Black Desert beginnt in Kürze.

Das Spiel wird gestartet, wenn Ihr den Launcher installiert habt.

Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

Sollte der Launcher bereits installiert worden sein, wird das Spiel gestartet.
Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


Solares Arena

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 08. Aug 2024, 09:19 (UTC)

Long ago, when Calpheon and Valencia had just discovered the other, they held a friendly bout in an arena where both brutes and refined knights fought one another. Currently, there exists no trace of the tournament, as it has all but disappeared from the annals of history. Its name was the Arena of Solare.


The Arena of Solare is 3 vs 3 match-type PvP content that you can enjoy without having to worry about differences in equipment (gear) specs.


You can compete in ranked or practice matches.
◈ Ranked Mode

In Ranked Mode, your overall ranking points will increase on wins, and decrease on losses.


During your fights, you will earn “Seals of Solare" which can be used to unlock new gear, magic crystals, and other items available in Arena of Solare.


Ranked Matches can only be entered during specific windows of time as highlighted below. Note that, in ranked matches, a team composed of three of the same class is not possible.


Arena of Solare ranked mode is available during the following hours:


NA Mon-Fri Sat-Sun
16:00 - 00:00 PDT
19:00 - 3:00 EDT
12:00 - 00:00 PDT
15:00 - 3:00 EDT
EU Mon-Fri Sat-Sun
15:00 - 23:00 UTC
17:00 - 1:00 CEST
11:00 - 23:00 UTC
13:00 - 1:00 CEST
◈ Practice Mode

For those wishing to just practice their skills, the Practice Mode is the Arena of Solare without the added pressure of ranking points. Although rewards are diminished compared to ranked season rewards, you also will not lose anything in case your team cannot overcome the odds.


You can match for the Arena of Solare Practice Match, even outside an ongoing ranked season, by going to the main menu (hotkey: Esc) → War (F7) → Arena of Solare → [Find Match].
Arena of Solare practice match hours: 


11:00 AM - 2:00 AM PDT
14:00 - 5:00 EDT
10:00 AM - 1:00 AM UTC
12:00 - 3:00 CEST


Note that participants will be matched to others of similar skill levels.


During practice mode, you will also be able to see your opponent's defense effects (Super Armor, Forward Guard, etc) displayed above their heads. You can also create parties of 2 or 3 other Adventurers and jump into the action of Arena of Solare together during practice mode.


In practice mode, a team composed of three of the same class is possible.

◈ Practice Mode Party Matching 

• You can start a practice match with up to 3 people in a party.  
• All party members must be on the same server in order for the party leader to start the match-making process. 
• During the match-making process, any party member can cancel the match search.
• During the match-making process, you cannot invite other party members, change party leader, or leave the party. Also, the matchmaking will be canceled in the event that one party member switches servers or characters, or disconnects from the game.
◈ Custom Match

In a custom match, you can enjoy the Arena of Solare with friends.
A custom match can be created through the Arena of Solare UI, where you can directly invite participants to join the game and assign teams.

How to Participate 

You can participate in the Arena of Solare from Lv. 60 with a character that has completed their Succession/Awakening questlines. Both season and non-season characters can participate.


You can use the Arena of Solare menu by going to the main menu (hotkey: Esc) → War (F7).


As mentioned above, Ranked Mode is only available during certain times, while Practice Mode is available outside of these times.

◈ Arena of Solare Exclusive Gear 

You must first set your exclusive gear loadout to enter the Arena of Solare.
You can select the gear you want to equip by pressing the [Set Gear] button on the Arena of Solare menu, next to your family name.

In addition to equipping exclusive gear, you can also select crystals you want to slot into your gear. 


Early on, you have access to basic gear and magic crystals. You can later use "Seals of Solare" that you get once a match ends to unlock a variety of other gear and crystals. 


Seal of Solare
Victory Draw Defeat
x30 x20 x15 


Press [Find Match] on the Arena of Solare menu with your arena-exclusive gear loadout set to begin auto-matching.
You will automatically enter the battlefield if all 6 participants accept once matching is complete.



Arena of Solare Rules 

In the Arena of Solare, you will not only be provided with equalized gear, but you will be restricted from using potions, meals, elixirs, etc. Your character’s recovery effects, AP, DP, Accuracy, and Evasion stats will each be applied according to a set ratio.


The following set of rules will additionally be applied in the Arena of Solare.


  • The team with the best 3 out of 5 rounds will win. Each round will last for a maximum of 3 minutes.
    • At the end of the match, the party with the highest total HP amongst the surviving players wins.
    • If the total HP is the same, the party with the higher total damage wins.
    • If total HP and damage are the same, the match will conclude in a tie.
  • You cannot use any type of potions, meals, elixirs, etc., and certain skills will be adjusted.
  • All potions are restricted. However, your character's default HP/MP/WP/SP recovery will be greatly increased.
    • The amount naturally recovered will be comparable to using Ornette's or Odore's Spirit Essences with a Fairy that has acquired the skill, "Miraculous Cheer V."
  • HP recovery skills will recover only 30% of the amount normally recovered.
  • The Guard Guage will be equalized across all classes.
  • All players' AP, Damage Reduction, Accuracy, and Evasion stats will be halved.
  • Any active meal, elixir, and perfume effects will be nullified, and their remaining time paused when entering the Arena of Solare. The effects and remaining time will resume upon returning to your original location after the match ends.
  • While in the arena, max HP will increase by 2000, and Critical Hit Rate, and Attack, Casting, and Moving Speeds will be set to level 5.
  • Upon entering the arena, Black Spirit's Rage, HP, MP, SP, WP, cooldown, and other functions will be completely recovered.
  • The cooldown for Emergency Escape will reset each round.
  • Only “elemental trace” buffs exclusive to the Arena of Solare will be applied for skills, exclusive gear, and the battlefield.
  • Effects from your Family's Adventure Log stats will not be applied.


The battlefields for the Arena of Solare include Gyfin Rhasia Temple, Jade Starlight Forest, Gowun Plateau Reeds, Olun's Valley, Manshaum Forest and Ruins of Tzol.
You'll randomly enter one of the battlefields for the Arena of Solare.


Gyfin Rhasia Temple Jade Starlight Forest
Gowun Plateau Reeds Olun's Valley
Manshaum Forest Ruins of Tzol



◈ Elemental Traces

They spawn in places within the arenas. Upon destroying them, you can obtain boons from each of the elements.
You and party members nearby can receive the effects of these elemental boons (excluding Wind’s Song).
10 seconds before the elemental traces appear, a light effect will indicate the spot where they will appear. 


– Flora’s Breath: Recovers HP.



– Water’s Chill: Increases All DP for 20 seconds.



– Fire’s Warmth: Increases All AP for 20 seconds.



– Wind’s Song: Increases Attack/Casting/Movement Speed by 25% for 30 seconds. However, you cannot share the buff with your party.




Elemental trace buffs obtained on the battlefield will be displayed as an icon above your character’s head.


Placement Matching

Upon starting Ranked Mode, you will enter the "placement matching" process.
The starting score for placement matches will be allotted based on your final score at the end of the previous season. If you did not participate in the previous season, your starting score will be 7000.
A total of 10 placement matches will be played per family. If you win, you will receive four times more victory points than usual.
Points will not be deducted upon losing during placement matches. However, the penalty for deserting a match will be the same.

Match Points and Emblems of Solare

Points will be awarded or deducted according to the results of the match, and you will be awarded an Emblem of Solare based on your point bracket.

You can earn more points the longer you maintain a winning streak.



◈ Ranking Point Deduction

If you don't participate the matches for certain period in higher score range, your score will be periodically reduced based on your grade. 


  • V Solare(over 2401 points)
    • If you don't participate more than 2 days, 50 will be deducted each day starting the next day.
  • IV Radiant Spear(2101~2400 points)
    • If you don't participate more than 2 days, 40 will be deducted each day starting the next day.
  • III Twilight Spear(1801~2100 points)
    • If you don't participate more than 3 days, 30 will be deducted every other day starting the next day.


For example, if you played your final match on January 1st after achieving Solar Incarnate [V], points will be deducted 3-2 days later on January 4th.


Deserter Penalty 

If you leave in the middle of a match, you can use the reconnect window to return to the battlefield before the match ends.
Penalty points are accrued depending on the circumstances behind you leaving a match.
◈ Circumstances

• If you don't re-enter the match: deserter penalty gained
• Re-entered the match but lost: loss points gained
• Re-entered the match and won: victory points gained
◈ Penalty

• Deserter Penalty 1: Additional point loss after match ends
• Deserter Penalty 2: Additional cooldown before matching for the next match


The Arena of Solare’s rankings and records menu allows you to view detailed information of other Adventurers.
You can click the magnifying glass icon next to other Adventurers’ names to view their information, such as whether they play Awakening or Succession, their skill add-ons, and their current gear setup.

 You can also view the top 20 ranked Adventurers by class by selecting "Class" in the top right corner of the ranking UI.



 ➤ For more information on knockdown, down smash, super armor, and other offensive effects, please check the [PvP] page.


Exclusive Rewards

Characters of Adventurers who have ranked 1st in each class in the official Arena of Solare season will be made into NPCs and placed in the Battle Arena.



Adventurers who ranked among the top 100 in the official Arena of Solare season will receive the Solare Knight Outfit Box via in-game mail (hotkey: B). Open the box with the character you wish to obtain the Solare Knight Outfit.



At the same time, also via in-game mail the same Adventurers will receive the title “Solare Knight.” To obtain the item, right-click on the title item attached to the letter.
This title can be used until the end of the following official season of Arena of Solare.



Finally, they will also receive the Glorious Solare Box, which includes x1000 Cron stones, and several perfumes, elixirs, draughts, and x30 Item Collection Increase Scroll.


Do you have spare Seals of Solare? Exchange them at anytime for the following rewards through the "Manage Currency UI":

Always Available
Gold Bar 10G
Seal of Solare x1
Box of 3 Whale Tendon Potions
Seal of Solare x1
Whale Tendon Elixir
Seal of Solare x2
Marni's Unstable Fuel
Seal of Solare x5
Perfume of Courage
Seal of Solare x15
Khalk's Elixir
Seal of Solare x15
Elixir of Deep Sea
Seal of Solare x15
Once per day
Essence of Gallantry
Seal of Solare x20
Essence of Courage
Seal of Solare x20
Essence of Honor
Seal of Solare x20
Once per week
Item Collection Increase Scroll x3
Seal of Solare x20
Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst x30
Seal of Solare x20
Sturdy Forest Tread x3
Seal of Solare x30
Tough Whale Tendon Elixir x5
Seal of Solare x20
Superior Whale Tendon Potion x25
Seal of Solare x20
Enhancement Help Kit III x1
Seal of Solare x30
Chilling Fragment x10
Seal of Solare x30
Corrupt Oil of Immortality x3
Seal of Solare x35
Once per Family
Main Weapon Exchange Coupon
Seal of Solare x5,000
Awakening Weapon Exchange Coupon
Seal of Solare x5,000
Sub-weapon Exchange Coupon
Seal of Solare x5,000


* The content of the game guide may differ from the actual game content, depending on the update and content changes.

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