, but the Crown Eagle, like "really?" Full armor on top including the helmet, Military stomping boots, but. bare ass upper thighs and nylons that don't even go all the way to the waist.  Or worse Shadow Chaser, full on platemail on top, with zero leg protection.


I'ts not so much that the sexy outfits are bad, some of them are really good, it's that mixing the 2 just flat out looks stupid.

I don't mind sexy outfits enthusiasts being pleased, but other people also do exist and unfortunately they're mostly ignored in BDO fashion. Well, this has become less true with the introduction of free classic combat outfits but if you compare the choice given to sexy outfit lovers and the others there is still a huge imbalance.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 26. Mai 2021, 01:39 (UTC)
# 5

I am a sexy outfit lover and I feel personally attacks D:

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 26. Mai 2021, 07:44 (UTC)
# 6
On: May 25, 2021, 23:27 (UTC), Written by Werbs

Allow us at the time of purchase to select betwen "Sexy" and Armored versions of outfits.  It makes zero sense to have Full Battle armor on top and nylons for the leggings.  

What do you mean?

There are no outfits with two versions, where you get one as RNG after you buy it. You see the outfit before purchasing it, and you can decide when you like it or no.

244 4634
Lv 62
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 26. Mai 2021, 13:02 (UTC)
# 7
On: May 26, 2021, 07:44 (UTC), Written by PlasticDK

What do you mean?

There are no outfits with two versions, where you get one as RNG after you buy it. You see the outfit before purchasing it, and you can decide when you like it or no.

Go to the Underwear of female classes, You have 3 options (no stockings) Stocking version A, stocking Version B.


My suggestion is to add something similar to the more heavily armored outfits.  You can call the current version whatever you want, I am just using Sexy but you can use base or Original, whatever.  But let's just use Sexy and Armored to make things easier.


Crown Eagle, Current version is sexy with the open thighs and nylons showing on women.  What I am suggesting is you can select an armored version where there actually is leg armor, much like the Men have.


Shadow Chaser, the Sexy version has Nylons all the way down to the really short boots, on female, vs Male where there are greves that go up past the knee, and Leather armor between the botom of the full plate and where the greves end.  


Sin Terrna (DK) awsome upper half, then they just gave up on the design for the lower half.  Could use a completed versoin.


Altho the worst outfit of all of them is the Pila Fe Outlaw set.  Everything about the outfit's upper half is great boots even look good, but her pants, the female version is wearing a leather freaking diaper.  WTF?


As an example of what "Armored" really should look like there is La'Orzeka, and Nouver armor that just came out, or from the shop you can get Valoren from the Shop with chainmail leggings under the platemail parts.  

66 1583
Lv 49
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 26. Mai 2021, 13:12 (UTC)
# 8
On: May 26, 2021, 13:02 (UTC), Written by Werbs

Go to the Underwear of female classes, You have 3 options (no stockings) Stocking version A, stocking Version B.


My suggestion is to add something similar to the more heavily armored outfits.  You can call the current version whatever you want, I am just using Sexy but you can use base or Original, whatever.  But let's just use Sexy and Armored to make things easier.


Crown Eagle, Current version is sexy with the open thighs and nylons showing on women.  What I am suggesting is you can select an armored version where there actually is leg armor, much like the Men have.


Shadow Chaser, the Sexy version has Nylons all the way down to the really short boots, on female, vs Male where there are greves that go up past the knee, and Leather armor between the botom of the full plate and where the greves end.  


Sin Terrna (DK) awsome upper half, then they just gave up on the design for the lower half.  Could use a completed versoin.


Altho the worst outfit of all of them is the Pila Fe Outlaw set.  Everything about the outfit's upper half is great boots even look good, but her pants, the female version is wearing a leather freaking diaper.  WTF?


As an example of what "Armored" really should look like there is La'Orzeka, and Nouver armor that just came out, or from the shop you can get Valoren from the Shop with chainmail leggings under the platemail parts.  

So what you suggest is for them to create new outfits, since those versions you talking about is not exits.


I don't really see any chance that it happens, they are lazzy af, and put the bare minimum into the outfits. It doesn't matter how do they look, all give the same crons...


Also idk your taste, but crown eagle ain't looking sexy at all neither shadow chaser.

The diapers is an issue in multiple outfits/underwear, but probably some devs have diaper fetis.

244 4634
Lv 62
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 26. Mai 2021, 13:29 (UTC)
# 9
On: May 26, 2021, 13:12 (UTC), Written by PlasticDK

So what you suggest is for them to create new outfits, since those versions you talking about is not exits.


Also idk your taste, but crown eagle ain't looking sexy at all neither shadow chaser.

The diapers is an issue in multiple outfits/underwear, but probably some devs have diaper fetis.

Create new?  No more like finish the versions they have, they stopped half way through the creation process.


As for the Crown Eagle, no it doesn't look sexy, but it was clearly designed to look that way, personally I think the mixing of heavy armor and nylons looks really bad.


The only way to get something is to ask for it and suggest, some asshat just being contradictory because that's all they can do doesn't help.  So kindly shut the fuck up.

66 1583
Lv 49
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 26. Mai 2021, 14:36 (UTC)
# 10
On: May 26, 2021, 13:29 (UTC), Written by Werbs

Create new?  No more like finish the versions they have, they stopped half way through the creation process.


As for the Crown Eagle, no it doesn't look sexy, but it was clearly designed to look that way, personally I think the mixing of heavy armor and nylons looks really bad.


The only way to get something is to ask for it and suggest, some asshat just being contradictory because that's all they can do doesn't help.  So kindly shut the fuck up.

Well I had hundreds of suggestion and bug reports, I could count it in one hand how much time PA cared. Not like I would care if you waste your own time, but if you think that I'm biased, the shai topic is a clear example for anyone, how much they care about the players option: they don't.


Also KR like outfits this way, so suck to be you I guess....


ps: I think crown eagle looks bad aswell.

244 4634
Lv 62
1 2


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