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Mediah Monster Zones

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 11. Jun 2024, 14:00 (UTC)

If you’re around Level 51 ~ 52, the main questline will lead you to Mediah. It doesn’t really matter where you go first, depending on your level or equipment level, as the main questline will guide you throughout the land. Mediah has been known as a lawless land ever since the event called Three Days of Darkness, and because of that, the monster zones within Mediah have a very different atmosphere from the ones in Calpheon. You'll also gain more EXP and loot here, so consider it a stepping stone toward becoming a mid-level player.

Lastly, Mediah is the territory where most classes will undergo their Awakening and Succession questlines, in which they’ll be tasked with defeating monsters from several of the monster zones described here.

Abandoned Iron Mine

Back in the day, this was the main mining node in Mediah, but now it has been taken over by the Barbarians who came from the south. There are no rules in this cacophonous place: only the strong ones survive.

Key Points



Recommended Level

Level 51~53


Distance From Town


It’s close to town, but the monster zone is huge

User Density


You might get to say hi!



Easy, but there are exceptions...

Hunting Satisfaction


If you can manage to get both the big and the small ones...

Unique Drops

Defense Gear, Accessories

Manos Craftsman’s Clothes, Beia’s Black Magic Gloves, Asula’s Crimson Eye Necklace, Ridell Earring

Mount Parking Location


Depends on the starting point  

1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Mostly Lv. 50 ~ 53 monsters
• Melee: Rhutum Guard, Red Orc Guard, Red Orc Sentinel, Saunil Guard, Khuruto Chaser, Khuruto Guard, Rhutum Sheriff, Saunil Sheriff, Khuruto Executor, Khuruto Sheriff
• Ranged: Rhutum Chief Priest, Thunder Drummer, Lightning Trumpeter
• Others: Tacky Fire Cannon, Tacky Stone Wagon
• Violent: Imp Work Supervisor, Troll Work Supervisor
2) Features
This monster zone has high monster density, but since the roads are a spiral it might be difficult to come up with a good route.
This is the largest monster zone in the entire territory. So it’s important to plan where to start.
You can get daily quests from the Black Spirit along with battle quests from Abun.
You can also get the Asula’s Crimson Eye Necklace that increases AP by 11 and DP by 3.
2. Level/Equipment Requirements

Normal monsters are not that difficult to deal with once you get to the recommended stats, but the violent monsters can be scary. You need to be careful of the violent monsters if your stats are a bit on the lower side.








Note that even if you have AP that is above the recommended stats, the efficiency does not increase after a certain level.


3. Strategies

1) Precautions
Here, you can find both the melee and ranged monsters. The best way to get rid of them is to corner the melee monsters to where the ranged monsters are.
The violent Imp Work Supervisor and Troll Work Supervisor provide various kinds of loot. But you should be careful since you can get caught between them and get debuffed.
The Asula’s Crimson Eye Necklace is dropped by normal monsters rather than violent ones.


2) Key Locations and Route
If your movement speed is fast, the pit inside the Abandoned Iron Mine could be a good option. If not, it’s better to settle around the Saunil District node or the Abandoned Iron Mine Entrance node.

Due to the monster zone being so large, it’s important to determine where you want to start.


4. Major Item Drops

Manos Craftsman’s Clothes
Magic Crystal of Infinity Box
Beia’s Black Magic Gloves
Asula’s Crimson Eye Necklace
Ridell Earring
• Black Stone (Armor & Weapon)
• Forbidden Book
• Ancient Magic Crystal - Cobelinus
• Ancient Magic Crystal of Abundance - Armor



5. User Density

It is often the first monster zone an Adventurer will experience in Mediah. There are Adventurers who exclusively seek out the violent monsters, so you might run into them from time to time. But since the area is so big, you’ll have enough space for yourself.


Wandering Rogue Den

These rogues used to wander around Mediah. But recently they set up a camp on the cliffs of the Junaid River. There have been rumors saying that they are coming up with an evil plan. But it’s all rumors since no one was able to return.


Key Points



Recommended Level

Level 51~53


Distance From Town


Relatively close to Tarif

User Density


You might find others doing quests here



Be cautious of the Giant Soldiers...

Hunting Satisfaction


The thrill of hunting a group of giant monsters is great

Unique Drops


Necklace of Shultz the Gladiator, Belt of Shultz the Gladiator

Mount Parking Location


In front of the Highland Junction Exploration Node Manager



1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Mostly Lv. 50 ~ 54 monsters
• Melee: Wandering Rogue, Wandering Rogue Fighter, Blind Pugnose
• Ranged: Wandering Rogue Elementalist
• Others: Wandering Rogue Obsidian Altar, Wandering Rogue Prison
• Violent: Wandering Rogue Giant Soldier
2) Features

The rough roads can be rather painful the first time around, but the monster density is quite high.

You should get to know the geography for future node wars! (It’s very important)

You can carry out quests from various places such as Tarif, Highland Junction, and Kasula Farm.


2. Level/Equipment Requirements

You may suffer many attacks from the ranged monsters if you’re not familiar with the geography, so having high DP will increase your efficiency. A lot of monsters use stiff / stun skills, so it would be good to have resistance toward these.









Note that even if you have AP that is above recommended stats, the efficiency does not increase after a certain level.


3. Strategies

1) Precautions
Always be careful around the violent Wandering Rogue Giant Soldiers and the Wandering Rogue Elementalists, since they have high attack power. It is best to take out the Wandering Rogue Elementalists first. For the Wandering Rogue Giant Soldiers, since they have high HP, you should attack them from behind.


2) Key Locations and Route
There is one spot with high monster density deep inside the den. If you start from here, you’ll have more efficiency than starting from the outside. The Belt and Necklace of Shultz the Gladiator will get dropped from time to time. These items are cost-effective, so you can earn quite a bit of silver by selling them.



4. Major Item Drops

Magic Crystal of Infinity Box

Belt of Shultz the Gladiator
Necklace of Shultz the Gladiator

• Black Stone (Armor & Weapon)
• Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature - Adamantine
• Black Spirit’s Claw Piece
• Forbidden Book

5. User Density

The Adventurers who just entered Mediah used to visit here in order to level up. Recently high-level adventurers have been visiting here to obtain Black Spirit’s Claw Pieces. But it doesn’t really get crowded, so you do not have to worry.


Manes Hideout

It is unclear when, where, or how the Manes appeared. Ecologists say that it’s hard to believe that hyenas just evolved into a human-like form, and started walking on two feet.
One thing for certain. They don’t act dirty like the hyenas do.


Key Points



Recommended Level

Level 51~53


Distance From Town


Tarif is just around the corner!

User Density


You can have the place to yourself



Together with the hyena family

Hunting Satisfaction


The cute little Manes are pretty interesting...

Unique Drops


Belt of Shultz the Gladiator, Necklace of Shultz the Gladiator

Mount Parking Location


Wherever is fine. Don’t worry.



1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Mostly Lv. 50 ~ 54 monsters
• Melee: Small Mane, Big Mane, Giant Mane
• Ranged: Agile Mane
• Violent: Giant Mane
2) Features
A monster zone where there is a mix of melee and ranged monsters.
No stress in having to travel back and forth and taking time to rest since it’s close to Tarif.
Here you can do daily quests from the Black Spirit, and other quests at Tarif as well!



2. Level/Equipment Requirements

If you’re at the recommended stats, you won’t have an issue as long as you don’t run into a violent Giant Mane.









Note that even if you have AP that is above recommended stats, the efficiency does not increase after a certain level.


3. Strategies

1) Precautions

Because the violent Giant Manes will occasionally appear, players with stats on the lower side should stay alert. You should get rid of the Agile Manes first since they bother you at close range.


2) Key Locations and Route

Monsters are spread out pretty evenly, so the efficiency will be similar for any route you decide to take. If your equipment level is at a recommended level, aim for the southern part of the river stream, where there are a lot of Giant Manes.



4. Major Item Drops

Magic Crystal of Infinity Box

Belt of Shultz the Gladiator
Necklace of Shultz the Gladiator
• Black Stone (Armor & Weapon)
• Ancient Magic Crystal - Addis
• Ancient Magic Crystal - Carmae
• Forbidden Book
• Trace of Nature

5. User Density

Adventurers who just arrived at Mediah come here since the EXP efficiency drops after you reach Lv. 52 ~ 53. If all the monster zones of Mediah are crowded, you should come here since it’s close to Tarif and you can get items such as the Forbidden Book.
Also, you might get lucky and get the Belt or Necklace of Shultz the Gladiator.


Helms Post

Home of the Helm, a Barbarian tribe native to Mediah. Usually, they aren’t particularly friendly to outsiders. It is said that they used to be Dwarves who lived in the South Drieghan. Some suspect the reason they came up here was because of some internal conflict within the tribe, but only the Helms, who are very reluctant to communicate with outsiders, know the truth.

Key Points



Recommended Level

Level 51~54


Distance From Town


You can repair your equipment from the nearby Node Manager

User Density


Sometimes there are none, sometimes there are many



Need to always watch out for the Golems

Hunting Satisfaction


Quite high!

Unique Drops

Accessories, Defense Gear

Asula’s Crimson Eye Ring, Asula’s Crimson Eye Earrings, Ancient Guardian’s Seal, Scarla Necklace, Mediah Merchants Union Helm

Mount Parking Location


Park at NPC Bolero in front of the Helms Post



1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Mostly Lv. 50 ~ 59 monsters (most human type)
• Melee: Helm Miner, Helm Two-Axe Warrior, Helm Hammer, Helm Angry Hammer, Helm Big Mace, Helm Small Mace, Helm Big Axe, Helm Iron Shield
• Ranged: Helm Hunter, Helm Golem
• Others: Helm Tribe Mine, Helm Tribe Forge, Helm Tribe Mineral Wagon
• Violent: Helm Golem
2) Features
The monster density is moderate, so the efficiency is similar everywhere.
The area is quite large, so an increase in movement speed will be pretty effective.
You need to take the Helm Golems that are hiding everywhere pretty seriously even if you fulfilled the recommended stats.
You can get the Asula’s Crimson Eye Earring which has an AP of 7 and Max HP increase of 25 as well as Asula’s Crimson Eye Ring which has an AP of 7 and DP of 2 pretty easily here.



2. Level/Equipment Requirements

Due to the nature of the monster zone, having a high DP is more efficient compared to having a high AP.










Note that even if you have AP that is above recommended stats, the efficiency does not increase after a certain level.


3. Strategies

1) Precautions
Most of the monsters have low DP, but they have high AP. So you should learn to perform skills that can stop their attacks.
You should be careful of the Helm Golems (Lv. 59) that are distributed throughout the monster zone. They have extremely high HP and AP and cast magical skills from a distance, so even an Adventurer with the recommended stats can get killed instantly. If you don’t think you can win, just run for your life.


2) Key Locations and Route
The northwest part where there are a lot of monsters is the most popular, but other places are not that different. The Helms Post has various kinds of loot and you might get lucky enough to get the Scarla Necklace and earn some money. If you have pretty good attack power and the recommended stats, you can gain pretty good EXP as well.



4. Major Item Drops

Magic Crystal of Infinity Box

Asula’s Crimson Eye Ring
Asula’s Crimson Eye Earrings
Ancient Guardian’s Seal
Scarla Necklace
Mediah Merchants Union Helm
• Black Stone (Armor & Weapon)
• Ancient Magic Crystal - Viper
• Forbidden Book

5. User Density

Although it’s not as popular as the Sausan Garrison or the Elric Shrine, there is a consistent number of Adventurers that visit Helms Post. It’s generally not too crowded unless there’s a Combat EXP event in progress, so think of it as a place for everyone.


Abandoned Mine

It is a mine that can be found inside the Helms Post. It used to belong to the Altinova Merchants Guild, but it seems like they abandoned it after the Helms took over. It is said there are many strange dwarves infused with some sort of power here.



Key Points



Recommended Level

Level 54~56


Distance From Town


No towns nearby

User Density


Have you heard about Blackstar gear?



Try to meet the recommended stats

Hunting Satisfaction


Skirmish against more powerful Helms

Unique Drops

Accessories, Defense Gear

Same as Helms Post

Mount Parking Location


Same as Helms Post



1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Mostly Lv. 50 ~ 59 monsters (most human type)
• Melee: Helm Devourer, Helm Crusher, Helm Destroyer, Helm Raid Captain
• Ranged: Helm Hunter, Helm Devourer
• Violent: Helm Golem
2) Features
The path inside the Helms Post is connected to the dungeon-like Abandoned Mine.
A mix of Helms Post monsters and Abandoned Mine monsters appear here.


2. Level/Equipment Requirements

The Helms within the mine have infused themselves with ancient powers, requiring you to be more alert than when dealing with the normal Helms outside. As such, try to be above the recommended stats for the overall Helms Post when delving into the mine below.



3. Strategies

1) Precautions

The Helm Devourers and Crushers are powerful and are immune to debuff skills such as knockdown, bound, and floating. Try and use skills that inflict stun or stiffness when you’re dealing with them. Since there are many Helm Golems that roam around the area, you should always be cautious even if you have the recommended stats.


2) Key Locations and Route

The Helm underground dungeon has a spiral structure. The monster density is pretty high as well.



4. Major Item Drops

Same as Helms Post. 



5. User Density

Despite the low EXP efficiency, there is a constant stream of Adventurers that come here for the Blackstar and Fallen God’s Armor quests. However, they usually don’t stay for long, so you should be able to have the area for yourself.


Elric Shrine

It is a temple built on the eastern hills of the Rumbling Land. The followers of an evil god have taken over the place.
According to the documents that fill up the Elric Monastery, the ethereal Black Spirit, or black energy, has its roots in ancient times and involved the ancient civilization.



Key Points



Recommended Level

Level 52~55


Distance From Town


Tarif is the closest town with storage

User Density


One of the monster zones mainly used for leveling up



As long as you have the recommended stats

Hunting Satisfaction


A trembling sensation

Unique Drops

Accessories, Defense Gear

Outlaw’s Ring, Asula’s Crimson Eye Belt, Derek’s Light Leather Shoes

Mount Parking Location


The stairs up to the Elric Shrine



1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Mostly Lv. 51 ~ 54 monsters
• Melee: Elric Layperson, Elric Follower, Elric Cultist
• Ranged: Elric Priest, Elric High Priest
• Others: Decayed Swamp Monster, Elric Shamanic Tree, Ritual Tool of Corruption, Rotten Swamp, Rotten Sand Tower
2) Features
Monsters are evenly spread inside of the shrine at the highest point, as well as around the Canyon of Corruption below.
You can get pretty decent Combat EXP if you are an Adventurer around Lv. 53 to 55.
The monsters here have high DP and HP, so it requires more AP compared to other monster zones.



2. Level/Equipment Requirements

You will have no problem if you fulfilled the recommended stats since, there are no other variables.










Note that even if you have AP that is above recommended stats, the efficiency does not increase after a certain level.


3. Strategies

1) Precautions
You should get rid of the Elric High Priests and the Decayed Swamp Monsters first since they have powerful ranged attacks.


2) Key Locations and Route
The monster density is higher at the Canyon of Corruption than the area around the shrine node, so it’s more popular. The EXP gain is not that bad compared to Sausan Garrison, so it’ll be a good monster zone any time.
This monster zone is quite attractive because you may obtain Asula’s Crimson Eye Belt which has the effect of increasing AP by 6 and the weight by 100LT. You can also get the Outlaw's Ring which has the effect of increasing AP by 3 and DP by 4.



4. Major Item Drops

Magic Crystal of Infinity Box

Outlaw’s Ring
Asula’s Crimson Eye Belt
Derek’s Light Leather Shoes
Black Stone (Armor & Weapon)
Ancient Magic Crystal - Harphia
Forbidden Book
Trace of Nature

5. User Density

Adventurers between levels 54 and 55 visit Sausan Garrison to level up. When that location is full, they tend to visit the shrine. You should check the number of horses that are parked at the stairs and find somewhere else to hunt if there are too many horses.


Sausan Garrison

You can see the northwestern areas of Mediah and the sea from this fort built on a hill. It was originally ordered built by the royal family of Mediah to protect the marine trade routes from pirates, but now it has been occupied by the Sausans, the native Barbarian tribe of Mediah.

Key Points



Recommended Level

Lv. 53~55


Distance From Town


Repair available at Sarma Outpost. Kusha is a nearby town

User Density


Crowded everywhere



Tough monsters with various ranged attacks...

Hunting Satisfaction


Come as a swarm, die as a swarm

Unique Drops



Mount Parking Location


Depends on the route



1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Mostly Lv. 54 ~ 57 monsters (human type)
• Melee: Sausan Assassin, Sausan Soldier, Sausan Guardian, Sausan Watch, Tough Sausan Soldier, Sausan Scout
• Ranged: Sausan Sniper, Sausan Cannoneer
• Others: Sausan Tent, Sausan Supply Chest, Sausan Golden Wagon
2) Special Features
It is a good place to be in for a long time since the monster zone is large and there is a high density of monsters.
You can get a good share of Contribution EXP if you get the daily quests from Sarma Outpost.
It gets crowded with Adventurers at levels 54 to 55, so sometimes there is a lack of monsters.
If you have the recommended stats, it has the highest EXP gain from Lv. 54 to Lv. 55.
There are many kinds of items that get dropped here. You’ll have to go back to the town soon if you don’t have a wagon.



2. Level/Equipment Requirements

You would have no problem hunting if you fulfilled the recommended stats since there’s no other variables, no matter what your class is.









Note that even if you have AP that is above the recommended stats, the efficiency does not increase after a certain level.


3. Strategies

1) Precautions

These human-type monsters are rather tough, so you could increase the efficiency here by consuming food (such as Knight Combat Rations) or elixirs (such as Elixir of Human Hunt) that give you additional damage against these monsters. On your first visit, you might be taken aback by the ranged attacks of the Sausan Snipers and the Cannoneers’ attack. You should get rid of them together by cornering the melee monsters to where the Snipers and Cannoneers are.


2) Key Locations and Route

It is not a bad idea to stay on the outskirts of the garrison, but if you go inside following the route by the cliff, you’ll find a higher density of monsters.

Sausan Garrison is an extremely efficient monster zone for leveling up, to the point it is tagged with the #Lots of Monsters trait tag in the Monster Zone Info window.


4. Major Item Drops

Magic Crystal of Infinity Box

• Black Stone (Armor & Weapon)
• Grunil Defense Gear Box
• Forbidden Book
• Trace of Nature


5. User Density

Adventurers between levels 54 to 55 come here often since it gets difficult to level up at this point. This place is good for earning EXP although there is no unique item drop here. During nighttime, and within the first few days of every season, there might even be more Adventurers than monsters!
If you get stressed about being around too many Adventurers, you should try other places, like the Elric Shrine or Helms Post.


Soldier’s Cemetery

A cemetery located in the southern mountain range. It used to be the resting place of heroes who got killed during the war a long time ago.
Recently, a group of suspicious sorcerers appeared, and the skeletons came out from their graves and started walking around.

Key Points



Recommended Level

Lv. 54~55


Distance From Town


Relatively close to Heidel

User Density


Occasionally a player can be found here and there



It’s a matter of how quickly you can adapt

Hunting Satisfaction


High monster density, so it’s pretty fun!

Unique Drops


Mesto Earring

Mount Parking Location


In front of the Exploration Node Manager NPC



1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Mostly Lv. 54 ~ 57 monsters
• Melee: Frenzied Skeleton, Frenzied Skeleton Axeman, Grudged Skeleton, Frenzied Skeleton Watchdog
• Ranged: Frenzied Skeleton Rifleman, Frenzied Black Sorcerer
• Other: Grudged Sword
• Violent: Frenzied Skeleton Decurion, Frenzied Skeleton Centurion
2) Features
It might seem like there is nothing there, but if you go closer, the skeletons will appear.
The monster zone is pretty small and the routes are not flat, so you should be careful.
You can carry out the daily quests around the Node Manager NPC.



2. Level/Equipment Requirements

It will be more efficient if you fulfill the recommended stats. The higher your level is, the more efficient you’ll be.











3. Strategies

1) Precautions

The powerful ranged attacks of the Frenzied Skeleton Riflemen and Frenzied Black Sorcerers could be very dangerous if your DP is low. You need to kill the Frenzied Skeleton Riflemen as soon as possible. The melee monsters will approach you in an invincible state, so you need to always watch out. They can also attack you from any direction, so don’t let your guard down. Note that the Decurion and Centurion that appear sometime are quite tough.


2) Key Locations and Route

There are no specific good or bad locations as the monsters are well dispersed throughout the monster zone.

Sausan Garrison is an extremely efficient monster zone for leveling up, to the point it is tagged with the #Lots of Monsters trait tag in the Monster Zone Info window.


4. Major Item Drops

Magic Crystal of Infinity Box

Mesto Earring
• Black Stone (Armor & Weapon)
• Ancient Magic Crystal - Hystria
• Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature - Adamantine
• Forbidden Book
• Trace of Nature


5. User Density

It’s a great place to earn Skill EXP if you have the recommended stats after you reach Lv. 54. But it might be a little bit difficult compared to the Sausan Garrison or Elric Shrine, so it’d be more efficient for Adventurers who are above the recommended stats.
There is valuable loot to obtain here, and the Mesto Earring that can be earned from time to time helps you earn money, so if there are too many Adventurers in Sausan Garrison or Elric Shrine, visit here.


Hasrah Ancient Ruins

The Hasrah Ancient Ruins, accessed from a cave in Hasrah’s Cliff, are full of living ancient weapons that protect the ancient relics buried there.



Key Points



Recommended Level

Lv. 54~56


Distance From Town


Tarif is the closest town

User Density


You can find other Adventurers doing their Awakening & Succession quests here



Aim to fulfill the recommended stats

Hunting Satisfaction


Battling against the Ancient Weapons will never get boring

Unique Drops


Ancient Weapon Core

Mount Parking Location


At the entrance to the ancient ruins



1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Mostly Lv. 55 monsters
• Melee/Ranged: Kamol, Balten, Ruins Stoneback Crab
• Melee: Kukuri, Kamel
• Ranged: Buruko
• Other: Ancient Ruins Guard Tower
2) Features
It is a dungeon-like monster zone filled with tough creatures known as ancient weapons.
You will find giant rooms connected by narrow corridors as you explore the dungeon. Adventurers tend to call these rooms as rooms 1/2/3.
The Combat EXP gain efficiency is not that great, but it’s relatively good if you want to earn some silver.



2. Level/Equipment Requirements

Going above the recommended stats will help earning more silver.











3. Strategies

1) Precautions
You should reach the recommended stats before entering the monster zone since there are many ranged monsters with strong attacks. When you come here, try to kill the Kamol, Balten, Buruko, and Ancient Ruins Guard Tower first. In this dungeon-like monster zone, Balten will provide the most loot. So go to areas where there are a lot of Baltens.


2) Key Locations and Route
It’s good to settle in one of the giant rooms (Room 1, 2, 3) within the dungeon.

Park your mount near the cave’s entrance.



4. Major Item Drops

Magic Crystal of Infinity Box

Ancient Weapon Core
• Black Stone (Armor & Weapon)
• Ancient Magic Crystal of Abundance - Armor
• Forbidden Book


Note that you can use Dawn’s Resentment arranged together with Mark of Shadow x2 and Shrine Guardian Token x2 to craft Dawn Earring.



5. User Density

There are not that many Adventurers here, but there is a fair amount most of the time due to the different class Awakening & Succession quests asking you to kill monsters here.
You should definitely visit Hasrah Ancient Ruins at least a couple of times due to its atmosphere, it being the entrance to the Kratuga Ancient Ruins, and the Ancient Weapon Core that can be obtained here being a good source of gold, silver, and sharp black crystal shards.

Shultz Guard

To the east of the main structures of the Sausan Garrison. The people who followed the hero of the Sausans, Shultz, came back.
The Sausans who left Mediah after the death of Shultz searched for the power that revives the dead on the other side of the ocean, and now they’ve returned, one step closer to their goal.



Key Points



Recommended Level

Lv. 56~58


Distance From Town


Sarma Outpost, located nearby

User Density


Next door to the always-crowded-Sausan Garrison



One of the most difficult monster zones in Mediah

Hunting Satisfaction


Strong monsters, great rewards!

Unique Drops


Belt of Shultz the Gladiator, Necklace of Shultz the Gladiator

Mount Parking Location


Try to find a nice and quiet spot for your horse



1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Mostly Lv. 58 monsters (human type)
• Melee: Shultz Guard Gladiator, Shultz Guard Armored Soldier
• Ranged: Shultz Guard Sniper
2) Features

There are a lot of monsters in a small area, which the Monster Zone Info window deems fit to categorize with the #Lots of Monsters tag. As a result, this monster zone is labeled a group area. It is most suited for parties of 3 Adventurers. Get ready before you challenge yourself!

These are stronger monsters compared to Sausan Garrison, but the Combat EXP you get is high as well. Similarly, this zone offers a weekly quest from Sarma Outpost to earn a good amount of Contribution EXP.

You can get cost-efficient items such as the Belt of Shultz the Gladiator and Necklace of Shultz the Gladiator, but the true value of the monster zone might lie in other item drops, such as the Caphras Stones.

Additionally, this zone has the Agris Fever trait, which means it consumes fewer Agris Fever points compared to other monster zones.



2. Level/Equipment Requirements

It’s a place that’s completely different from the Sausan Garrison. They are stronger, and they hit harder. However, you can get a good amount of silver here, so the joy you receive is greater as well.











3. Strategies

1) Precautions
It’s a rather small location with a lot of monsters.
Since the area you can move in is on the small side, you’ll be able to stop the unnecessary HP reduction if you’re able to get the Shultz Guard Sniper who attacks from behind.
All the monsters that appear are human type, so like in the Sausan Garrison using Knight Combat Rations and Elixir of Human Hunt will increase your efficiency here.


2) Key Locations and Route
This place is the so-called go board. There are some places with high monster density. Thus, if you have the required combat ability, the efficiency is pretty much the same anywhere.
The place with the highest density is where there are a lot of red tents.
If there are a lot of Adventurers there, you should move along the coastline.



4. Major Item Drops

Specter’s Energy

Lesha’s Artifact - Melee Evasion
Lesha’s Artifact - Melee Damage Reduction
Marsh’s Artifact - Melee AP

Magic Crystal of Infinity Box
Necklace of Shultz the Gladiator
Belt of Shultz the Gladiator
Black Stone (Armor & Weapon)
Mass of Pure Energy
Caphras Stone
Grunil Defense Gear Box
Ancient Spirit Dust
Forbidden Book



5. User Density

You might find parties of Adventurers here, though in lower quantities compared to other party zones.

Kratuga Ancient Ruins

In recent times, groups of Adventurers found a sealed door deep within the Hasrah Ancient Ruins. Exposing either a Black Spirit’s Claw Piece or an Unsealed Ruins Slate to the gate, they found it opened, revealing an entirely new wing of the complex no one knew even existed until then.



Key Points



Recommended Level

Lv. 61


Distance From Town


The nearest town is Tarif

User Density


You might find other Adventurers seeking to make a profit



One of the most difficult monster zones in Mediah

Hunting Satisfaction


Did you like Hasrah? This is better!

Unique Drops

Accessories, Artifacts

Tungrad Earring, Laytenn’s Power Stone, All Combat Artifacts

Mount Parking Location


At the entrance of the Hasrah Ancient Ruins



1. Monster Types and Level

1) Basic Information
• Mostly Lv. 60 ~ 65 monsters
• Melee: Kimel, Elqueesh, Belloten, Bamole, Laytenn
• Ranged: Puruko
2) Features

To enter the Kratuga Ancient Ruins, you must be in possession of either a Black Spirit’s Claw Piece, or an Unsealed Ruins Slate. The latter can be obtained within the monster zone by combining Sealed Ruins Slate x3 dropped by the ancient weapons there.

Once inside, you will notice the different monsters can apply skill effects to your character.
Puruko will apply a -10 AP debuff, while Belloten can inflict knockdown on you, and Elqueesh can inflict stiffness.


◈ Kratuga’s Security Alert System

While you’re within the monster zone defeating ancient weapons, the security alert system might activate. This security system has 3 levels.
Stronger monsters will appear as a higher level of security is activated.

If the level 1 security is activated, monsters will appear from different locations than previously; defeat all of these monsters within a fixed timeframe and the 2nd level of security will activate. 

At level 2 security, larger-sized Elqueesh and Belloten will appear; defeat all of these monsters within a fixed timeframe and the maximum level of security will activate.

Once the maximum level of security is activated, <Ancient Extermination Weapon> Laytenn will appear.
This Laytenn is stronger than the one that appears in the desert at night and has a higher chance to drop Laytenn's Power Stone.



2. Level/Equipment Requirements

The monsters here are undoubtedly stronger than those of Hasrah Ancient Ruins. As such, extreme precaution is needed if you enter before checking the recommended stats.











3. Strategies

1) Precautions
These ruins are large, and like Hasrah, have several big rooms where ancient weapons gather.
Watch out for the ranged Puruko debuffing your attack power. The attacks of all the melee monsters are powerful but slow. Try to avoid them as much as possible.
If the security system is activated and you believe you might be overrun, run!


2) Key Locations and Route
After the initial corridor, you’ll come across a spiral room with several tunnels into other rooms which are all interconnected between them. There is no preferable room, nor best route.



4. Major Item Drops

All Combat Artifacts
Tungrad Earring
Laytenn’s Power Stone
Black Stone (Armor & Weapon)
Sealed Black Magic Crystal
Mass of Pure Energy
Yona’s Fragment
Caphras Stone
Sealed Ruins Slate
Traveler’s Map
Ancient Spirit Dust
Forbidden Book


You can combine x3 Sealed Ruins Slate to create Unsealed Ruins Slate, which will allow you to enter the ruins without having to use a Black Spirit’s Claw Piece.

The Elkarr is a powerful crystal that can be used to craft Crystal of Elkarr via simple alchemy (hotkey: L). Crystal of Elkarr offers All Accuracy +12 and Ignore All Resistance +10%, and is highly sought after.


5. User Density

This monster zone takes advantage of having the #Agris Fever trait, which means Adventurers might come here due to not having to spend as much Agris Fever when defeating enemies.
Additionally, the Crystal of Elkarr is always a good option for your equipment, so those that want to either craft it or sell it can be found here obtaining Elkarr.
Finally, most if not all combat artifacts can be obtained here, making the Kratuga Ancient Ruins an attractive choice for those on the hunt for them.


* The content of the game guide may differ from the actual game content, depending on the update and content changes.


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