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1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 1 : 57 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 3 : 57 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 18 : 57 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 21 : 57 Jul 26, 2024
Info about things like bufffood and else for grinding? Bufffood cap existing, too?
Sep 3, 2021, 22:24 (UTC)
1112 4
Last Edit : Sep 3, 2021, 22:24 (UTC)
# 1

Hi everyone,

My thread is about all things like Bufffood and other things, which "supposedly" increasing the damage or alike. 

If I'm searching the web for it (how does bufffood accomplish or how useful the oputcome is about cooking and else which I don't want to know xD

So... does anyone have a list or a test or any data which is specially showing how much and how esepcially bufffood like the different cronmeals, elixiers or parfume deals a difference between them or if not having any buff acitve?
Or even more if there is even a softcap or cap in generell existing even for this??
Are there specially combinations which you need to use for it becoming effektive? Or what special Gear, Accuracy what ever do you need to get this buff working?
-> how did I come up with this??
The thing is I recently tried to grind this Elvira spot Biraghi cave *most effectively*.
So I tried different bufffood and elixirs to take those mobs down faster (not asking for trash/H or alike, it's all about to kill faster)
1: simple cron meal + beasts draught + parfume of courage.  -> still lacking effektiveness somehow.
2: exqusite cron meal + giants draught (which is supposedly the very best of all for my class because of special damage) + parfume of courage. Exactly equal, no difference...
3: for fun to test it completely without any buff. AGAIN NEARLY NO DIFFERENCE???

Now the big joke, all 3 times I tried with or without the damage output was pretty the exact same even without buffs... The only thing is, I believe the parfume did a little tiny bit of a difference compared to the last one completely without buffs.

*Hind: Maybe, I can imagine this is exactly the same case which I saw on critical damage.
I made a comparism and uploaded even pictures which were showing still as Kakao was the publisher,- I noticed if having crit damage crystals and else, the difference is soo ridicolous tiny, you rather should use different things which giving additional HP or alike instead of using the sould cristal pack or else... It does nearly no difference at least in PVE.
For that when they said before in ancient time you totally need a crit dmg crystal if using Nouver, otherwise the golden Yuria or Rosar because of the +10 special dmg, Yes but is it worth tghe tiny not noticable difference?
It was more like you're using food and else if you're still not on T5 on your stats showed on P- critical hits or attack speed for example.

So . . . it would be great if someone got more info about it, can show some data or alike for this, Because somehow it can't be for real. Why is Bufffood for damage existing, if the differenced is also most likely not really noticeable. Or I'm doing something wrong. OR maybe there are some requirements (special gear, high/low/waht ever gear, specific amount if accuracy and else)


15 90
Lv Private
Last Edit : Sep 4, 2021, 03:32 (UTC)
# 2

PVE Damage Comparison Calculator


think this is what you are looking for??? it's a calculator by bignshiny that compares the damage difference between two different builds/setups so you could see the effectiveness of one build over another. you have to make a copy of the doc to edit it btw


Last Edit : Sep 4, 2021, 05:20 (UTC)
# 3
Am 04. Sep 2021, 03:30 (UTC), von GriefingStar

PVE Damage Comparison Calculator


think this is what you are looking for??? it's a calculator by bignshiny that compares the damage difference between two different builds/setups so you could see the effectiveness of one build over another. you have to make a copy of the doc to edit it btw


#OK thx, I'll take a look.

EDIT: No this wasn't what I was lookiong for. I wanmt data or info for bufffood or other buffs which are temporally active by using food, elixiers or alike.

Sadly it's just calculated together on the paper. So said you can calculate in total like 5+ 5+ 5 are 15, and this are X% additional dmg, just much more complex.
But the thing is, "on paper", not what really aplies in the game.
So I want data and proof if for exmaple some monsters are immune to things like additional "back attack buffs" or else, or if there is a cap- for exmaple if having XY elixier activated, the cronmeal don't affekt the monster anymore and things like this.

15 90
Lv Private
Last Edit : Sep 4, 2021, 14:23 (UTC)
# 4
On: Sep 4, 2021, 05:08 (UTC), Written by Veoh

#OK thx, I'll take a look.

EDIT: No this wasn't what I was lookiong for. I wanmt data or info for bufffood or other buffs which are temporally active by using food, elixiers or alike.

Sadly it's just calculated together on the paper. So said you can calculate in total like 5+ 5+ 5 are 15, and this are X% additional dmg, just much more complex.
But the thing is, "on paper", not what really aplies in the game.
So I want data and proof if for exmaple some monsters are immune to things like additional "back attack buffs" or else, or if there is a cap- for exmaple if having XY elixier activated, the cronmeal don't affekt the monster anymore and things like this.

From what I recall, all monsters/players are vunerable to back attacks, which is a x1.5 dmg multiplier in pve and x1.2 in pvp as per this. Also elixir/draughts/meals stack on each other but you can't stack elixirs on elixirs or things like that. As per the sheet you are dealing ~4.6% less dmg using exqusite cron meal + giants draught rather than simple cron meal + beasts draught + parfume of courage and that isn't taking into account the accuracy which is about 4% hit rate in favor of the exqusite cron meal + giants draught set up as per here. So taking those two into account it makes some sense why they are pretty similar but the "simple cron meal + beasts draught + parfume of courage" set up is slightly more effective.

If you want more info and data, bigandshiny( has chat commands for all sorts of bdo related stuff






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